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Beyond The Drake Equation

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Why would we deploy a breakthrough technology into a combat situation and risk having it captured by our enemies?
Employing breakthrough technologies against your enemy (technologies which he doesn't have) is what winning wars is about! :) Cavalry, Greek fire, muskets, copper-bottomed hulls, the tank, radar, Turing's bombe, stealth...

That said, I don't doubt that there is all sorts of military tech in active use which is not in the public domain and which Uncle Sam et al wouldn't want to reveal to the Russians or Chinese were there no need. A heavy-lift stealth blimp, for example, is a good candidate for UFO sightings like the JAL 1628 incident over Alaska. (I don't remember the exact date but some time in the late '80s, Lockheed went overnight from being a public proponent of stealth blimp technology, seeking funding for proposals, to going very quiet on the matter, which begs the question why of course.)
First, let’s take the example of some form of reaction propulsion – a hypothetical kind of antimatter rocket for example. Even this is a terrible strategy for interstellar spaceflight, which NASA knows all too well, but it can be an instructive scenario for considering the basic concepts of special relativity. If this as-yet-unrealized form of rocket motor could get your craft very near the speed of light, the time dilation factor will indeed drastically shorten the duration of your trip from the on-board point of reference (the well-known “Twin Paradox”). In theory, you could make it to some star in an arbitrarily short time interval, if you could survive the acceleration required to reach a speed close to the speed of light (usually referred to by the letter “C” in these discussions). So if you’re in an accelerated reference frame, you can travel from Point A to Point B with speeds much faster than C from your point of reference (POR). You could, for example, circumnavigate the known universe within your own lifetime, simply by continuously accelerating at a mere 1G (the force of gravity at the Earth’s surface). Where many people get mixed up is the other side of the equation: the time that elapses from your origin point, say, the Earth. Time dilation can be extreme for the traveler, but that doesn’t necessarily make it extreme for the non-accelerated POR back on the Earth. If you could somehow zip to the Alpha/Proxima Centauri system and back in, say, one hour of on-board flight time, then the time that passes on Earth is still only going to be roughly 4.37 years each way, 8.74 years, plus one hour. It’s common for people to assume that an astronaut traveling to a fairly local star and back, moving at some crazy fraction of the speed of light, would find the Earth to have aged millions of years, but as you can see it doesn’t work that way.

@Thomas R. Morrison You know what. You are bang on the money. To use colloquialism like that.

There is a number of cases (very small) where witnesses or ETs explained it exactly like what you said. To cut a long story short, there was a case, where a hunter met an alien with spiky hear in some deep forests. Alien took him voluntarily into phone boot sized craft and within half an our they were on what seemed to be an airport on another planet. Alien explained that he lived on an nearby planet and it takes only less than hour to get to the Earth. Alien than examined the hunter with some type of scanner and found that hunter has no reproductive ability (because some life-long disease). So they jumped back into the craft and in no time hunter was back on Earth, found by police who was by than searching for him. He was completely dazed.

Obviously, anybody can lough at such a story, but at least we now know that this story is supported by modern physics.

Another interesting thing about spiky hear alien story, is that his spaceship was only the size of phone booth. Like red phone booths in United Kingdom. But when the two protagonists entered the cockpit, there was a storage area behind them where hunter had seen few live deer. But these deer looked much smaller than normal. As if that part of the craft where deer were stored had a denser space-time, in order to save on the size of the UFO.

There are videos on this case, but here is more detail: Alien to Witness: "Would You Like to Come With Me?"

There are few other stories where ETs told abductiees or witnesses that it only takes between few hours and few weeks to get to Earth. Apparently some of ETs are Milky Way "locals" and the other are from nearby galaxies.

The last laugh is always the best laugh ;-)
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... And if they can figure it out, we can too. How long that will take could be a matter of years, or maybe it's already under secret development. Maybe we'll never live to see it materialize. What we need is some guy to invent it in his garage for cheap and then put it all over YouTube so that nobody can supress it.

I know that I am risking that @Thomas R Morrison would cringe at what I would say. But I would like to point to three just such garage hackers, John Searl, John Hutchitson and Wilbert B. Smith. What is intriguing about their work?

First John Searl. He is a deeply ignorant man, so much so, he can't even explain how his own machine works.

But, much more importantly, everything he said about his SEG Generator was confirmed by experiments, at least to a degree. As you can imagine, money is in a short supply in this field.


SEG produces inductive braking, magnetic cooling and even unexpectedly standing magnetic waves. The main problem is that full scale SEG Generator costs about $2M to make, so himself and his partner live hand to mouth existence, from one batch of investments to the next. There was a full scale successful replication by Russian scientists ROSCHIN & GODIN who claimed to had achieved 30% weight reduction or increase in weight depending on direction of the rotation. Rochin & Godin had enough confidence in their work, to had filed a patent. Rochin & Godin discovered and made a detailed measurement of magnetic standing waves around their version of SEG.

Now when it comes to standing magnetic waves, I would to bring everybody attention, to the fact that UFOs are surrounded by them. These standing magnetic waves can be observed as Faraday's effect. Ray Stamford made an unique photograph of UFO induced standing magnetic waves, and Belgian physicist Dr. Meessen, who was a super-conducting specialist, wrote brilliant analysis of these magnetic rings in the paper
ufo.paper.phys.EM.Meessen - Evidence_Strong_LF_Magnetic_Fields.pdf .


The reason why the rings above are standing waves, is that they were slow enough to be captured by a relatively slow shutter speed of an hand held camera. Normal EM and gravitational waves move at a speed of light and there is no camera shutter that is fast enough to capture such a wave. (As a matter of fact it had been done, but that's another story ;-) ... )

Another physicist who delved into Searl's SEG was prof. John E. Brandenburg,a theoretical plasma physicist at University of Central Florida. He was a part of the larger group of scientists called Morning Star and they built a prototype. They published paper called "The Morningstar Energy Box- An Unusual Electromagnetic Device". They estimated their work to be inconclusive neither proving nor disproving John Searl's work.

My knowledge of physics is limited, but Searl's SEG Generator is the only machine I know off that can produce Faraday's Rings (most likely, standing magnetic waves). Despite Searl's ignorance of science, he produced "the machine to die for" and attracted many scientifically more qualified researchers.

Second, the John Hutchitson. Hutcitson accidentally produced an effect that sporadically included apparent levitation. He never claimed that he understood the effect, but from time to time he would be able to replicate it after few hours of trial and error. US media companies made many documentaries about him and he has a list of all producers and camera man who witnessed both successful and unsuccessful attempts.

Simply put, he puts either conductive or non-conductive samples into an confined area. Than he fills that area with very strong electric and magnetic fields. Fields are offset, so they don't oscillate around zero, but around some higher value. According to him, Hatchitson effect occurs when he is doing a phase change across some frequency band. He was using equipment beaming out 2.4kW of energy into that narrow space, so he had to operate from a shielded area that he made.

Hutchitson attracted a serious scientific interest. He was invited to transfer his laboratory to a major physics institute in Germany and they paid for packaging and shipping fees. Than US government gave a nod to a Canadian government and his equipment was confiscated at a prot of departure. Unfortunately, we are all aware how these things go.

There is a video on YouTube showing a General Relativity Phd physicist Gary Stephenson trying to scrape each morsel of info, while standing in a corridor in a front of a tiny flat where Hutchitson lives. Just to put things into perspective Gary Stephenson is a research consultant in a privately funded group called "Grav Wave ® LLC TEAM", lead by maverick physicist Robert M L Baker, Jr., PhD. Grav Vave LLC has on its staff several of US and Chinese physicists and it is studying gravity from from the angle of High-Frequency Gravitational Waves.

Again, there is a backyard garage hacker, going further than fully salaried professionals dare to go. SAD! It goes to prove that the cutting edge science really can't be done by committee.

And the third, Wilbert B. Smith, an electrical engineer and Canadian official. He was mentioned by Carnal Corso of "The Day After Roswell Fame" in a very positive light. Mr Smith did an easy to repeat experiment with rotating magnets, which resulted in a movement of a very sensitive mechanical, laboratory grade scale. If you are bent on building UFO DIY style, this would be your starting point ;-)


Smith simply rotated the magnet visible at the bottom of the picture around its vertical axis. You can just about see that the scale's indicator needle is slightly off to the right. Orientation of the polarity is not known, but there only can be three orientations: vertical and two horizontal ones ;-). Again, did Smith take any preconditions to prevent EM from pulling on the scale. I don't now.

Here is a full set of photos from Smiths's experiments.

Now what clues UFO Forensics gives us about rotating magnets? About 20% of cases report independently rotating parts of these crafts. Sometimes there is one part, usually the top, that is standing still and rim part is rotating around it. As well, about another 20% of cases reported presence of a metallic sound akin to turbine, washing machine, sometimes in a high pitch, sometimes in a low drone. Rotating UFO parts not necessarily mean that they are doing it to create artificial gravity. But there are some intriguing coincidences.

The modern version of this simple Smith's experiment would be with use of acclerometer sensor, like one in your mobile phone. The cheapest, yet the most accurate sensor that I found is this one: MMA9559LR1 Accelerometer / LGA-16, Digital 16-bit, MCU 32-bit, SPI, I2C / only about $5.0 a piece.

OK, this is a shameless plug: If anybody wants to finance me I would be glad to do this experiment and I could set up a gig on Patreon. The bulk of expense are the living costs for few months, don't worry about $5.0 for the sensor, I can supply that part ;-)

What seems to be common with both Searl's, Hutchitson's and Smith's approach?

They seem to be pumping EM energy directly into relatively ordinary matter (Searl & Hutchitson). They are all rotating EM fields, only Hatchinson is doing it in with cycling currents through antennae, while Searl and Smith are physically rotating permanent magnets.

Maybe, just maybe, that's what makes sense. More matter you have, less empty space-time you have to deal with. So if you want to squeeze or stretch the space-time, there is a less of it. Additionally, you can produce some kind of resonance between atoms in the atomic latice. Resonance is a form of energy storage. So one can start with relatively low power level and just cumulatively store more and more as he goes. With resonance one doesn't really need a nuclear reactor, he can start just with a kettle and just build up.

Two interesting clues from ufology side are that NO gravitational lensing yet had been observed outside UFO hulls, in as many as 40,000 cases in MUFON's database. That might be because warp drive is confined inside the craft and there is nothing to be seen on the outside. But it can be as well, because UFOs use some kind of ferro-gravitic meta-material that internally stretches and squeezes space-time and UFOs only pump that material with externally measurable EM waves (similar to Searl & Hutchitson). Some of that EM pumping leaks out or is used for deliberate ionizing of the air and we can see Farady's rings around UFOs.

The second clue from ufology are ET spacesuits. In at least 10 cases that I have in my scrapbook, ETs are seen outside their crafts moving at speeds that would get them a speeding ticket on any highway. Typically ETs in a spacesuit hover with their feet less than one inch above ground and they move at speeds of 130 km/h (90 mils/h ?), just by leaning their bodies. Now ET spacesuits appear to be metallic surface, surrounded with plasma layer and bulky and pressurized, but in all except one case, they didn't include any backpacks. No backpack, no energy storage. That fact and the presence of plasma maybe suggests, that the spacesuit material is what provides the needed artificial gravity. In which case we are back to pumping ferro-gravitic atomic lattice with EM energy in a Hutchitson & Searl style.

But that's my loose speculation ;-)
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