Paranormal Maven
No, trained, I wouldn't disagree. I can see in my own life recurring patterns good and, well, ahem, not so good, though nothing has remotely approached a prison term, or even an arrest for that matter! I think what means a lot to me is an abiding and unshakeable belief in humanity's intelligence, and I do believe in free will in a very theological way, and I think it by our physical bodies originates in the brain's neurochemistry. I don't mean to criticize your respect for neuroscience by any means, hence I love reading about consciousness. After all, it's who we are. My point above about my belief in humanity's reasoning power is a bit off topic, but I do cringe when it seems to be common belief (not necessarily on your part), that intelligent extraterrestrial beings, if they exist, and some very reputable scientists believe they do not and that we may well be alone in the universe, we would be to them as ants are to us. I think that demeans ants as well as us! An example I've used before is a book edited by Stephen hawking called On the Shoulders of Giants. It's comprised of the ACTUAL, in English translation where necessary of course, works and papers of Kepler, Copernicus, Galileo, newton, and others. You actually read their own words, see their own diagrams, drawings, and MATHEMATICAL EQUATIONS. You're just stupefied with wonder. I just think free will does exist very much so, though I do agree with much of what you just said in terms of human behavior and psychology. Kim