Paul Kimball
Paul, I feel you are being far too negative, not everybody has concluded on the origin of the phenomenon, I certainly haven't. If by "alien visitation" you mean ETH, what about other hypotheses ? They may all be wrong, but some totally new ideas might come up too. Judging the phenomenon by the failure of one single hypothesis is premature IMHO. Or you might need to re-examine and broaden your own brand of agnosticism.
If I get your respect, good, I'll be glad, if not I might give it another try, then ... well...
The fixation with hypothesizing is the problem - it doesn't really matter what the so-called hypothesis is (I was simply using the ETH as an example, as it's by far the most predominant one). Tricksters, aliens from Zeta Reticuli, extradimensionals, time travelers - it's all putting the cart way before the horse, and it's almost always done by people who don't really have a clue as to what they're talking about... me included. But at least I know enough to do it with a wink and a nudge, as a "just shootin' the breeze with my pals over a few beers" kind of conversation, as opposed to those people who present it as some sort of serious scientific discourse, or even a serious non-scientific discourse.