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Black Vault Show Aug 5 2007

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BrandonD said:
I've heard lots of conflicting opinions about this subject and I'd like to be better informed, could you clarify a bit?

I assume you're not claiming that 100% of his claims were 100% bogus. So exactly which claims were bogus? And where can I go to find the proof that supports this?

I don't need to see that 100% of his claims were bogus - I only need to know that some clearly were. If he lied about some things, his overall credibility is shot, and he simply can't be trusted... which is the case with Corso.

I would suggest a perusal of the UFO Updates archives, available at: UFO UpDates Archive

Type "Corso" and any one of the following names - Sparks, Hall, Friedman, Randle. See what pops up, and how Corso flat out lied.

paulkimball said:
I don't need to see that 100% of his claims were bogus - I only need to know that some clearly were. If he lied about some things, his overall credibility is shot, and he simply can't be trusted... which is the case with Corso.

I would suggest a perusal of the UFO Updates archives, available at: UFO UpDates Archive

Type "Corso" and any one of the following names - Sparks, Hall, Friedman, Randle. See what pops up, and how Corso flat out lied.


Thanks for the link, I'm perusing it as we speak.

Any advance hints regarding his claims that have been proven false? The only one I've heard is regarding the whole National Security Commission thing. I was curious if there were others.
BrandonD said:
Any advance hints regarding his claims that have been proven false? The only one I've heard is regarding the whole National Security Commission thing. I was curious if there were others.

Well how about the fact that Corso claims that the microchip was seeded to industry from alien tech. I'm sure that Jack S. Kilby, who received a Nobel prize for the invention would have something to say about that.

To me the issue essentially boils down to this: On a macro-level, it's easy to say that a lot of the modern stuff we have is from ETs, but when you dig deeper and look at each individual case, it's clear that every advancment was a progression built upon previous similar advances in the field. Nothing Corso claims is a result of anything that is above and beyond what experts were already heading towards.

Now if suddenly in the 1950's, Lockheed came out with a device that could eliminate inertia or teleport or something equally revolutionary, then I think people would have to reconsider his story.
I was referring to Corso's claims that many of the technological innovations of the last forty or fifty years are the results of the backward engineering of "alien" hardware retrieved from crashed ufo's. It's simply a matter of listing each device he alleges to be of alien origin, then carefully researching the technical literature to determine authentic developmental provenance. It's not all that difficult. Any child can do it.
Light amplifying night vision scopes are a perfect example. Corso says our military developed them from a device recovered form the Roswell crash, but even a casual a review of the relevant literature provides a clear paper trail, complete with names, dates, locations, and even peer review articles, completely disproving his assertion. The same holds true for all his claims. Just take them on one at a time and work your way through the list.