I have completed Mr. Hall's first book and to be quite frank, I was quite disappointed. In my personal opinion, Mr Hall, alongside David Icke, Steven Greer and many others creative-hoaxers are solely focused toward misleading the general public in order to profit immensely from book sales and paid presentations – this is achieved by creating a product that fascinates humans most desired questions; what’s the meaning of life? are we alone in this universe? etc. To no surprise, religious texts sell well too. If Jesus were alive today, he could make a fortune traveling the world charging credulous attendees conferences tickets –selling those false hopes. Unfortunately, we live in a world with Hoaxers, liars, deceivers, greed and arrogance. Mr Hall should do the right thing and inform his followers of the truth that his books result to nothing more than science-fiction, so those poor souls can continue their life in peace. He should relabel his book to science fiction as it was before – which naturally resulted to less sales. Do you honestly think the US Government would use a ‘Second Class Private weather balloon buffoon to be Earths’ Extra-terrestrial Ambassador? Thats equivalent to asking a McDonalds burgers flipper to Engineer a Space Rocket to Mars. Mr Hall certainly gives himself 'a lot of' appraise ‘to himself’ constantly in his book, which only makes you cringe further at his arrogance and ego, he’s certainly not the modest man he so thinks, inface he is insane. His book is riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, jumping stories, contradicting statements on a regular basis. Very few people can back up his claims, there is no supporting evidence to the alleged 'Tall White Aliens'. Maybe the intense heat at the desert had caused him hallucinations, and to make up stories to pass time. People are unable to recognize a nut case when s/he is right in front of them, bizare, what has the world come to.