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Best fiction sci-fi films /comics

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Graphic Novel or comic: Sandman series by Niel Gaiman
Novel: Enders Game by Orson Scott Card
Movie: Close Encouters by Stephen Spielberg
Series: X Files (Honorable metion) Twilight Zone also the New Twilight Zone (which is old now) with the episode called (I think) "Her Pilgrim Soul."
My wife is a huge sci fi and fantasy geek. ;) She really liked "Firefly." Also, an older show called "Earth 2" which they left hanging some years ago. "Space Above and Beyond" was also a good one. Bablylon 5. All the Star Trek shows. Farscape. "Battlestar Gallatica." "Sliders." "the Dresden Files." Also, Millienum.
I have to agree with the Hyperion series as one of the best. It has THE most thought provoking central theme of any book I've ever read.

I wish someone would make a movie based on the Hyperion series. By far one of the best sci-fi novels I've ever read.

---------- Post added at 05:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:53 PM ----------

Total Recall, another one of my favorites.
Yea Sliders is so awesome and Firefly was so good too and I forgot to mention Earth Final Conflict .
I managed to pick up a DVD set of Sliders for $5 ex-rental and watched it, because I remember it being really cool. I still enjoyed it but it didn't turn out as cool as I remembered.

One of the first TV shows I remember watching was a 1981 adaptation of The Day of the Triffids, (Wondering in retrospect why parents would let their little kids watch that show!) and I found a DVD of that from Video Ezy too and watched the whole thing in a night. It was kewl!

Oh and another one I picked up cheaply ex-rental was 4400 -- which was great first time and great second time! Remembered about Robert Picardo being in an episode (that one that was a little like Thinner) but forgot about Jeffrey Combs. (Weyoun's in 4400!! wikkid!!) And one of the main cops was in a bunch of Australian movies including Stark with --and by, I think-- Ben Elton (You gotta check that out if you haven't seen it.)

---------- Post added at 06:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 PM ----------

I've been getting into that show of late, downloading the episodes from Netflix. I'm in the early part of Season 2, so no spoilers please.
ok. Can't remember enough about it anyway. ;-) Farscape was a great show. With the living ship and everything. (Partly made in Aussie, right?)

At this point I shall rein myself in again, ne. :p
"One of the first TV shows I remember watching was a 1981 adaptation of The Day of the Triffids, (Wondering in retrospect why parents would let their little kids watch that show!) and I found a DVD of that from Video Ezy too and watched the whole thing in a night. It was kewl!"

Can't wait to see 'The Darkest Hour" (2011) movie out soon:)
oh! yes sci-fi movies are so intersting. Because when we watch these movies, we go deep into the movie with surprising story and scenes. Therefore sci-fi movies are best.,.,,.,..
My wife is a huge sci fi and fantasy geek. ;) She really liked "Firefly."

You are a lucky man, you know that? :D

My favourite SciFi movies are actually by the same director: Blade Runner and Alien. Maybe it's because I'm a kid of the 80s. Only recently did I find out why Blade Runner appeals to me. It's because of the question "are we humans just biological machines?" which is the reverse implication of the "could Androids become human" question. Back in the 80s when I watched the movie I thought that machines might be taught to act and think like humans in the future and might eventually develop a consciousness. Now, I'm leaning towards the conclusion that however complicated and human-like a machine is built, it's always going to lack something to make it conscious or human. I guess I have become somewhat of a spiritual guy.

My favourite SciFi novel is Dune (not the book series, just the main novel). The movie and TV adaptations had their pros and cons. Unlike other SciFi novels, it has sort of a timeless quality. After that, the other novels and adaptations of Philip K. Dick's works are favourites (Blade Runner / Do Androids... being only one of them).

Oh yeah, and I quite liked Firefly. Shame on the Fox. It's just that I don't seem to find any women who did.
When I was young I cut my teeth on X-files. I am a huge fan of Star Trek and next generation. I love to watch Twilight Zone and Outer Limits. I love old campy movies, which is great to watch Mystery Science Theatre 3ooo with my kids. I love Alien and The Abyss, hell I even enjoyed they live. I pretty much cant get enough of the stuff.
I wish someone would make a movie based on the Hyperion series. By far one of the best sci-fi novels I've ever read.

---------- Post added at 05:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:53 PM ----------

Total Recall, another one of my favorites.

I pray to the Shrike that no on corrupts that series with a movie.

One slept on sci-fi series from back in the day is Season 1 of War of the Worlds, lots of interesting characters, alien races, and lots of gore. It was a success and they replaced directors before the second season, and it sucked harder than a Ted Haggard-class black hole.
best TV Babylon 5,Doctor Who
Best movie; close encounters,star wars 4,5 and 6 only. star trek (reboot)
Best comics; Planet of the apes (2011 and ongoing) watchmen camalot 3000
I don't much like Star Wars and Star Trek and the like. Although, the 2000's version of Battlestar did keep me intrigued.

My absolute favorite is Farscape. Firefly's cool too. Defiance has potential... The first season was awesome and I think the 2nd season will pretty quickly determine whether I'm gonna tune in or tune out.

I was watching Star Trek Into Darkness the other day and I couldn't help but ask myself "why are you watching this boring ass shit?"

Same with the Avengers movie when ever that was "current."
I guess as far as I'm concerned it's all about TV episodes withe longer arcs than movies.
My favorite movie: Forbidden Planet. My favorite non-Trek series? "Lexx"- it's sort of the AntiSF feel to it- the space explorers don't want to be exploring, the people they come across are nearly always jerks, even the little kids turn on you... But for fun, it is hard to beat "Red Dwarf". Such an interesting mix of characters... I only hope they make more, and bring "Holly" back. Comics? I like the old SF comics with no continuing characters, purely story driven. Usually 100' tall monster driven stories, true... But they died out long ago- EC nuked itself by showing a black man as the hero- when the censor was a racist judge- and published anyway... That pulp writer episode of "Deep Space Nine" was an obvious callback to this... More modern than this? Well, the Quantum Leap and Lost in Space unfinished series were great; I saw proofs of a UFO (tv series) comic that would have been great, dunno if it was ever published... and of course, there was the Marvel 2001 comics I used to have...

I tried very hard to like Babylon 5, but all I recall is that the only human who didn't have a Supermarionation face and a poker up their... spine... was a somewhat beefy security guy- and he had no one to play off of. I finally gave up when the Larry Fine Comic Hungarian Officer guy was talking to the Brown Lizard guy about superbeings being detected who couldn't even be bothered making contact. And this went nowhere.

I like Farscape, too, but they spent entirely too much time on all those sets and characters other than Chiana. It would have been cheaper just to have her stand there and read the phone book, in a somewhat chilly room- and much more fun to watch... The Overly Large Towel scene in the Earth episode made up for a lot, though...
Just finished a couple weeks long Farscape marathon, it's as brilliant now as it was 13 years ago (and my second viewing 5 years ago). Looking forward to the possible upcoming movie....
