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Bottom line on Aztec?

Free episodes:

False. No question about it.

We've had several episodes over the years on this case, and there is very little to indicate a UFO crashed, or anything crashed, at Aztec, NM during the timeframe indicated. It all started with a mention in a flying saucer book from Frank Scully, a gossip columnist, who may have been led to the story by a pair of confidence men.

I recorded an episode of After The Paracast, the show that comes with a Paracast+ membership, with a retired engineer and former Aztec resident, Monte Shriver. He lived there when the incident reportedly occurred, and he had no personal memory of anything happening. He asked his friends, and they didn't either. He and his wife examined the Scott Ramsey book and found it wanting in terms of even basic factual accuracy about the town and its geography.

Paul Kimball calls it the Dracula case. You drive a stake through it, and it still comes to life again after a while.