Maybe Logic
I don't think that is true. Thunderstorms are studied all the time with the purpose of the practical application of that knowledge to help predict them.
Do you know of any practical application of paranormal phenomena that has allegedly been established as real? I can't think of any.
I don't. But your sentence "Thunderstorms are studied all the time with the purpose of the practical application of that knowledge to help predict them" could be applied to ESP:
"ESP [should be] studied all the time with the purpose of the practical application of that knowledge to help [understand and apply] them."
That sentence needs a bit of clearing up, but you get my idea. Thunderstorms are studied much more than ESP, but we still have trouble predicting them (where they strike, at what velocity, does it come with hail and tornadoes). If the same amount of study was put into ESP, we might have a clearer idea of the possible practical application of it. I don't think there are necessarily going to be any since I don't believe it to be a super-sense. It might be, but I doubt that.
I'm skeptical myself, I just think it should be properly studied without fear of ridicule, harassment and unemployment. Not for the purpose of making money off it, but for the same purpose string theory is studied. For the understanding of ourselves and our environment.