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Blake Cousins (Twins Who Shall Not Be Named -- TWSNBN)

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I live on Maui but I have a friend in Hilo who knows Blake and actually shot one of the videos with him. I only found out my friend new Blake because I was watching one of his videos on youtube and saw my friend in it. After watching the video I immediately called him and he confirmed that the whole video was staged! I love your show and have listened to every show in the archives but have never posted on the forum. It took this show to inspire me to get in here. This last show made me laugh for two hours! Blake is a fraud but I hope Gene and Chris convinced him to change his ways and only put out a clear signal and not noise.
It's disconcerting to think Blake agreed to go on a show without even doing the barest of checking? There are many people 'interested' in UFOs and the paranormal who do not listen to the Paracast and no doubt for example, a huge number of C2C listeners won't know about the Paracast. Their loss in my opinion but anyway, the fact remains that the simplest of Google searches would bring a wealth of links to the Paracast, or it being mentioned elsewhere. I got the impression Blake didn't really take a look at the show beforehand. Ask yourself the question whether you would appear on a podcast/radio show knowing zip about it? Me personally, would be looking for a website, whether I could listen to previous shows, read reviews etc. Even for the most basic reason as you don't want to look a fool if you can't answer something really mundane about the show or presenters. I'd rather be prepared?

Good job on the show Goggs.

Still not sure what obligation Cousins has to be anything other than a businessman. I realize that frustrates some here, but it's clear what his goals are and I suspect he would gain more respect if he would just say so. Ho doesn't care about "fact checking" because that's not the point. The goal is to entertain and be rewarded accordingly via page hits.
I think that anyone who has made a single dime in this field without bringing convincing evidence is a con man. Everything - EVERYTHING else is just entertainment. And that includes Coast to Coast, Paracast, Radio Mysterioso, Saucer Smear, Unknown Country, Earthfiles etc. etc. Blake is just another platform. Just another take that brings nothing convincing - LIKE ALL THE OTHERS. It is all Star Trek and Planet X and Twilight Zone. I don't mind, either. I just would never condemn one show as out of line. It is all out of line. It is all campfire stories. All of it. If you condemn then WHAT IS YOUR EVIDENCE? What are you bringing that would change the culture? Nothing.
WHAT IS YOUR EVIDENCE? What are you bringing that would change the culture? Nothing.
We'll see what everyone (including you) says after I publish Stalking the Herd. I would hope it has a chance to help change cultural views on humankind's relationship w/ cattle. Blake is a fake. He is not attempting to winnow out the BS. He could[n't] care less. At least the Paracast and some others are making a valiant attempt to present as many quality researchers as possible. Sure, sometimes the show is hit and miss and — other times we out charlatans, its a tough job but somebody has to have the guts to call a spade a spade. Regardless of your cynicism, we really do try and present to our audience those whose work deserves attention—for ill or for not! You sure seem jaded... what are you doing to enlighten us all bedsides complaining? Not the best way to enter a new forum, introduce yourself and make friends...
Gene and Chris - At first I thought you were being harsh with Cousins, but then I realized something. You both are practicing something we hardly ever see anymore and find hard to recognize as a result, real journalism. I think we're all so used to seeing interviews where questions are clearly avoided and no follow-ups issued that when we do hear a real journalistic endeavor, it sounds harsh, rude and mean.

I've been listening to the show for many months now but I think with this interview I finally 'get it' and have become an admirer of both your work. If I had any influence I'd demand this podcast be part of the curriculum for journalism majors.

I was curious about Cousins having the final words of the episode--the typical 'we'll see you next time.' To me, that seemed quite inappropriate for him to do since it's not his show, I just wondered what you thought about it. Perhaps it's just a minor, irrelevant thing but it seemed illustrative of his personality.
I'm thinking the battery comment may provide a clue, (or maybe it was supposed to add authenticity to "the experience") at any rate I'm going with sunlight reflected off a strand of a web.
but have you ever BEEN ON A UFO. And by ufo i mean Uranian Fusion Oscillator. What are you? A spider expert? Until you have ;
"I'd let the people decide."
I'm thinking the battery comment may provide a clue, (or maybe it was supposed to add authenticity to "the experience") at any rate I'm going with sunlight reflected off a strand of a web.
Naw, my low battery light really was flashing. I didn't want to sound like I was acting so I described what I saw the light doing w/ no actual defining reference to what I was filming. I have been thinking about the August 95 Salida/SLV Colorado footage for years and this is the only possible explanation besides what the analysts and witnesses described. It is somewhat interestingly similar in appearance...

Blake IS just another part of the problem—NOT a part of the solution. I think we should start a petition that they provide a clear, up front disclaimer that their site is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.

Even if ThirdPhaseOfMoon is adding more noise, the interest it generates is going to inspire some people to search for real answers, and it won't take those people long to find our websites. That's why it's important for us to do our networking. Our combined traffic is more than any single site alone, so by networking we can filter out the noise much more effectively. The Paracast probably gets the most traffic. I'm not sure of your numbers. I probably get a few thousand per month ( my server said I had over 600,000 page requests last month, but only a fraction aren't bots ).
Naw, my low battery light really was flashing. I didn't want to sound like I was acting so I described what I saw the light doing w/ no actual defining reference to what I was filming. I have been thinking about the August 95 Salida/SLV Colorado footage for years and this is the only possible explanation besides what the analysts and witnesses described. It is somewhat interestingly similar in appearance...

Wait that is a real video THIRDPHASEOFDOOM will not like that.

seriously that is one of the best UFO videos IMHO
Gene and Chris - At first I thought you were being harsh with Cousins, but then I realized something. You both are practicing something we hardly ever see anymore and find hard to recognize as a result, real journalism. I think we're all so used to seeing interviews where questions are clearly avoided and no follow-ups issued that when we do hear a real journalistic endeavor, it sounds harsh, rude and mean.

I've been listening to the show for many months now but I think with this interview I finally 'get it' and have become an admirer of both your work. If I had any influence I'd demand this podcast be part of the curriculum for journalism majors.

I was curious about Cousins having the final words of the episode--the typical 'we'll see you next time.' To me, that seemed quite inappropriate for him to do since it's not his show, I just wondered what you thought about it. Perhaps it's just a minor, irrelevant thing but it seemed illustrative of his personality.
We almost always let the guest make a final comment before the closing theme.
I live on Maui but I have a friend in Hilo who knows Blake and actually shot one of the videos with him. I only found out my friend new Blake because I was watching one of his videos on youtube and saw my friend in it. After watching the video I immediately called him and he confirmed that the whole video was staged! I love your show and have listened to every show in the archives but have never posted on the forum. It took this show to inspire me to get in here. This last show made me laugh for two hours! Blake is a fraud but I hope Gene and Chris convinced him to change his ways and only put out a clear signal and not noise.
Would your friend be willing to give us a statement (we can keep the name anonymous if he prefers)? It would be nice to nail this down.

And thanks for listening.
We'll see what everyone (including you) says after I publish Stalking the Herd. I would hope it has a chance to help change cultural views on humankind's relationship w/ cattle. Blake is a fake. He is not attempting to winnow out the BS. He could[n't] care less. At least the Paracast and some others are making a valiant attempt to present as many quality researchers as possible. Sure, sometimes the show is hit and miss and — other times we out charlatans, its a tough job but somebody has to have the guts to call a spade a spade. Regardless of your cynicism, we really do try and present to our audience those whose work deserves attention—for ill or for not! You sure seem jaded... what are you doing to enlighten us all bedsides complaining? Not the best way to enter a new forum, introduce yourself and make friends...

The Paracast brought us the German guy who thought the local Jews were stealing his sheep as a plan to get his property. Remember that one? I didn't mind it. It was amusing.

The only reason I felt enough energy to come onto a forum was I thought you guys were too hard on this kid. I don't like bullies. I could see attacking someone like Major Head Games who was running a several-year con where NONE of his predictions would come true. But this young kid is just uploading videos of various quality. No big deal, really.

What I bring to the party is this: We are not going to find sasquatch and there will be no alien discoveries let alone 'disclosure' for heaven's sake. Why? Because what we need to be talking about is the nature of reality. These things are not 'real' like this chair is real. It is part of a shadow reality. We need to spend more time thinking about that. All this stuff has to do with the observer and not the thing itself.

As for 'jaded,' sure. Who wouldn't be after listening to this for several decades? What bothers me most in this field are all the personal attacks and little churches that get going. And I don't believe people have 'friends' on line. A friend is someone who comes over for dinner.

Don't get me wrong, I love your show.
This kid may be faking UFO photos too. If one poster's report of knowing someone involved is correct, that makes the issue even more important.

We take the position that there are mysteries to be solved, but that the hucksters just make it more difficult and need to be exposed.
The only reason I felt enough energy to come onto a forum was I thought you guys were too hard on this kid. I don't like bullies.

I'm glad you brought this up because there is a lot of focus on cyber-bullying right now and I think it's really important to distinguish between bullying and holding someone accountable. In this episode I felt as though the line was thin at times but never crossed it into outright bullying. Trust me, I've been a victim of cyber-bullying on other forums and I've looked up the legal definitions and have come very close to launching legal actions because of it. But when we listen to the content of this episode, what we're hearing are honest comments and concerns being expressed about the quality of content that Cousins posts on his website. What's more, these concerns are justifiable and although it may have been somewhat uncomfortable, someone needed to do it, and merely speaking the truth should not be confused with bullying. I'll agree that it might have been handled with more tact at times, but it was tame by comparison to some of the stuff out there. If you want to talk about cyber-bullying tactics, including relentless mockery and ridicule, go visit the JREF forums. Ironically they even have an educational outreach program to bring their brand of skepticism into the schools.