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British X-Files describe secret UFO study

Free episodes:

6th set of UK UFO documents released-articles+audios

I have processed additional 165 minutes of the morning shows in UK during August 5th where the 6th release of UK UFO documents has been covered. There is more left to do. Stay tuned.

Anyway here are two additional extractions – carefuly edited with great care.

Radio show:
Lunchtime with Stuart Linell
BBC Northampton, 12:00pm Thursday 5th August 2010
Featured in the show:
- dr. David Clarke
- Callers describing their own UFO sightings
- Mike Soper from "Contact International" (Contact International UFO Research)

So you will never have to listen the whole 115 minutes. Here is everything you will need boiled down to 33,09 minutes that counts.

Download link
ADrive.com Backup
ADrive.com Backup


Radio show:
Newshour with Julian Marshall
BBC World Service, 2:05pm Thursday 5th August 2010
Featured in the show:
- Nick Pope

So you will never have to listen the whole 50 minutes. Here is everything you will need boiled down to 4,49 minutes that counts.

Dowload link:
ADrive.com Backup
ADrive.com Backup

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1 - Click at the download adrive link.

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3 - Simply click on the blue word HERE

4 - After that small windows open – choose the path at your hard drive where you want to save the video.

5 - Click on save…Download starts…

6 - After it is finished play the file in your media player.

If there will be any other problems let me know and I will help for sure.

Best Wishes

6th set of UK UFO documents released-articles+audios

I have processed additional 150 minutes of the radio shows in UK during August 4-5th where the 6th release of UK UFO documents has been covered. There is more left to do. Stay tuned.

Anyway here is new extraction – carefuly edited with great care.

Radio show:
Tony Livesey Show
BBC Radio 5 Live, 10:30pm Wednesday 4th August 2010
Featured in the show:
- Nick Pope
- Callers describing their own UFO sightings

So you will never have to listen the whole 150 minutes. Here is everything you will need boiled down to 26,03 minutes that counts.

Download link
ADrive.com Backup

plus one additional gem:

Radio New Zealand
Morning Report on 06 Aug 2010
Winston Churchill ordered UFO cover-up (duration: 3,29)
Featured in the show:
- Nick Pope

Dowload link:
ADrive.com Backup

Also additional videos added to the batch:

Independent - 6th UK UFO Release

Press Association UK - 6th UK UFO Release

BBC News Wales - Files released on 1974 "Welsh Roswell"

BBC News Wales - MoD releases 1974 Welsh UFO files

ITN News - UFO witness contacted Tony Blair

Best Wishes. Enjoy :)
6th set of UK UFO documents released-articles+audios

Another one from CNN - Nick Pope guest in studio.
Date of broadcast: August 5th, 2010.

6th set of UK UFO documents released-articles+audios

Dear colleagues.

I have processed additional 3 hours of the UK radio shows where the 6th release of UK UFO documents has been covered. This is the probably the last part of the media coverage batch about the documents release as it seems now that the initial media wave has passed.

Anyway here is new extraction – carefuly edited with great care.

Radio show:
Late Show with Keith Middleton
BBC Coventry & Warwickshire, 10:00pm Sunday 8th August 2010
Featured in the show:
- Nick Pope

Also during the show host Keith Middleton mentioned that he will devote bigger portion of his show to UFOs at November 28th, 2010. where he will also talk with Nick Pope again about the Cosford incident (http://www.nickpope.net/cosford_incident.htm).

So you will never have to listen the whole 180 minutes. Here is everything you will need boiled down to 11,56 minutes that counts.

Download link

Best Wishes
6th set of UK UFO documents released-articles+audios

Relevant document with the included letter (by grandson of the Churchill's bodyguard) where Churchill is referenced is not any more freely available at UK National Archives site but someone has uploaded it here (I am sending link for the sake of this follow up):


Allegedly, author of the letter left his comment anonymously on Weekly World News article – I am pasting here - to make exchange better visible I will name parties like this:

reader #1 - Alleged author of the Churchill letter
reader #2 - ordinary reader that reacted to comment by reader#1


reader #1
this story ws definitely NOT anything whatsoever about alien craft UFO's or extraterrestrial life, the conversation between Churchill and Eisenhower was via transatlantic telephone, the bodyguard did NOT tell his wife on his deathbed, and the reactions of the General Staff to the incident DID correspond to events thats could not have been attributed to German or other human technologies known at THAT TIME. I am the person who wrote the original letter to the MOD and wish to remain anonymous. Please do not continue to link this story with aliens.
P.S. i don't (and never have) believe in aliens and UFO's as alien craft, I don't watch the 'X-files', and i was disgusted with the MOD responses to my 2 letters (the MOD introduced references to extraterrestrial life and UFO's in that context, not I), so i complained about the MOD treatment to a certain MP (that letter does not appear in the MOD releases as it was a non-MOD correspondence). Sincerely, the person who originally wrote to the MOD about this story.

reader #2
Jimbo · 19 weeks ago

So why would it destroy ones belief in the church then Mr Anonymous? Guess what, I dont buy anything you have to say especially when you say it behind a computer screen anonymously. X-files? Your about ten years out of date, mate! So the MOD introduced the alien elements eh? Prove it!

reader #1
guest · 13 weeks ago

ok, your first question should more properly be directed to Mr Churchill - it was his thoughts that led to the comment - and those thoughts were not p***ed on via the chain described. X-files were in response to reactions from others on the internet, and date-wise, were close to the period of the MOD correspondence - this whole matter is over a decade old now - so totally irrelevant to slate the age of all this. last point, the MOD letter introduces ET and UFO in their last paragraph of their reply to my first letter - try reading that. My letter didn't mention these things as part of the story, and didn't mention ET life at all. Again - try reading it. And finally, i certainly wish to maintain my anon. you'll just have to live with that. Sincerely, the person who wrote to the MOD about the Churchill UFO story.

---end of quote ---

Best Wishes