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BBC and Rendlesham - again

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Paranormal Adept
Dear colleagues.
For previous coverage and debate about Rendlesham (August 2010) connected with Evan Davis piece check this archived post:

It seems now that BBC is preparing new take on the case again. Check up their new article pasted below.
Rendlesham Revealed: New evidence in UFO mystery By Mark Murphy BBC Suffolk Breakfast Show presenter
Mark and alien friend will be presenting new evidence It's hoped one of the greatest Suffolk mysteries of all time is about to be solved once and for all, with new evidence to be revealed on BBC Radio Suffolk. In December 1980 something strange happened in the forest close to the giant twin US airbases of Bentwaters and Woodbridge.
Was it a UFO crash landing or was it simply the light from Orford Ness lighthouse? Whatever it was it's caused years of debate, speculation, gossip and rumour. Now after 30 years, I'm hoping to reveal what happened in Rendlesham Forest and have joined up with the East Anglian Daily Times to finally uncover the events of December 1980.
On the evening of Friday, 17 December I'll be presenting a special programme on BBC Radio Suffolk from the Bentwaters Cold War Museum.
I'll be revealing new evidence that I believe will finally reveal the truth and put the conspiracy theories to bed for good.
Your memories
In the meantime I want to hear your memories of the event, and your thoughts on what really happened.
Thirty years later, do you now feel confident about coming forward?
E-mail mark.murphy@bbc.co.uk

So what did happen? Let's go back 30 years and get an overview based on various accounts.
RAF Bentwaters in 1985 , when it was a United States Air Force base Security at two American Air bases - RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters, which held one of NATO's largest nuclear stockpiles, is as tight as usual. Radar screens sweep and blip. On the evening of 26 December, 1980 at 3am there is a report of a possible air crash near the perimeter fence at RAF Woodbridge. Three security officers go to investigate. They radio back mentioning a strange glowing object in the forest - metallic in appearance and triangular in shape (two metres by three metres across the base and two metres high). What is considered unusual is the information which is logged at Woodbridge police station. In the incident book there is a log of a sighting of strange lights in the sky. Someone reports a bright fireball. Rendlesham Forest, which lies between the two bases, is illuminated by a white light. D Flight of security police responds to a 'falling star' report outside the weapons storage area. Lt Col Charles Halt, the deputy commanding officer of RAF Woodbridge was then called. They see an object with pulsing red lights on top and a bank of blue lights underneath, hovering or on legs. As the patrolmen approach, it manoeuvres through the trees and disappears. Later that night, an intense red light moves and pulses through the trees and breaks into five separate white objects and disappears.
UFO traces
Three star-like objects are then seen in the sky, moving rapidly in sharp, angular motions and displaying red, green and blue lights.
Rendlesham Forest, the scene of the alleged UFO crash One patrolman later described how the air seemed charged with electricity, how his hair stood on end and that they seemed to be walking in slow motion.
He said he examined the craft which was covered with strange symbols, and touched the smooth, black, glass-type fabric.
It then slowly moved back, weaving in and around the trees, to about 40 feet away, then rose up into the air and shot off as fast as you could blink. It appeared to be under some sort of intelligent control.
The next day, three depressions could be seen on the ground where the object appeared, and when the area was checked for radiation, beta/gamma readings peaked at the spot where it landed.
Two nights later, again at around 3am, the duty flight commander for the security police unit rushed in to a belated Christmas party white as a sheet.
"The UFO is back", he said.
Lt Col Charles Halt changed into his battle fatigues and goes back into Rendlesham Forest.
From a nearby farm they could see, maybe 20 degrees off the horizon, three white objects - elliptical, like a quarter moon - with blue, green, and red lights on them, making sharp, angular movements.
A red sun-like light moved and pulsed through the trees.
One military witness later said: "Here I am, a senior official that routinely denies this sort of thing and diligently works to debunk them and I'm involved in the middle of something I can't explain."
One of the patrolmen has since claimed that the whole episode was documented on video and stills but these have never come to light.
Halt was to claim later that two rolls of film he took never came out.
The Ministry of Defence's (MOD) official response has been dismissive but Nick Pope, who for three years was in charge of the MOD's UFO investigations has gone on record to say: "You had a number of US Air Force personnel at a very important base in Suffolk having seen a structured craft moving through Rendlesham Forest.
"It almost appeared to be leading them on a merry chase through the woods.
"My conclusions: Type of craft: unknown. Origin: unknown. Purpose of craft: unknown I guess."
Cover up?
Was the lighthouse at Orford Ness responsible for the light?
There is uncertainty as to whether this is proof of an actual alien encounter and an official cover up.
Sceptics say that the eyewitness accounts differ widely and contradict each other - and some tales have grown in the telling since 1980.
In his memo to the MOD, Lt Col Halt even seems to have got the date of the first sightings wrong.
The story has since been thoroughly re-examined and some plausible explanations have emerged:
 Close by is a lighthouse which strobes brightly into the forest at low level;  There was a brilliant meteor over southern England at the exact same time;  The upper stage rocket of a Soviet satellite, Cosmos 749, had broken up on re-entry;  One star was reported as being exceptionally bright between Christmas and New Year;  Could the mysterious object have been one of the earliest trials of the Stealth bomber?
 Could it have been a US spy satellite dropped on Suffolk by mistake?
 On the ground, the "triangular" marks left at the landing site could simply be rabbit diggings and as for the radiation spikes, the readings taken were so low, they are insignificant.
So what do you think happened? Were you there at the time? Did you see or hear anything strange?
Get in contact, and tune in on Friday, 17 December for the new evidence which I'm confident will change people's opinions of what happened.
Dear colleagues.

Download link for audio:
ADrive | 50GB Free Online Storage, Online Backup, Cloud Storage
Station: BBC Suffolk
Show: Mark Murphy Breakfast
Broadcasted: November 1st, 2010
(for instructions how to download from Adrive links go to the end of this message)

Description and details:

In recent article (BBC - Rendlesham Revealed: New evidence in UFO mystery), radio host Mark Murphy from BBC Suffolk has stated that he is preparing special show on Rendlesham that will be broadcasted from Bentwaters Cold War Museum on December 17th

On November 1, prelude for that special was broadcasted inside regular show "Mark Murphy Breakfast" on BBC Suffolk. Mark has confirmed once more that he is preparing the special and he is calling listeners and witnesses for cooperation. Mark has stated few times that he hopes that mystery will be solved during the special. On other occassion he adds that he is now fairly convinced that he knows what has happened. During one segment, he also makes it clear that he don't think that event could be explained with lighthouse theory or with a lights from the police patrol car.

I have processed 180 minutes of the whole "Mark Murphy Breakfast" show and I have extracted only the references about Rendlesham. The lenght of edited audio is now 29 minutes (so you will never have to listen whole 180 minutes - here is everything you will need). So once more, here is the download link:
ADrive | 50GB Free Online Storage, Online Backup, Cloud Storage
Also preparation for special is already covered in 2 articles for East Anglian Daily Times:

Tapes shed light on forest’s UFO riddle
Listen: Tapes shed light on forest’s UFO riddle - News - East Anglian Daily Times
Help us solve the Rendlesham UFO mystery
Incredible audio: Help us solve the Rendlesham UFO mystery - News - East Anglian Daily Times

As we are approaching towards 30th anniversary of the Bentwaters incident, it seems that skeptics are already fixing bayonets from their side of the trench :)
Tim Printy has just published new edition of of his SUNlite devoted to Rendlesham.
Download link:

For previous coverage and debate about Rendlesham (August 2010)
connected with previous BBC piece by Evan Davis check this archived post:
Re: BBC Article On UFOs
I have been near that place which even in the daytime was creepy. We accidently manged to get through a side road during the seventies near the fence and end up parked next to a number of anti-ballistic missles just in a small clearing the S D & Red caps jump down our throats once they found us having a beer or two after hunting.
Well it must be a truly in depth piece of journalism and investigation of the utmost highest kind of stuff and gubbins and things. The BBC Suffolk Breakfast show. Wow ... and I thought Panorama was cutting edge. The BBC Ooop North programme will apparently be doing in depth studies of Morgellons Disease soon and the BBC Trentbridge Gardening Show will be doing a super-dooper indepth study of Pentagon Super Soldiers next year. Well I never ... :D.

This has been a really badly written piece of stuff and gubbins and things from your over paid BBC correspondent in NZ,

paraschtick (who really does have a BBC voice regardless of what you think actually ... matey :D).

ps ye gods!!!
Dear colleagues.
For previous coverage and debate about Rendlesham (August 2010) connected with Evan Davis piece check this archived post:

It seems now that BBC is preparing new take on the case again. Check up their new article pasted below.


The saga continues. British SUN has published article today with this spectacular title:

30-year Brit UFO Tapes released
Source: [URL]http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3209378/Recordings-released-of-US-military-probing-UFO-in-British-woodland.html#comment-rig

Of course they forgot to mention that Halt's tape is already available for more over 20 years. Same kind of spectacular journalist release can be achived with simple google search from your home :) But of course, that is in SUN's nature :)
The British 'Sun' , my favorite tabloid in the world. I thought the german version 'Bild' was bad, but soccer world cups and 'ufos' taught me a lesson. ;)

The same company publishes 'Bild' and the 'Sun' , makes a lot of sense.
Hi uforadio,
Those skeptics would shit their pants if they were placed in that type of situations which entailed highly stressful and life threatening events such as Col Halt teams at Bentwaters so the skeptics can Kiss My Ass! Furthermore, those skeptics let others watch the front line so they can sleep well at night and hide in their hubs.

Take my hat to all those Cold War Veterans and God bless them,
Hi uforadio,
Those skeptics would shit their pants if they were placed in that type of situations which entailed highly stressful and life threatening events such as Col Halt teams at Bentwaters so the skeptics can Kiss My Ass! Furthermore, those skeptics let others watch the front line so they can sleep well at night and hide in their hubs.

Take my hat to all those Cold War Veterans and God bless them,

Hi Blowfish.

About skeptic perspective - Jim, John and Charles recently discussed about most of the skeptic statements and they corelated those statements with their direct experience on the ground. For anyone who is interested in this I am sending links about those recent discussions (Recent Evan Davis piece broadcasted on BBC was also discussed there):

Behind the Paronormal - recent ones:
Hour 1:
Hour 2

Paranormal Cafe:
Part 1
Part 2:
Part 3:

Index page for all of the Rendlesham specials so far-Behind the Paranormal:
5 shows so far

Best Wishes
Peter Robbins and I spent a day at Rendlesham Forest a year ago.

There was a distinct circular patch of ground in the field at Capel Green where the object landed on the third night and was reported to be surrounded by armed USAF personnel. Nothing would grow there for several seasons: Peter dug his soil samples from this circular area, together with controls from the surrounding field, and took them to MA for comparative analysis back in the 1980s.

The distinctive circular area containing the calcified soil has now been completely ploughed over by the farmer, who then dumped a load of new soil on top of the site. He was reportedly fed up with UFO researchers coming into his field and digging up the soil, and at times became quite hostile when people trespassed on his land.

I like the way Suffolk County Council has erected numbered wooden posts throughout the forest complete with a small gray alien head, marking the "UFO trail."
Dear colleagues.

Download link for audios (Other data in the text after the links):

WEEK #1 Prelude show for BBC Rendlesham Special - Nov. 1 to Nov. 6, 2010

Prelude Show #1
- this one was already sent in my previous report
Broadcast: November 1, 2010
Station: BBC Suffolk
Show: Mark Murphy Breakfast
Download link for audio:
ADrive | 50GB Free Online Storage, Online Backup, Cloud Storage
First big prelude show. Lots of announcements and many comments with recorded survey from streets - Portion of Charles Halt's tape broadcasted - Listener calls in - Interview with Terry Hunt, editor from East Anglian Daily Times - Interview with presenter David Whiteley from BBC Inside Out Show.

Prelude Show #2
Broadcast: November 2, 2010
Station: BBC Suffolk
Show: Mark Murphy Breakfast
Download link for audio:
ADrive | 50GB Free Online Storage, Online Backup, Cloud Storage
Announcements for BBC special.

Prelude Show #3
Broadcast: November 3, 2010
Station: BBC Suffolk
Show: Mark Murphy Breakfast
Download link for audio:
ADrive | 50GB Free Online Storage, Online Backup, Cloud Storage
Announcements for BBC special.

Prelude Show #4
Broadcast: November 4, 2010
Station: BBC Suffolk
Show: Mark Murphy Breakfast
Download link for audio:
ADrive | 50GB Free Online Storage, Online Backup, Cloud Storage
Portion of Charles Halt's Tape broadcasted - Special inteview with Philip Mantle, editor of UFO Matrix magazin.

Prelude Show #5
Broadcast: November 6, 2010
Station: BBC Suffolk
Show: Mark Murphy Breakfast
Download link for audio:
ADrive | 50GB Free Online Storage, Online Backup, Cloud Storage
Announcements for BBC special - Portion of Charles Halt Tape broadcasted - Interview with Terry Hunt, editor from East Anglian Daily Times (rerun from November 1)

Bonus Audio material:

Promo #1
Download link for audio:
ADrive | 50GB Free Online Storage, Online Backup, Cloud Storage

Promo #2
Download link for audio:
ADrive | 50GB Free Online Storage, Online Backup, Cloud Storage

--- end of links ---

After my report on first prelude show for BBC special about Rendlesham - broadcast on November 1st on BBC Suffolk inside Mark Murphy Breakfast show - I was curious to hear will there be more announcements in the upcoming shows. It seems that Host Mark Murphy is trying hard to keep the anticipation for the special. In fact they have even created two jingles for radio special so far. As I started to listen BBC Suffolk more and more, I could hear that jingles are running during the whole day in other shows too. So it seems they are actually trying to make this as a radio event. So to remind everyone once more - radio host Mark Murphy has stated that he is preparing special show on Rendlesham that will be broadcast from Bentwaters Cold War Museum on December 17th. It is a joined project between BBC Suffolk and newspaper East Anglian Daily Times with their goal to "resolve the mystery" as they say.

I have processed first 18 hours of radio shows. Every breakfast show is running for 180 minutes and it airs from Monday to Saturday each week.

I have extracted only Rendlesham references for Week #1 of prelude shows (broadcast from November 1 to 6) - shows without Rendlesham references are ignored. The list of download link is available on the beginning of this message.

I will continue to monitor the situation and report accordingly.

Best Wishes
Hey look at this:

Maybe it WAS a flying lighthouse! That would explain the lighthouse zooming across the sky to the wonderment of all observers, descending through the trees breaking branches on the way down, landing with a triangular pattern of indentations in the soil, and flying over RAF Woodbridge firing its lighthouse beam down into the weapons storage areas! Obviously all those armed USAF personnel at Capel Green surrounded a landed lighthouse, which baked the ground as it took off!

Mystery solved!!!
Source: http://tinyurl.com/364smlr

BBC Suffolk: Rendlesham Forest UFO airmen at Woodbridge event

John Burroughs, Nick Pope and Jim Penniston at Woodbridge's east gate

Two former USAF servicemen have returned to Suffolk, 30 years after the claims of UFO sightings in a forest.
The Rendlesham Incident took place near the airbases of Bentwaters and Woodbridge over Christmas 1980.
United States Air Force security personnel John Burroughs and Jim Penniston returned to give a talk at Woodbridge Community Hall in 2010.

"To find out there are 400 people here is totally amazing," said Mr Burroughs, who was not paid to attend.
The two security personnel were the first to report sightings of strange lights on 26, December 1980.
Sightings of strange lights were again reported when personnel went out to search the forest a day later.
UFO watchers gather at night in Rendlesham Forest in 2010

Space capsule

One of the many theories about the phenomena is that, once they had heard the initial UFO reports, jokers from RAF Woodbridge decided to take a helicopter out with an Apollo space capsule dangling underneath.
"I was on duty the first night and the airfield was shut down," said Mr Burroughs. "There was no aircraft activity. There was nothing going on.

"I can honestly tell you that when we were out there on the first night, there was no helicopter activity."
However, the 'practical joke' theorists/UFO sceptics say the capsule could have gone out later on, when the security men weren't on duty.

Other theories suggest it was an alien craft, something supernatural, a misreading of natural lights in the sky such as meteor showers and further confusion on subsequent nights with the 'bending' light from Orford Lighthouse on the coast.

Experts offer best UFO theories

Mr Burroughs is convinced he saw the strange lights on the first night, but he has no firm explanation for them.
"Eventually we might come to terms with what may have happened," he said. "But I don't know if we'll ever be able to explain it in a way where we'll all agree that that's what happened.

John Burroughs and Jim Penniston at the Woodbridge Community Hall


UFOlogists have cited conflicting reports from the servicemen as to whether a craft was actually spotted or just lights.
Burroughs and Penniston have both had hypnosis since, but UFO sceptics claim they could just be remembering science fiction movies that they had seen.

Mr Burroughs said: "I don't know if you'll ever come to terms with something you don't totally understand.
"I'm not convinced of anything yet, but it seems as if things are starting to go towards an area of what it could be, but at this point it's still not sure."

One thing that is definite - the Woodbridge event raised £2000 for the EACH Treehouse Appeal.
The organisers of the night said that no-one made any money for personal gain from the event and the Americans were coming over to the UK for a visit and paid their own way.

BBC Suffolk gathered experts at Bentwaters for a 30th anniversary broadcast in December 2010. It featured Nick Pope who is a former MOD UFO investigator, who was also at the Woodbridge talk.

An hour of highlights from the Rendlesham Revealed programme was broadcast on Monday, 27 December, 2010 and you can listen to it on the BBC iPlayer until 3, January 2011.
There's a surprising level of persistent interest in this 1980 event among the local population. The 30th anniversary event at Woodbridge Community Hall on Tuesday was packed out, with so many people that the building's fire regs were at risk of being violated. Presentations were made by Peter Robbins, Larry Warren (short speech, unscripted, ecstatically received), Linda Howe, Jim Penniston, John Burroughs, Nick Pope. Most people who attended were made aware of this anniversary event through articles in the local press, and they turned up in droves. A History Channel film crew (brought along by LMH) was there filming everything.

After the meeting and long Q&A session, hundreds of people went out to East Gate in a huge convoy of vehicles to continue the meeting.
While I haven't read the whole document you linked as of yet. I did click on the page you linked it from. It looks interesting and I am putting it in my ufo links for a future look.
There's a surprising level of persistent interest in this 1980 event among the local population. The 30th anniversary event at Woodbridge Community Hall on Tuesday was packed out, with so many people that the building's fire regs were at risk of being violated. Presentations were made by Peter Robbins, Larry Warren (short speech, unscripted, ecstatically received), Linda Howe, Jim Penniston, John Burroughs, Nick Pope. Most people who attended were made aware of this anniversary event through articles in the local press, and they turned up in droves. A History Channel film crew (brought along by LMH) was there filming everything.

After the meeting and long Q&A session, hundreds of people went out to East Gate in a huge convoy of vehicles to continue the meeting.

Larry Warren tells a good story of his alleged experience, but it only his story take it or leave it. Well nobody can confirm any of his story, only that he was mostly likely on base at that time! I think he has been messed with personally, and he said so himself freely in a number of interviews. It rumored-talked about now that lot of the men out there that night were debriefed, and probably messed with too allegedly maybe with drugs not sure.

I believe Col-halt being of higher rank to the other men removed him from this interrogation debriefing, I personally hold halt testimony in high regard since he avoiding lot of what went on after the event.

We'll never truly now what happened to these men, but is was something unusual that there is no doubt. The lighthouse theory was a insult to their intelligence, and really makes you wonder are we living in a cartoon world honestly truly. Do Skeptics and others do they not understand this was nuke storage based facility a government installation against attack from Soviet attack on Europe specifically the UK .The second-person in command Col Halt goes on record and men on the base have claimed this was not normal experience, yet we have bloody idiots still claim nothing happened and some very intelligent people sayiing this. It actually makes me wonder about the nature of intelligence itself and how we judge intelligence as human beings.
Rendlesham Binary Message - report by Dave Haith:

Jim Penniston's testimony on Binary Message was broadcast on December 30 inside the show "Ancient Aliens" (US History Channel). Jim Penniston and John Burroughs are featured in the show. It is a 10th episode of 2nd season titled "Alien Contacts" (on some other sources it is also titled as "Alien Messangers"). It is also available on Youtube here (not my upload) in 3 parts:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Portions about Rendlesham incidents are located on following minutes inside the show (not related to Youtube videos but to direct archival copy on hard disk):

- from 01:54 min. to 06:05 min.
- from 35:20 min. to 43:05 min (end of the show) - this portion describes decryption of binary message by Nick Ciske (his website is here: http://www.nickciske.com/, http://nickciske.com/tools/binary.php and http://www.linkedin.com/in/nickciske)

On the same note, Youtube user "benthejrporter" has posted some videos from Rendlesham 30th Anniversary Reunion. They are available here (thanks to Dave Haith for initial lead):

Rendlesham Forest Incident 30th Anniversary- Start of the Tour

Rendlesham Forest Incident 30th Anniversary- East Gate

Rendlesham Forest Incident 30th Anniversary- Boroughs at East Gate

Rendlesham Forest Incident 30th Anniversary- Looking Through East Gate

Rendlesham Forest Incident 30th Anniversary- Landing Site

Rendlesham Forest Incident 30th Anniversary- Conference Debriefing

Rendlesham Forest Incident 30th Anniversary- Postscript

There are other reports but I didn't ask permission to repost those for now (it will probably appear on UFO Updates mailing list from other colleagues so check it there from time to time).

Best Wishes

---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 PM ----------

New Articles:

East Anglian Daily Times: Woodbridge: Rendlesham UFO witnesses meet on anniversary

The Sun: Truth Still Out There

---------- Post added at 07:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 PM ----------

As I stated above it is now posted on UFO Updates

More about binary message (source: UFO Updates)

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