Skilled Investigator
Exactly. What I usually say is something like this: All proof is, is evidence that is sufficient to justify belief in a claim, and some people require more evidence than others. Therefore what we need to consider is whether the kind and quantity of evidence is reasonable enough to justify belief. When it comes to UFOs, first of all there's nothing unscientific or logically incoherent about the possibility of alien craft. That combined with decades of inquiry into thousands upon thousands of reports of such craft leads to the conclusion that the probability is very small that all reports result from hallucinations, misperceptions, and all the rest.
Therefore the logical and most reasonable conclusion is that some cases probably represent observations of real alien craft. Hence belief is reasonable, and therefore the best evidence qualifies not only as proof for some people, but well supported proof. Skeptics will often try to discard such evidence because it doesn't meet their standards, but this is simply a debating tactic and does not suddenly make all the experiences of thousands and thousands of people over many years suddenly disappear. Many of us know alien craft are real from our own observations alone.
As the human male is the valuer of all psychic considerations, he already stated that the UFO condition is an artificial condition and ET an extra signal in the terrestrial of Earth and also "artificial".
The only artificial condition that exists on Planet Earth is the introduction of the nuclear sciences and their conversion of natural atmospheric and stone fusions.
Nuclear sound belonging to the fusion of both stone and metals.
Why is it that humanity finds it hard to understand that human occult sciences are aware that they are causing the UFO condition, called unidentified only because it is artificial.
The ancient human male awareness drew pictures of the brain/mind images that he gained when he altered the natural nuclear fusion of stone (for levitation of stone blocks), and he placed a spiritual presence and imagery inside of the falling out nuclear O sound body. This is due to the fact that artificial held constants produces in the sound body imagery by manifestation interaction/wavelength conversions.....and as cloud reactions attest if you cared to observe atmospheric reactions to natural light and sound images form in the reactive state of cloud formation.
As nuclear sciences brings the conversion wavelengths to the ground state to interact with their nuclear sciences in buildings, nature and human life was attacked and our natural chemical and cell state began to convert, which is why metallic implants formed beneath the skin in the attacks. As our own natural state/blood has iron in it, there is no excuse in modern times to believe anything other than what is being witnessed.....metallic bodies can also form in the artificial state and then disappear. The nuclear sciences are attacking the natural cellular life of Nature and has been trying to convert our bodies/minds.
As all forms of spiritual awareness status demonstrates spirit and manifestations appear and then disappear, demonstrating that the condition belongs to the occult practices, as the human occult scientist is more than aware of.
With the condition of human disappearance is various states of human observations....UFO conditions can cause "levitation conditions" or sucking up. Huge bodies of nature have been displaced elsewhere by being sucked up.
Secondly is the condition witnessed by humanity in the activation of nuclear conversion signals....human self combustion and in some cases the near disintegration of the human presence observed. As you get turned into a pile of dust, what evidence would be left?
As the human mind is chemically affected by the unnatural nuclear/chemical wavelength interaction human kind can also wander from their vicinity without being aware.
As I was irradiated intensely myself in a fall out wavelength condition, I thought I was going to self combust, which is why I understand by psychic information and recordings that ice melting cooled the wavelength attacking me and Nature. Hence I became aware that some of our human and animal family have not been so lucky in the interactive wavelength condition as observed by many.