Paranormal Adept
There is no doubt that terrorist cells exist, that they have done us harm, and that the the legal provisions we're talking about are intended to prevent more harm in the future. There is also no doubt that the job isn't simply about radiation detectors and the one obvious guy at the scene with his finger on the detonation switch. It's about the fact that to prevent the scene from happening in the first place, the people who investigate terrorism need information, and that information comes from people. So if there is sufficient reason to believe that someone is part of a terrorist plot and has information that could prevent a major disaster, our agents need to be able to get that information as fast as possible without being ham-stringed by bureaucracy. It's just that simple and many lives could depend on having that ability.
Those who oppose giving our people that ability cry "fear mongering", but they're just being hypocritical. They're the ones trying to convince us that we'll all be enslaved in work camps by some sudden transmutation of our country into an evil facist dictatorship. Is our system perfect? No. But it's no where near that bad, and if it weren't for the real crazies out there who use our freedoms against us to accomplish horrific goals like 911, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. Of course then you also have conspiracy theorists who believe 911 was perpetrated by our own government. Well call me naive again, but I think it's more reasonable to believe that the vast majority people involved with our national security aren't crazy, wouldn't fly airliners into our skyscrapers and actually do care about the welfare of the public at large ... so give 'em what they need to do their job to the best of their abilities.
I have absolutely no doubt that there are MANY people who truly hate us and want to do us harm. I also do not believe we'll be enslaved in work camps.
Still, any entity that allows itself such a wide berth in defining what a "threat" is while also being able to make a large profit by handling "threats" is simply going to decide that more and more things constitute a "threat". This isn't hypothetical, as we've already seen an agent formerly employed by the NSA get charged under the Espionage Act simply for admitting something that the NSA has denied. This is meant to show that the government will prosecute or otherwise "disappear" anyone who speaks about something they do not want noticed. Combine this with the very real threat of indefinite detention coupled with a system that is designed to make certain no one can remain anonymous under it's guise of stopping "threats" and you have a system that can be abused for political or capital gain.
The NDAA did not specify "terror threats" nor did it specify what constitutes a "threat to national security and stability." Do you believe that the attorneys who wrote this act could not better define threats that could harm scores of people? Defining who can be prosecuted and held indefinitely as anyone who poses a "threat to national security and stability" is designed to be as vague as possible so it can be applied for whatever "threat du jour" is needed by those in power.
Do you believe that if someone was truly a threat, he would need to be held indefinitely without trial? Why can't the facts against that person be used in a court of law? When laws can be suspended indefinitely and due process completely ignored, who gets to decide what threats are so serious that there is no need for evidence? Can you honestly say that Every Single Politician who has or will ever hold power can determine this, even if it's your life on the line?