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Blake Cousins (Twins Who Shall Not Be Named -- TWSNBN)

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I thought the show was good. I was not not impressed with the guest. If you can stomach watching some of videos on his site. It comes off as if he is trying use the Josh Gates/Jesse Ventura model for interviews etc. I was really impressed with the "fatherly" advice Chris gave him about getting his stuff together.
I do have one question though, has Stanton Friedman and Rich Dolan started going down the wrong road? It was mentioned they are promoters, is that a bad thing?
Wow. He sounded like either Beavis or Butthead ... I forget which one!

Letting YouTube views decide on anything is a farce. Not the brightest bulbs over there. One video showed a polar crown cavity, or what looks like a dark sphere very close to the sun attached by a filament.

Of course the YouTube denizens all think it's a UFO draining energy from the sun, or the sun is forming a new planet, or the sun is alive. No one realizes it is many times larger than the Earth and should be either burnt to a crisp, or visible from Earth. But of course it's not even being illuminated.

Yeah, let the YouTube people decide. ;)
1000% the BEST show I have had the pleasure of listening to! FEET SCORCHED! I truly hope he takes chris up on his generios offer! Guys this was an awesome interview! Thank you so much!
In my opinion one of the best shows of the past couple years, maybe even the best of all time. I have to admit it made me reflect on my own interest in this field. It made me question if I was in it for the specticle or for something more serious. Defently Gene and Chris at the top of their game (and um googs too). A humble thank you for this fine show fellas.
Blake Cousins is an idiot who has almost 70k white trash greaser YouTube trolls subscribing to his bogus sight. I decided you were bogus based on the lame & fake videos you post. And the fact that you MISSPELL THE NAME OF YOUR OWN SIGHT ON YOUR "About Us" page as well as having numerous grammar mistakes and other misspelled words. But the white trash daryls that frequent your sight wouldn't know the difference. If you were even the least bit valid you would call out Stan Romanek as a lying fraud p.o.s. But you didn't. You just swang from his nuts.

Gene & Chris let you off too easy. Blake is a disgrace to serious minded ufologists everywhere.
I'm willing to stand back and see if he makes any changes, moves in a better direction etc but I won't be holding my breath unfortunately.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, so maybe he will come around but I would be very surprised if he does. I'm not a video analyst or UFO expert, so my opinion posted on a YouTube channel shouldn't weigh nearly as much as say someone like Chris or anyone who has spent significant time studying videos, UFOs, etc. But on YouTube, you are going to get a mix and unfortunately most are going to be more like me - NOT experts (or worse - people who are not experts but think they are). It is not a good way to judge content for authenticity. I would also think that after seeing what is passed for authentic on "ThirdPhase" (I'm not typing that out, it doesn't sound right ;)), a serious expert would probably look elsewhere and effectively lower the overall quality of opinions posted in the comments.

A few things struck me, including the constant references to "ThirdPhase" by name and at one point, I thought I heard Blake begin to say something to the effect of "people start complaining if we don't have more video content up quickly" (I'm paraphrasing here). If that's a concern, then I interpret that as entertainment and not honest research - sort of like how a TV show has to air new episodes or people get frustrated waiting and fall off the series wagon. Unless I misunderstood what he was saying, I took that as a red flag. To me that shows a desire for popularity and audience appeasement, not valuable data gathering.

I almost felt bad for the guy when he finally did come on. Maybe he doesn't realize what he's doing. One of the reasons I like listening to Gene and Chris is because they seem to tell it like it is. They don't mince words but they still allow the other person to explain themselves (if they are willing/able to do so). I felt that when Gene spoke over Blake, it was mostly because he (Blake) was trying to veer away from the question. So I'm not really sure where the previous host hate came from. That approach is not always easy to listen to, but it's not because of the hosts. It is because of the guest's approach and reaction. They didn't hang him, they just gave him enough rope and let him decide what to do with it. And he really is doing a disservice to anyone who takes the UFO field seriously. It is something that needs to be brought out into the open just in case he honestly doesn't realize the damage that is done when hoaxers are given a platform to ply their trade. He does sound very young (says me, the 30 year old :eek:), so this could turn out to be one of those important events in his life that encourages him to focus his energy in a more positive and effective way in terms of contributions to the UFO world (if he is sincere about wanting to be a positive player in all of this).

As far as the misspellings go, that is a good way to lower the professionalism of a website. Sure, we all make mistakes. A slip up here or there in a forum post or email is forgivable. However if you take the time to post content or an about us page and you don't bother to proofread it, have someone else proofread it and/or just run it through spellcheck, then you obviously aren't trying to present yourself as professional or someone with expertise. Which also makes me wonder if part of Blake's problem is that all of this is too much work. I didn't really get the impression that he wanted to devote more time than he already is to this endeavor.

I will say one thing though, I really liked hearing Goggs on the show! He sounded knowledgeable, thoughtful and made great contributions to the discussion. I would love to hear more Goggs from time to time!
Blake Cousins is an idiot who has almost 70k white trash greaser YouTube trolls subscribing to his bogus sight. I decided you were bogus based on the lame & fake videos you post. And the fact that you MISSPELL THE NAME OF YOUR OWN SIGHT ON YOUR "About Us" page as well as having numerous grammar mistakes and other misspelled words. But the white trash daryls that frequent your sight wouldn't know the difference. If you were even the least bit valid you would call out Stan Romanek as a lying fraud p.o.s. But you didn't. You just swang from his nuts.

Gene & Chris let you off too easy. Blake is a disgrace to serious minded ufologists everywhere.

Wow... For a 'serious ufologist' you sure come across like someone who didn't graduate high school.

PROTIP: Don't make egregious spelling mistakes yourself, when you criticize other people's spelling mistakes.

Overall, I gotta say I don't quite understand the hostility from neither listeners nor the hosts. Blake doesn't claim to be a video analyst, or that all of his videos are spotless. He just puts them up there, and let people judge themselves.

Are many of them dubious? Sure... But this is a field that's littered with fakes, charlatans, hoaxes and hucksters. It seems you're holding him up to a higher standard than some of your other guests, and needless to say, other people in the field.
The show was quite entertaining,especially Chris O`Brien selective "constructive criticism" towards Blake Cousins(Aka Mr single digit IQ),considering Chris O`Brien close association & personal friendship with Über snake oil peddler David Hatcher Childress. As someone with scientific credentials in ethno-anthropology & archaeology I do not apologize for the following statement:"David Hatcher Childress is a charlatan".The debunking of Blake Cousins was appropriate,legitimate & somehow hygienic, but we have to be honest,If you Chris & Gene were inclined to apply the same rigorous inquisitorial process to most of your guests,98% of them wouldn't past the litmus test.Having said that,although I consider myself ultra skeptical & cannot buy the "extraterrestrial hypothesis"(for obvious reasons),there is a genuine "non flying objects" phenomena.I respect Gene Steinberg dedication & integrity & Goggs Mackay rationality,but I have a serious beef with Chris O`Brien who leaves his objectivity & critical thinking skills at the door of his church, when his personal friends are concerned.
Blake Cousins is an idiot who has almost 70k white trash greaser YouTube trolls subscribing to his bogus sight. I decided you were bogus based on the lame & fake videos you post. And the fact that you MISSPELL THE NAME OF YOUR OWN SIGHT ON YOUR "About Us" page as well as having numerous grammar mistakes and other misspelled words. But the white trash daryls that frequent your sight wouldn't know the difference. If you were even the least bit valid you would call out Stan Romanek as a lying fraud p.o.s. But you didn't. You just swang from his nuts.

Gene & Chris let you off too easy. Blake is a disgrace to serious minded ufologists everywhere.

I don't know anything about white trash greasers, but I do know that website is spelled 'site' and not 'sight.'
This was an unusual episode. I'm glad Blake managed to show up. Don't take this the wrong way, but this was possibly the most hostile interview you ever did. Gene kept insisting that Blake not talk over him, but he cut Blake off almost every time he spoke.

I guess it all turned out well in the end as you left on an amiable note.

It's obvious the guy is not interested in much besides web traffic and notoriety. When a guest keeps repeating the same identical, unresponsive and non-sensical answers he deserves to be interrupted. If the aliens crossbred Michael Horn and Benjamin Fulford, the result would be Crane.
Thanks. As regular listeners know, we won't let a guest filibuster, and we'll put a stop to it. If some people don't like the fact that we'll interrupt a guest when he or she goes too far, that's just too damn bad.
After being a listener for several years this show finally got me to the point of wanting to become a forum member.

I admit I wish Gene and Chris would ALWAYS leave hints of political views out, but it is their show and they can do it however they want....thankfully we live in a free country. Besides that and a couple other minor things I have liked the show and it has given me many great hours of listening on my 2 plus hour daily commute.

I enjoyed this show more than most over the last two years.

At first I was really getting uneasy the way they were giving it to the poor guy with both barrels. I have never been to his site but will check it out soon. I had to fall back on the experience of the hosts that what they were saying was accurate. I did really like how at the end they extended the hand of friendship, that helped round the whole show out very well IMHO. I hope he takes some of the advice offered.

Sadly, from a newbie point of view, it sounds as though sites like Third Phase might become a 'necessary evil' to UFO studies, in this world where the attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. Maybe there is a place for 'PT Barnum sites' that will get the attention of the new folks and then hopefully guide them to the real meat of the subject. It is not like it was back when I was a kid, when the biggest entertainment was hitting the library every Saturday to see what new books were there to check out. I must have read every UFO book they had twice.
Gotta say it was quite ironic, to hear Chris, who's always willing to give a dubious character like Ray Stanford a pass, to be so aggressive and skeptical toward Blake. Overall there was too much of a 'You youngsters sure don't do it like we used to do it' vibe...
You have some nerve comparing Ray and Blake in the same sentence. And I don't give him a pass—I learn from him and I am so fortunate that he takes the time to explain things—especially in the realm of analyzing UFO images. As to your "you youngsters comment," yeah, sometimes its a good thing to humble yourself and really learn from those with more experience and wisdom.
... I have a serious beef with Chris O`Brien who leaves his objectivity & critical thinking skills at the door of his church, when his personal friends are concerned.
You are entitled to your opinion, but most of the guests we have on are my personal friends. I don't agree w/ everything DHC or Ro Guilley or whomever has to say and I don't have a church—I can't stand religion—it is the attempt to colonize spirit. You'd make a better first impression if you introduced yourself without slagging one of the principles in rather troll-ish fashion. Folks who arrive here w/ axes to grind generally don't last long. I'd like to say welcome to the forum, but you don't seem interested in what I have to say or my opinion.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if Blake is going to take us up on our offer. He responded briefly after the show recording session concluded on Thursday. We haven't heard from him since -- and don't expect to hear from him. But I'm ready to be surprised.
Gene,I have been following your forum (& listening to the shows) for a while & decided to "participate" since you kindly invited "honest skeptics" (although I do not belong to the Skeptics community,I consider them social narcissists & pseudo intellectual poseurs) to take part in the conversations. Most of your forum participants are amongst the most educated & rational UFO buffs I have met so far.This represents an amazing accomplishment considering the state of mainstream ufology. You did a fantastic job on professional bottom feeder Mike Bara. I belong to Expat (The Emoluments of Mars) "inner circle", & it was quite unusual to listen to a radio program holding Bara`s feet to fire. Hats off to you.
You are entitled to your opinion, but most of the guests we have on are my personal friends. I don't agree w/ everything DHC of Ro Guilley or whomever has to say and I don't have a church—I can't stand religion—it is the attempt to colonize spirit. You'd make a better first impression if you introduced yourself without slagging one of the principles in rather troll-ish fashion. Folks who arrive here w/ axes to grind generally don't last long. I'd like to say welcome to the forum, but you don't seem interested in what I have to say or my opinion.

Chris,Not at all, I'm always willing to listen & learn. Please bear in mind,I am merely expressing an opinion,but I have nothing personal against you.I applaud the fact,that from an insider perspective, you are not afraid of speaking your mind. Thank you for the warm welcome.

PS. I introduced myself in response to the new participant welcome message,I guess there is a glitch,my comment doesn't show up.
I like Paracast- a lot-, but as a fan who has listened to the majority of episodes since the beginning, I gotta say these "policing the field" shows don't do much for me. The motivation I understand, sure, but I just don't think trying to "expose" anyone does anything in the long run (because there will ALWAYS be more charlatans) and worse, it's- in my opinion at least- boring.

A lot of folks seem to really like this stuff, and hey it's (obviously) you guys' show, but speaking as one listener I'd rather hear compelling, interesting conversations with "good" guests than roll around in the mud.