Rick Deckard
Paranormal Maven
musictomyears said:Yup, that's basically the line of thinking people like Alex Jones propose. Isn't it rather strange that governments and corporations suddenly jump onto the global warming, scare-mongering bandwagon, after uniformly rejecting the idea for decades? It is as if they met up and decided, "Hey, let's not fight this idea anymore, let's use it to our advantage. Let's use it for increasing taxes and surveillance, and for sanctioning the odd "rogue" regime we didn't like anyway. Let's make people feel bad about using energy, let's make them feel really guilty and depended on our advice. Let's tell them we are going to save the world."
That's pretty much my view.
All I see in this 'hurry to stamp out CO2' is protection of western 'markets' - don't get me wrong, I'm all for reduction of polution and those other 'green' activities, it just makes me sick to how they ignored this issue for decades until now when it suits them to try and stop China over-taking them as the worlds fasting developing nation.
Now, I'm not entirely stupid - if China does 'upset the apple cart' by under-cutting western manufacturers then it could trigger economic problems for the rest of us. But that danger is 'market forces' not 'global warming', but they wouldn't be able to count on the 'green' lobby for support if they admitted that they're more concerned about their bank balances than the environment...so instead let's say that we're 'saving the planet'.
Oh well, there's nothing more for me to say about this issue. I'll just sit back and watch the world events unfold - World War 3 by 2012, I reckon. Hey, this scare-mongering is really quite fun...
BTW, did you know that a human exhales about 1kg of CO2 per day - so the population of the planet exhales 6 million metric tons of CO2 *per day* or about 2.2 billion metric tons *a year*. Wow, how are we gonna reduce that one, especially since the population is growing year on year? It would suggest a 'coach potato' is 'friendlier' to the environment than say someone who jogs every day. Cool - I'm sooooooo 'green'