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British X-Files describe secret UFO study

Free episodes:

Thanks for the heads up. It's worth downloading them in the next couple of weeks because they are only free for a while. After a month or so each file is a £3+ download. That's a lot of money for what's normally 90% filler with very little thriller.

I can think of one or two folks who'll be getting all flushed at the idea that "ZOMG!!! Could this be it?! DISCLOSURE!!" CSETI are probably bundling off a print-run to be sold as part of their 'levels' literature lol

ETA@ Sorry, I forgot to add the direct download links...UFO files | Newly released files from The National Archives
6th set of UK UFO documents released-videos+audios+articles

EDIT: Just saw that jkoci has sent the same subject before me so if moderator thinks it is appropriate please in that case merge the threads.


Dear colleagues.

The information has just started to spread over media. 6th set of the UK UFO documents is released. I am just listening BBC World Service Radio and they are broadcasting reports about news in this moment. I have immediately started to record - Nick Pope and David Clarke are interviewed considering this release as in previous releases. Ok here it comes - another report on BBC coming just now - again recording and adding audio to batch.

Here are download links for uploaded audios:

Audio 1 - 06:55 GMT:

Audio 2 - 07:05 GMT:


Churchill ordered UFO cover-up, National Archives show

Files released on 1974 'Welsh Roswell'

British X-Files reveal secret UFO study

Short chronology of previous releases:

May 2008 - 1st release
October 2008 - 2nd Release
March 2009 - 3rd Release
August 2009 – 4th Release
February 2010 - 5th Release

Best Wishes
The UFO Archivist
http://hostanje.net/~transfer/uforadio/english/Media Archive/Documentaries.html
As a point of interest, one of these files has been chosen by Sky News to run on a loop this morning on TV. The subject is a large UFO sighting by Royal Air Force aircrews over the English Channel in 1944, which Churchill immediately ordered classified. The news spot includes fotos of the documents, drawings of the craft and sound bites from Timothy Good (What??? No Nick Pope???)
6th set of UK UFO documents released-articles+audios


I was able to catch short video piece just broadcasted on Sky News.

It is hard to catch those small news pieces on latest UK UFO release because of floods of news coverage about Naomy Campbell testimony all over the news satellite channels today.

Anyway here it is - piece just broadcasted on Sky News on 6th UK UFO release - recorded and uploaded on youtube:

I was able to find two additional radio shows that devoted at least some time to UK UFO story besides the flood of other news mentioned above that unfortunately soon transfered UFO release as side track item.

Anyway here are the links:

Tony Livesey - Wed, 04 Aug 2010
The Ministry of Defence has released many new documents detailing many reported UFO sightings - including a claim that Winston Churhill ordered a cover-up during the second world war.

Matthew Smith - Save Lyneham poster
BBC Wiltshire, 6:00am Thursday 5th August 2010
Also this morning: The UFO files handed to the National Archives by the Ministry of Defence, including a reported break-in at RAF Rudloe Manor near Corsham.

Catched another one. This one is from BBC News:

Recorded and uploaded:

This is extended Sky News story with Timothy Good and dr. David Clarke mentioned also by "ArchieBedford" in another thread:

After the european wave, TV reports started to spread over the rest of the world.
This just freshly recorded from CNN:
(What??? No Nick Pope???)

I would be interested in his comments about this latest release.

---------- Post added at 11:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 AM ----------

From the BBC with Nick Pope.

BBC News - Churchill ordered UFO cover-up, National Archives show

---------- Post added at 11:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ----------

A link to The National Archives and highlights pdf.

UFO files | Newly released files from The National Archives

6th set of UK UFO documents released-articles+audios

Monitoring continues with ready recorders :)

Live interview with dr. David Clarke about latest UK UFO release was just broadcasted on Sky News. It is recorded and uploaded. You can watch it here:
I like this cute detailed drawing :)

The little colored lights seem ridiculously 'low-tech' and purposeless though lol... as if to emulate earthly aircraft. You'd figure they'd decode our standards by now. Depending on direction of disk... Red light mounted on left, green on right and a strobe light ;)


In a case filed in 1995, the captain of a plane approaching Manchester's airport reported a near-miss with an "unidentified object," and a witness on the ground separately provided a sketch showing a UFO "20 times the size of a football field."

Too bad the iPhone wasn't out back then.... surely we'd have a clear picture 8(). Instead of a sketch, imagine a big blurry blob the size of 20 football fields LMAO.
Some interesting stuff in amongst all that. Ironically, Pope blocked the release of files relating to the internal MOD reaction to his book and media appearences. From what has been released and known about his post, it's suspected he'd exaggerated his role within the department, and there are some free and frank opinions expressed in the documents which the Information Commsioner decided fell into the realm of personal information. Full story here, from David Clarke's blog:
Dr David Clarke: Open Skies - Closed Files
Some interesting stuff in amongst all that. Ironically, Pope blocked the release of files relating to the internal MOD reaction to his book and media appearences. From what has been released and known about his post, it's suspected he'd exaggerated his role within the department, and there are some free and frank opinions expressed in the documents which the Information Commsioner decided fell into the realm of personal information. Full story here, from David Clarke's blog:
Dr David Clarke: Open Skies - Closed Files

Yes they have also clashed about this on UFO Updates list. There are 8 posts about that issue dated from August 1 to August 3.

Best Wishes
Full story here, from David Clarke's blog:

I don't mind Nick Pope. He's ploughing his own furrow in a barren field and we all try and find our niche in the world.

That said, it's good to see Dr Clarke getting more attention over the past couple of years. He's becoming the go-to guy of British ufology. He makes a decent living through the University and doesn't really have a dog in the race. He'll cheerfully debunk any holy icons of the subject if they are less than credible. This makes him a man worth paying attention to and the UK media is waking up to that (Sun not included!). His old Flying Saucery site is not the place for 'doe-eyed believers.' :)
I think CNN had something on this today i caught a glimpse of, some of those drawing looked remarkable. I'd like to see more coverage of this material as its assimilated by the community.

Hi Ward. Are you refering to CNN report that I uploaded in this thread:

or some other besides that one?

By the way I still have some 5-6 hours of audio to process and there is lot of Nick Pope in those. There is even show from New Zealand. It will take me some time to extract those audio clips from larger shows and process it but it will be done.

Stay tuned.
I don't mind Nick Pope. He's ploughing his own furrow in a barren field and we all try and find our niche in the world.

That said, it's good to see Dr Clarke getting more attention over the past couple of years. He's becoming the go-to guy of British ufology. He makes a decent living through the University and doesn't really have a dog in the race. He'll cheerfully debunk any holy icons of the subject if they are less than credible. This makes him a man worth paying attention to and the UK media is waking up to that (Sun not included!). His old Flying Saucery site is not the place for 'doe-eyed believers.' :)

Clarke loves it when you can bring something that supports him but he's not as keen when his disingenuousness and word parsing is pointing out. That's certainly the case with Pope. Clarke has nothing there.
Hi Ward. Are you refering to CNN report that I uploaded in this thread:

or some other besides that one?

By the way I still have some 5-6 hours of audio to process and there is lot of Nick Pope in those. There is even show from New Zealand. It will take me some time to extract those audio clips from larger shows and process it but it will be done.

Stay tuned.

yep that's the one it was about Churchill's cover up, that info was amazing , sorry for the confusion.
6th set of UK UFO documents released-articles+audios

Two more videos added to the batch.

DailyMail Report on 6th UK UFO Release

Telegraph Video Report about 6th UK UFO release



6th set of UK UFO documents released-articles+audios

After monitoring the first wave of media coverage of 6th UFO UK documentas release I have left now with raw data which include many hours of morning shows in the UK during August 5th. So there are many short news pieces inside large morning shows.

I have now processed first 2 hours and 54 minutes and extracted relevant 17,32 minutes from the complete show with UFO references. There is more left to do.

Anyway here is the first extraction – carefuly edited with great care.

Radio show:
Breakfast With Matthew Smith
BBC Wiltshire, 6:00am Thursday 5th August 2010

Featured in the show:
- Street Survey about UFOs
- Guest in the studio: Chris Williams, organiser of the upcoming Weird 10 – Paranormal & UFO Conference (21 to 22 August 2010 - Warminster, Wiltshire, United Kingdom)
More on the conference here: weirdevents.co.uk
- Nick Pope
- dr. David Clarke

So you will never have to listen the whole 174 minutes. Here is everything you will need boiled down to 17,32 minutes that counts.
Download link
ADrive.com Backup

plus bonus

Article Clipping – 131 pages of many articles boiled down only in one pdf:
Dowload link:
ADrive.com Backup

If there will be any problems with the download let me know and I will help for sure.

Best Wishes
6th set of UK UFO documents released-articles+audios

Hey guys just signed up to these forums today, listen to paracast every week, superb.

I like the way CNN add to the end of the section with solar storms, just shows there quick to get of the subject of UFO's, also on one of your clips here, the reporter says "There are more interesting UFO documents to be released". Interesting.