50 to 175 trillion suckers. Where's the rage?
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If the powers that (think they) be aren't careful, they will have hell to pay from a increasingly enraged public. All it will take is one well-placed spark or an ill-conceived, heavy-handed over reaction by "the authorities" and this growing powder keg called America will ignite like the 4th of July. More and more people are becoming "mad as hell" and at some point "we're not going to take it any more!"
If the powers that (think they) be aren't careful, they will have hell to pay from a increasingly enraged public. All it will take is one well-placed spark or an ill-conceived, heavy-handed over reaction by "the authorities" and this growing powder keg called America will ignite like the 4th of July. More and more people are becoming "mad as hell" and at some point "we're not going to take it any more!"
Yeah xylo, for the "1%."And thus the importance of "Homeland Security."
This means that the investment bank's European derivatives exposure is now backstopped by U.S. taxpayers. Bank of America didn't get regulatory approval to do this, they just did it at the request of frightened counterparties. Now the Fed and the FDIC are fighting as to whether this was sound. The Fed wants to "give relief" to the bank holding company, which is under heavy pressure.
This is a direct transfer of risk to the taxpayer done by the bank without approval by regulators and without public input. You will also read below that JP Morgan is apparently doing the same thing with $79 trillion of notional derivatives guaranteed by the FDIC and Federal Reserve.
What this means for you is that when Europe finally implodes and banks fail, U.S. taxpayers will hold the bag for trillions in CDS insurance contracts sold by Bank of America and JP Morgan. Even worse, the total exposure is unknown because Wall Street successfully lobbied during Dodd-Frank passage so that no central exchange would exist keeping track of net derivative exposure.
http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=12753Counting one dollar per second, it would take 32 million years to count to one Quadrillion.
First you have to get mad, really madDon't get me started about my personal experiences with Bank of America. Toxic personified.
Personally Chris, we ARE mad as hell. I have personal experience with B of A and Wells Fargo. I am in litigation with one for illegal practices in my state. The AG of CA and NV are stepping up to the plate (as is MA) and going to stop this or try to. Also got a call from the PMI company today on one house. They will likely get involved in the fray at some point because they know the banks are ripping them off too.If the powers that (think they) be aren't careful, they will have hell to pay from a increasingly enraged public. All it will take is one well-placed spark or an ill-conceived, heavy-handed over reaction by "the authorities" and this growing powder keg called America will ignite like the 4th of July. More and more people are becoming "mad as hell" and at some point "we're not going to take it any more!"
http://www.golemxiv.co.uk/2011/11/debt-or-taxes-the-battle-fo-our-time/The only difference is that when the state and its systems become rotted and corrupt I can vote out out the corrupt and seek to purge rotten. I have no such power over global finance and the banks who animate it. There is no voting. There is no representation.
There is no tax without representation. BUT there is always debt collection without it. Think about how huge a difference that is.
Debt and taxes are the battle ground of two inimical political systems. One recognizes us as the source of its power and legitimacy. The other does not. One takes the welfare of all the people in its care as its reason for being. The other sees its job as enriching those who; by accident of birth, happen to own it. Which system will care for you when misfortune strikes you or your children down? Which system will look to the future and which will damn the future for a stellar quarterly report and the bonus that brings?
The key is this: by bailing out the banks and the private financial system we are diverting tax and the power it confers from the Nation State and its system of democratic accountability, and instead empowering a system where debt not democracy reigns supreme. As more and more of our as yet un-earned wealth is already pledged to support the system of private debts and private debt-based wealth we find ourselves less and less able to control it or enforce even its own laws upon it. The financial system and those whose power comes from it are increasingly able to disregard any restraining laws. They can incur debts and ignore them forcing others, us, to pay them for them. How? because we have tied our selves to their system and weakened the old system which used to protect us and work for us.
Under subsection (b)(1), indefinite detentions can follow mere membership (past or present) or support for suspect organizations.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15359735Lloyd says he has already heard anecdotes about police in the US searching for the masks in people's houses to be used as evidence of involvement with Anonymous hacker attacks