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Barry Chamish episode sound quality

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Is he Jewish himself? That's what I assumed cos I figured only a Jew would risk stating what he did - although I am interested in this 'Labour Zion' party or whatever, sounds intriguing..
It was a hard edit, because some of his stuff wasn't altogether clear. But, as I said, this was a guy who had the promise of a lot of fascinating things to say, but ended up throwing mud at the window.
More than throwing mud my opinion of him was consolidated by two comments that Chamish may feel he can have a pass in saying that, "Jews. know nothing," and that, " Jews are stupid." However, I don't care who you are, such racialized commentary is beyond problematic and is never acceptable. Such offhand comments do call into question his own view of Israeli history, along with any other "hard nosed journalism" he claims he abides by. Consequently, his whole presentation was bubkis. I was quite interested in hearing about ufo & occupant stories from a part of the world we rarely do but I filed this episode under "delete" because I could not take him seriously.

On the up side I was really intrigued by Chris' comments that suggested during times of cultural turmoil perhaps the masses are somehow responsible for lights in the sky - an intriguing possibility. But that comment, like every other word the hosts tried to squeeze inbetween Chamish spelling his name and hawking his lulu wares in black and white, not colour, was lost in his maudlin performance. "Look, you don't know..."
Keep rolling the dice guys. You've got to make some misses along the way. Those can be interesting too, even if not for the reason intended!
A little OT, but I'll take this opportunity to vent regarding one of my pet peeves of the digital age: Poor audio quality delivered by various and diverse communications services. Note my criticism is in no way directed at The Paracast. Gene and Chris always sound just fine at whatever bit rate. Major offenders seem to be cellular providers. Perhaps this is due to skimping on bandwidth. I also wonder if we are into a generation or two of users who have become so used to it they don't complain. :endofrant:
An old fashioned landline, without a portable phone, is best as far as telecom connections are concerned. Skype is better, but not all guests have a decent mic at hand. I've urged some guests to get decent hookups, but we're still at the mercy of what they have. Some cell phone connections are utterly horrible. There are newer technologies that should make it better, but the cheap phones many people get just don't make the cut.
Chris was bringing up some very basic and non combative points and Chamish was shouting him down. He doesn't seem very interested in debate. Soap boxes are his fancy.
I'm halfway through the show right now, and the combination of his potato-powered phone and his habit of talking in 10 minute-long run-on sentences has allowed none of it to actually enter my brain. I even completely missed the racists remarks that you guys are talking about. I guess you can't win em all with the guests :(
Worst. Episode. Ever.

I get more coherence from my two-year-old son recounting an episode of Thomas the Tank Engine.


Well have to agree with your comments and the individual should think very carefully on his comments regarding issues in the Middle East and historical war crimes which ever state has blood on its hands.
Nothing surprises me there Gene and to think war only causes destruction to all involved . Furthermore, racism should have no place in our World but in reality its taught not a birth rite.
I've urged some guests to get decent hookups, but we're still at the mercy of what they have. .

As a tech-savvy person & a professional, any suggestions you could give? Preferably something under 100 bucks? ;)

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to skip this one. It's just too difficult for me to understand what he's saying --I do detect some slurring in his voice, which might confirm a previous stroke. My dad had a (mild) one of those, but thankfully he fully recovered from it. But for that, the patient needs to really do the work & practice everyday in order to 're-learn' how to speak --then again, with someone like my mom, staying silent is not an option ;)
Thanks as always Gene and Chris for the show but this one... hmm not really sure how to put it.

Anyway many here have said much of what I was thinking so I am not going to go over any of that here, what did stick out to me was him talking about these so called 7 foot aliens floating around in an apartment.

So just a question.

How high is the average stud (height) of an apartment roof? I get the feeling that these guys would have been bent over or floating around with their heads in the ceiling :eek:
Just a consideration.
Is he Jewish himself? That's what I assumed cos I figured only a Jew would risk stating what he did - although I am interested in this 'Labour Zion' party or whatever, sounds intriguing..
I think so, based on his last name. However, I think I understood when he called Jews "stupid." What that drunk was trying to say is that Jews at least in the past are/were relatively trusting -- hence the idea that the ramp-up to the Holocaust really wasn't that big a deal. And let's be real; no one thought that was gonna happen. However, I don't think anyone can call any modern Israeli (since that group was the focus) unaware or overly trusting. Look at their history and geography.