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Even Jesus was purported as saying "A wise man builds his house upon a rock."
I'm not usually one to stir the pot, however, I read this once.
Well, if this is the way the "argument" usually goes for you, have you considered that maybe you're talking to the WRONG people?! Or, maybe it's something you're bringing to the table that's spoiling things--attitudes and prejudices that are influencing you to do or say unhelpful things. You might be the one who steers the discussion in an unproductive direction. Nothing personal--I don't know anything about you--just something to consider, if you're seeing a pattern.
This whole question is really not that complicated. If I want to truly come to understand a religious persuasion, to "analyze" it, as Maher is supposedly so adept at doing, I'm going to do some INTELLIGENT research. I'm not going to ferret out every weird deviant individual or sect of the religion and put them on TV to make fun of and use to defame the religion as a whole.
I'm going to find out who the religion's greatest thinkers were and study as best I can what they wrote and what scholars have to say about them. I'm going to find out who the preeminent modern thinkers are and study them the best I can. If it's Catholicism--Maher's favorite punching bag--I'm going to keep up on what the Pope is writing and give those works the consideration they deserve.
I agree with this except that in order to care about this stuff you have to believe in it. So there in lyes the problem. If we don't believe I feel like this is the conversation that ensues. "We have this saint and that saint and you shoud study till you believe,,,,, thump. thump. Because unless you believe , just being a good person won't get you to heaven and next to "MY GOD".And I'm going to make the move from the head to the heart, looking at who that religion considers to be its greatest saints: the individuals who most heroically put the faith into concrete, daily practice.
As apposed to every pastor, priest, Rabbi, that would get up before their congregation and preach exactly The same Type of message in a different package. "His way is the only Way" Except none of them really know, but they all assume that their religion is the only way to heaven.Then, being a real analyst, I'm going to talk about those scholars and saints with my audience, what they proposed, what kind of example they set, where I disagree and where I agree. And I'd throw in a wacko every now and then, too, to provide some contrast.
Of course not. That would be like expecting a Holocaust denier to spend time really studying the work of bona fide historians, and listening to people who had actually experienced German concentration camps during WWII, people who KNOW what they're talking about. But that wouldn't support the Holocaust denier in his extreme prejudice and self-deception. Instead, he'd spend his time with other deniers, and they'd continue to fixate on every hoaxed Holocaust memoir they could find, and cite examples of debunked Holocaust myths and bogus "scientific" studies that find no "evidence" of gas chambers or ash heaps, and of course decry Israel for committing "crimes against humanity," etc.
Again. the word of the day. "FAITH" used by religions to elicite a reaction from people that would normaly "THINK".... yet another contribution to this elevated "analysis" of religion and faith. **sigh :frown:
In this history of this species, organized religion has done far more damage than good, and it doesn't take a genius to argue this point. You want to believe in your specific imaginary friend, fine, but the moment you start to believe that others who don't share your belief, are somehow not as good as you, or are doomed, well, that's when you've lost it, and my respect. If I had a penny for every person who has died in the name of someone's god, I'd be the richest man in history. What a sad fact.
Don't dismiss the personality component so quickly, Ezechiel. You see, Bill Maher... is an asshole. I mean it, the guy's a complete asshole. And the thing is, I agree with about 80% of what he says but he's SUCH an asshole that it makes the message hard to hear. That's why I don't get it when I hear liberals place him next to guys like Jon Stewart. What?!
Stewart's a genius. Maher IS AN ASSHOLE. They literally couldn't be further apart, metaphorically.
You talking about religulous or the doc in the vid?
I loled at the part in Religulous where they showed a suicide bomber flying through the air after the comment that preacher with all the bling talked about channeling romantic passion toward christ. Those idiots think they'll get 100 virgins or something like that.
The doc didn't anger me as much as I thought it would. Guess because Bill was there to make sense and make them look like the idiots they are. I've watched it twice already and loved it. If anyone knows of another documentary like that let me know.
I was going to write a response to's demented blabbering, but it would just take too long...
Everyone is entitled to believe whatever they want, whether it's that pink elephants live on the moon, that Billy Meier is the real deal, or that the bible is the word of God. But when they start spouting their beliefs as truth, and pushing it on others, they better damn well prepare to be ridiculed into oblivion!
but you can certainly make the point that being a Christian makes you an idiot.
Then just because Ezechiel called the clip an "analysis" of religions, jpw starts blabbering away about how to do a proper analysis of the finer points of religion, like that's in any way relevant.
..but you can certainly make the point that being a Christian makes you an idiot.
My point is that criticizing a person for his/her beliefs is valid, while criticizing a persons physical/genetic attributes is not. jpw seems to equate the two.