Paranormal Novice
hi gang,
It's been a while, but that's because I've had nothing new to report here in Owings Mills. That is until today. This morning, in the EXACT SAME location (Franklin Blvd exit of I-795), I had the opportunity to 100% positively identify a unmanned "Predator" spy drone flying very low in the sky. It zipped right over I-795. This has to mean something. My wife wants to believe we saw an extra-terrestial UFO back around Easter, but my hunch that this was military is only strenghtened by today.
What continues to dumbfound me is that this is a heavily populated area with high volume of traffic (both on the ground and in the air). It just seems funny they would be flying such things where anyone could see.
I was travelling South (towards I-695) from Westminster on I-795 when the object first appeared moving right to left. It zipped across at a decent clip, but was so low to the ground that I got a great look at it. At first I actually thought it was a remote control toy or something, but it was much too big and moving too fast to be so (albeit my knowledge of such items is extremely limited).
What made it unmistakeable to me were the wing and what I guess you'd call the "cockpit" section of the aircraft. These links show exactly what I saw.
What do you guys think? Does this render the mirror-like traingle I saw, and the black triangle my wife saw as probable military aircraft? Or does this add fuel to the fire that even the govt. doesn't know what those traingular things were and is using things like predators to "spy" the area? I also want to inform that an unmarked helicopter (by that I mean no police, military, or other distinguishable markings), painted in jet black has been seen by many circling the same area quite frequently.
Oh yeah - almost forgot - the wife had one other "incident' in the same spot essentially. I told her I think it was a cloud, but she was very freaked out about it. Driving to pick up our kid from daycare, on a road that runs parallell to I-795 and connects with Frankllin (actually right outside a police station if you can believe that), she said that on a perfectly bright, sunny, and clear day last week, her car was just overcome by a totally darkening shadow, and that she thought she heard "humming" noises. As quickly as it was there - it was gone, and the car returned to the bright/sunny condition it had been in. Again, I told her "probably a cloud" - but she swears there weren't any around.
You guys might need to make a field trip down here.....as "Bill and Ted" might say, "strange things are afoot" here in Owings Mills, for sure.
Here's the links to the predator spy plane that looks EXACTLY like what I saw over 795 today. Don't confuse this with the triangles seen earlier though, as they most certainly were not the same object:
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Geocities has shut down
The tail wings and "cockpit" area are what gave it away to me. I was actually only familiar with them from first searching for something to explain away the triangles we had seen!!!!
It's been a while, but that's because I've had nothing new to report here in Owings Mills. That is until today. This morning, in the EXACT SAME location (Franklin Blvd exit of I-795), I had the opportunity to 100% positively identify a unmanned "Predator" spy drone flying very low in the sky. It zipped right over I-795. This has to mean something. My wife wants to believe we saw an extra-terrestial UFO back around Easter, but my hunch that this was military is only strenghtened by today.
What continues to dumbfound me is that this is a heavily populated area with high volume of traffic (both on the ground and in the air). It just seems funny they would be flying such things where anyone could see.
I was travelling South (towards I-695) from Westminster on I-795 when the object first appeared moving right to left. It zipped across at a decent clip, but was so low to the ground that I got a great look at it. At first I actually thought it was a remote control toy or something, but it was much too big and moving too fast to be so (albeit my knowledge of such items is extremely limited).
What made it unmistakeable to me were the wing and what I guess you'd call the "cockpit" section of the aircraft. These links show exactly what I saw.
What do you guys think? Does this render the mirror-like traingle I saw, and the black triangle my wife saw as probable military aircraft? Or does this add fuel to the fire that even the govt. doesn't know what those traingular things were and is using things like predators to "spy" the area? I also want to inform that an unmarked helicopter (by that I mean no police, military, or other distinguishable markings), painted in jet black has been seen by many circling the same area quite frequently.
Oh yeah - almost forgot - the wife had one other "incident' in the same spot essentially. I told her I think it was a cloud, but she was very freaked out about it. Driving to pick up our kid from daycare, on a road that runs parallell to I-795 and connects with Frankllin (actually right outside a police station if you can believe that), she said that on a perfectly bright, sunny, and clear day last week, her car was just overcome by a totally darkening shadow, and that she thought she heard "humming" noises. As quickly as it was there - it was gone, and the car returned to the bright/sunny condition it had been in. Again, I told her "probably a cloud" - but she swears there weren't any around.
You guys might need to make a field trip down here.....as "Bill and Ted" might say, "strange things are afoot" here in Owings Mills, for sure.
Here's the links to the predator spy plane that looks EXACTLY like what I saw over 795 today. Don't confuse this with the triangles seen earlier though, as they most certainly were not the same object:
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Geocities has shut down
The tail wings and "cockpit" area are what gave it away to me. I was actually only familiar with them from first searching for something to explain away the triangles we had seen!!!!