Hi all. I've decided to post this to see what people think of it. I have no idea what it is other than a light that showed up in my movie. I didn't see it while I was filming. I used an iPhone 4S with the light on — which didn't help much. It's kind of dark.
It's a movie of my friend and my son horsing around with a pillow case while watching Ultraman. In later parts of it you can see tons of dust motes caught in the cameras light. You won't see any of those because I edited the movie to show just the interesting part. That's it. So here it is, let me know what you think.
@Bob - I managed to watch it ok - perhaps it doesn't like you!
@Wulfi - Mmmm, interesting and worthy of you posting it. I agree (I'm no expert though) that it is not dust or anything else that is commonly mistaken for something weird. Initially it looks like a butterfly that glows, but blurred.
Second look, and it still almost looks like something that has flapping wings, though I may be imagining it, but flapping wings in a 'spectral' way.
I've seen some orb videos that blew me away - in fact, I need to track down this one video, that I am positive is not a hoax, I believe it was shot on an older-style analogue video camcorder. Anyway, as orbs go, this thing was huge, maybe 8-10" in diameter, but it was so much more than a sphere. It had kind of 'speed-trails' and gives the impression of some intelligence, even of either being alive, or like the animated ghost of something that was alive before.
It actually reminded me of the scene in 'The Abyss' in which the alien intelligence is controlling water, and making a face when confronted with a human. Remove the long line of suspended water leading up to the face part and you have a close facsimile to what this video showed. It was more living entity or ghost than a simple orb, but the point is your video reminds me of that rather than just an orb.
I am sure that Dr Barry Taff of 'The Entity' case fame, who's been on the Paracast, described yellow or green orb-like things in the house with the activity.
I suppose I should ask, have you ever experienced anything paranormal in your eyes and especially in the house where this video was shot?
I am gonna go look and see if I can find that video I mentioned, I meant to do just that before but it must have slipped my mind. I'd love to post it to see what the other members think of it.
Anyway, thanks for posting the video, I found it really interesting.