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Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder

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Posting this puts you at risk. Now they are after you. :D

I'm trying humor to deal with stuff like that. I saw it earlier today on another website. Creepy indeed.
when Bush left office, did he not issue a blanket pardon for any 'wrongdoing' done by members of his administration who were acting in 'good faith' to serve the interests of their country?

not sure of the wording, but I do recall hearing talk about a pardon of sorts for any transgressions discovered now or in the future?

so, if the above is correct, wonder how far that pardon extends? wanna bet somebody gets away with murder? again...
If this is true it is truly an A-bomb on Blackwater and the people that hired them (U.S. Govt).

However, although it sounds credible, The Nations is certainly not some "middle road" media source, it is decidedly left-wing. So, let's just see if this is great work by a journalist, or nonsense fit for tabloids.

Should be easy enough to determine -- sworn affidavits are usually made public. And, of course an indictment from a grand jury should be forthcoming against Prince; rightfully so if this is all true.

If there is no indictment and no other media picking this up, then this story is probably BS.

An indictment, Katie bar the door.
geezus...this is incredible. Wonder just how deep it goes?

I'm half way through this book here's a little more on it and Blackwater.

I've been keenly interested in the US outsourcing many of its ops over the years. It's much more than cooks and transportation.
Damn, that's some heavy shit.

Too bad none of it is verified or anything like that, but it doesn't seem like it would be much of a stretch, considering their ties with the former administration.

I remember seeing a special on some of the weapons they developed at Blackwater, impressive is a gross understatement.

That is some pretty heavy shit. I wonder how many, if any, of the Blackwater employees will talk, knowing that close to 100% of them come from Special Forces, Force Recon, SEALs and other Special ops backgrounds.
This could be a tough one for them to stick on Prince, even with two very credible direct witnesses.

The implications reach a little higher than Blackwater itself, and Prince seems to have taken extraordinary steps(including assassination) to cover himself and his numerous assets. Furthermore, the Bush admin, to date, really looks like it's teflon coated, as I can think of numerous egregious offenses they indulged in, but have illicited little more than a whimper from opposition and the general public.

When the history books are finally written on this period of US foreign policy, and the addition of supplemental mercenary forces to the invasion of the middle east, this may be one of those "wrong turns" that seems so obvious in hindsight, you're left wondering:

a)how did they get that approved in the first place
b)where was the opposition and vetting process on contractors hired (include Haliburtons billing the govt $7.50 per can of coke here)
c)how have they gotten away with it without causing a civil revolt?

Here's to hoping they nail the bastid on this:mad:, and this leads to a landslide of further investigation and litigation on that entire administration.
So wait, the guy who ran a group of mercenaries with the comic-bookishly evil sounding name "Blackwater" turns out to have been a bad, bad man?

c)how have they gotten away with it without causing a civil revolt?
Because too many Americans are too damn comfortable, and scared on some repressed level, to care. I'm covering my bases.
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Because too many Americans are too damn comfortable, and scared on some repressed level, to care. I'm covering my bases.
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Your so right. In fact most Americans haven't even heard of Blackwater and many would think its part of an old song from the 1970's. :confused:
Because too many Americans are too damn comfortable, and scared on some repressed level, to care. I'm covering my bases.
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Too true, and I continue to boggle as to why the same civil revolts haven't resulted from the multiple TRILLIONS freely handed, with no strings attached, to what is perenially, the richest corporations in America(the banks).

Any other time in history and,....POW-to the guillotines!!! would've been the reaction.
Neo-cons gone crazy, with cheney as their champion, whispering in the ear of an increasingly under pressure president who was on a crazed "with us or against us" buzz.

Thank God this stuff is even coming out, if you accept the glass is half full...

On the plus side, Bill Clinton just pulled off a commando style rescue mission, rescued two hot journalists, and managed to charm a crazed dictator. He's like an American James Bond, with Hilary as Money Penny.

Can you imagine how the dialogue between him and Kim Jung Il started. "I too sometimes think that looks like a primary schoolgirl and sometimes like a pensioner going shopping," just to sweeten them up.
I think the reason there is no revolt yet, is there is no 'trigger'. and the dumbest things you could imagine may become that trigger. such as let them eat cake, and wham, bang, all the nasty cartoons vilifying a woefully unaware foreign queen are quoted as truth and used to overthrow a monarchy that was not really any worse than the ones before, and next thing you know, heads are flying... literally.

some revolts, I think, are a result of an opportunist seeing an opening and exploiting it, but still, they also need to find that trigger, the one thing that will galvanize the masses, turn sheep into a raging mob.

what it will take for the population of the US to say ENOUGH, I don't know. So far, you have had a president murdered, his brother murdered, a leading peace activist murdered, and all that in about a five-year stretch. plus, Kent State killings of 4 students, two of whom were not even involved in the protests that took place that May.

the death of those 4 students sent a shock wave through the nation that contributed to the change in opinion regarding the Vietnam war; all the thousands and thousands of civilians and soldiers killed during that war couldn't get the attention of anyone who lived in middleclass suburbia, but 4 students dying made a huge difference.

The way these events are played out in the media has a huge influence on what we despise, what we accept, and what we ignore. go back to Marie Antoinnette and take a gander at some of the woodcuts depicting her as a whore, a witch, an eater of children... come back to present day and see who has taken her place. Bernie Madoff and other white-collar criminals whose crimes, while devastating to those who lost their savings, are nowhere near as heinous as anything done by arms dealers who wine and dine the leaders of the free world through the back door, and the leaders of the not-so-free world through the front.

so, you never know what is going to be noticed, what is going to get the message across.

long rant, another one of those nights where my pollyanna optimism took a dive...:(
Revolt? And replace it with... what? More of the same?

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. That's how.

Well, for starters, if nothing else, I would suggest something resembling what your founding fathers had envisioned,...something resembling the spirit of the US Constitution, and something not controlled by omnipotent corporations and a corrupt Old Boys Club,...8)
Well, for starters, if nothing else, I would suggest something resembling what your founding fathers had envisioned,...something resembling the spirit of the US Constitution, and something not controlled by omnipotent corporations and a corrupt Old Boys Club,...8)

Er... I'm a fellow Canuckian.

And what you're suggesting sounds great until you realize the founding fathers WERE the original "Old Boys Club". Or, as the late, great George Carlin put it: "This country was founded by a small group of wealthy, white, land-holding slave owners who had the balls to write "all men are created equal" into the Constitution. Now that is what you call astoundingly full of shit!"
Er... I'm a fellow Canuckian.

And what you're suggesting sounds great until you realize the founding fathers WERE the original "Old Boys Club". Or, as the late, great George Carlin put it: "This country was founded by a small group of wealthy, white, land-holding slave owners who had the balls to write "all men are created equal" into the Constitution. Now that is what you call astoundingly full of shit!"

George Carlin had enough money to live anywhere, yet chose to live here in the United States.

As of 2007, the entire world had an estimated 9.6 million millionaires. These are people that can live pretty much anywhere they want to in the world. Yet, out of all the countries in the world to choose from, a whopping 4.6 million of these millionaires, or 48%, choose to live in the United States. And that was under the evil and hated and world-despised Bush administration. Yes, out of 223 available countries in the world, 48% of the millionaires choose 1 country - the United States.

Why aren't these people running away and living in such beautiful places like Canada, New Zealand, or Australia (and they are indeed beautiful)? I wonder.

The United States is also the #1 choice of people who wish to emigrate, regardless of economic status. I wonder why.

So, whatever the "Old Boys Club" did, it is still the most popular place to be on the planet -- in spite of what jealous outsiders say about it.
George Carlin had enough money to live anywhere, yet chose to live here in the United States.

Makes no difference to the validity of his statement.

And that was under the evil and hated and world-despised Bush administration. Yes, out of 223 available countries in the world, 48% of the millionaires choose 1 country - the United States.

Gee... could it have been the obscenely ridiculous tax breaks Dubya introduced I wonder? Ordinary people despised the Bush administration for good reason.

Why aren't these people running away and living in such beautiful places like Canada, New Zealand, or Australia (and they are indeed beautiful)? I wonder.

Actually they do, when they want to retire and enjoy living. In my experience people go to America for the money and that is all. You're not this naiive Bob, please don't pretend to be.