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NO, what you've stated is "total BS." YES Ray HAS provided proof for his claims. I set up a presentation for him on 2006 that around 50 people attended. The ones who could keep up w/ the science were duly impressed. Two months ago Ray met w/ a famous, world-class, physicist and gave him an abbreviated 4-5 hour presentation that the physicist called "marvelous." I don't care what you or Lance or anyone thinks: I know that Ray is the real deal. Deal w/ that! End of rant :)

Sorry Chris, but he's all talk for now in my mind. I'm glad he impressed a world class physicist. Was it someone as credulous as Brandenburg? The stuff he has shown is nebulous at best. I get the science. However, like Lance has said, the close up shots he likes to talk about have never been presented. That's the problem with people like him.
I do understand he has done some fantastic work in other fields, I do not want to take that way from him. However, when it comes to his "UFO" evidence, he has provided nothing of substance that proves anything.
If he doesn't want to share he should stop claiming how great it is.
I set up a presentation for him on 2006 that around 50 people attended. The ones who could keep up w/ the science were duly impressed. Two months ago Ray met w/ a famous, world-class, physicist and gave him an abbreviated 4-5 hour presentation that the physicist called "marvelous."

Well, that is pretty damned exciting. Unfortunately, until he makes a more public presentation the rest of us are left in the dark and wondering. Given the history of claims that have been made in this field, can you really blame anyone for their skepticism or even their cynicism when promised evidence continues to fail to materialize? Granted, there could be a few people who might appropriate his data and attempt to incorporate it into their own Nazi-NASA-hyper-dimensional pseudo-physics model but is that any reason to play things so close to the chest? Again and again this whole business (Ufology) seems to boil down to information control and Intelligence. At this point in the game, for the rest of Chris, it's still a pig in a poke.
Sigh. Pay attention here now. Trace landing patterns. What are they? Well "you" don't need to know but the "government" and "they" know. "Some" people in the know, know don'tcha know? Also, "metal" Ohhhhh, I know scary right? So, there is your proof. Now lets talk about the Jacalope. I acutally saw a stuffed Jacalope in a North Alabama bar one time so they absolutely are real. :-)