I have a couple of them myself, so you'll be in good companyI guess I will be going to the camps then
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I have a couple of them myself, so you'll be in good companyI guess I will be going to the camps then
The European Central Bank firehosed €489,190,000,000 at the eurozone banking system. Five-hundred-and-twenty-three banks snatched greedily at the cheap cash. And the markets fell.
Just think this through. The ECB has no resources of its own: it is backed by the European taxpayer. So the money it has lent to the banks must either be drawn from EU governments or directly from their citizens in the form of inflation.
Why would Tim Binnall do this to us? And where did he get all the toxic waste?
Well this helps sum a few things up
I remember when roger used to be a new zealand sheep farmer called fred dagg...