It's this that makes posting on the Paracast Forum often unpleasant
"The courtroom is a crucible. In it, we burn away irrelevancies until we reach the truth, for all time." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: TNG .
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It's this that makes posting on the Paracast Forum often unpleasant
I don't care what you think about any larger issue.
You know, I'm not so sure about that Tyger.@mike This is appalling. Why are you 'going after' a 92 year old man? That he is so clearly able to still coherently counter your smear of his wife is amazing to me (that you would sink so low is astounding as you now represent the Paracast as an administrator on this site) - but I would suggest that @AlanValiant cease communications on this thread. You are not being respected - and you deserve that at least. There can be disagreement but everyone deserves a gentle hand. Such harshness, @mike just comes back to haunt one in one's own emotional life. It's that pesky karma coming to roost, as Alan speaks about.
But the free information doesnt stop there, The turin shroud is real because:
The Turin Shroud is in fact genuine. The image was produced on the shroud by a means of spiritual radiation which altered it at the atomic level. This is the reason the carbon dating makes it appear from a much later date. A Course In Spiritual Philosophy explains the reasons for the shroud and the truth behind the life of Jesus
All of these have been debunked many times, most are up on the wiki page for the shroud for crying out loud.Regarding the formation of the image on the shroud caused by a form of spiritual radiation, consider the evidence:
‘The results show a short and intense burst of UV directional radiation can colour a linen cloth so as to reproduce many of the peculiar characteristics of the body image on the Shroud of Turin,’ the scientists said. The image of the bearded man on the shroud must therefore have been created by ‘some form of electromagnetic energy (such as a flash of light at short wavelength)’, their report concludes. Turin Shroud 'was created by flash of supernatural light' | Daily Mail Online
Regarding the rejuvenation of the cloth at the atomic level:
In the scientific paper 'Shroud-like coloration of ultraviolet radiation' by Paolo Di Lazzaro, he refers to the 'selective aging' of the Shroud, how the micro fibers that constitute the image are more yellow than the rest of the shroud.
Shroud-like coloration of linen by ultraviolet radiation
When STURP ran tests on the shroud in 1978, they remarked how it is like 'a new, expensive tablecloth'.
Dr. J. Heller of STURP wrote "The Team expected the Shroud to be in a delicate condition. This would normally be the case, since linen cannot survive well in temperate climates, such as in France and Italy. This is especially true to the high level of humidity that exists there, as oxidation, organisms like bacteria and fungi would cause it to decay, become brittle and break down. But, it was not. It was supple, strong and felt almost like a new, expensive tablecloth. Although the linen was covered with mildew spores, there was no evidence of active mildew on it. This is incredible considering the water stains, blood stains and humidity, which should have provided an excellent media for the mildew to grow on. We still have no explanation for this or for its splendid condition".
All of these have been debunked many times, most are up on the wiki page for the shroud for crying out loud.
It's a medieval fake. The church doesn't even claim it's real. Give up.
Sigh.No, none of those points have been debunked. The Wikipedia page refers to these studies, it does not debunk them.
Ultraviolet radiation[edit]
In December 2011 scientists at Italy's National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Development ENEA deduced from the STURP results that the color of the Shroud image is the result of an accelerated aging process of the linen, similar to the yellowing of the paper of ancient books. They demonstrated that the photochemical reactions caused by exposing linen to ultraviolet light could reproduce the main characteristics of the Shroud image, such as the shallowness of the coloration and the gradient of the color, which are not reproducible by other means. When subsequently illuminated with a UV lamp, the irradiated linen fabrics behaved like the linen of the Shroud. They also determined that UV radiation changes the crystalline structure of cellulose in a similar manner as aging and long-duration background radiation.[197][198]
Paolo Di Lazzaro, the lead researcher, indicated in an e-mail interview that '….it appears unlikely a forger may have done this image with technologies available in the Middle Ages or earlier', but their study does not mean the Shroud image was created by the flash of a miraculous resurrection, contrary to how the story was presented in the media, especially on the Web.[199] Professional skeptic Joe Nickell states that the latest findings are nothing new despite being "dressed up in high-tech tests", and that they don't prove much of anything.[199]
While the outside world forms general impressions of Pope Francis, insiders tend to see any new papacy through the prism of their own particular interests.
Liturgical traditionalists, for instance, have already voiced some reservations about Francis’ penchant for informality and setting aside the rules, while the church’s peace-and-justice constituency is almost giddy with enthusiasm.
On Saturday, another camp got its first glimpse of what Francis might mean for their concerns, and their early verdict seems mixed: Shroud of Turin devotees.
At the moment, the famed shroud is on a special televised display organized by Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia of Turin. It’s the ninth such public display of Catholicism's most famous cloth since the beginning of the 19th century.
Though there have been various scientific efforts to date the shroud, certitude has been elusive, and opinion remains divided between those who believe the linen cloth was the actual burial garment of Jesus, and those who believe it’s a pious invention from the Middle Ages.
Pope Francis dispatched a message for the new display in which he referred to the shroud as an “icon of a man scourged and crucified.”
The use of the term “icon” rather than “relic” amounts to the usual Vatican caution, given that the Holy See has never officially pronounced on the shroud’s authenticity, though since Pope Julius II in 1506 it has encouraged devotion to the crucified Christ aroused by the cloth.
Yes, what you've done there is quote the reference to the studies, thanks for that. The only 'debunking' going on there is a 'professional sceptic', whatever that is, saying the tests don't 'prove anything'. Pretty simple business, isn't it, this debunking lark?
I'm about to write you off as just another asshole
What's your agenda here, man?I think you might be just about ready to take on someone your own size. Whitley Streiber is full of wild and dangerous claims, and he has a following. Instead of constant attacks on some old guy no one has heard of, why not protect us from a real menace? Think of the glory! You'll have to mount up and take the battle to him. Careful though. He's not as nice as George. You just might get your ass kicked, but it's worth the risk. You've outgrown this little pond. Go on, it's your duty.
I'll make some popcorn.
I have no agenda. I just don't like bullies. Especially self-righteous ones who abuse their positions.