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Chris O'Brian RIP

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There was one episode where Moseley went deservedly slicing and dicing various UFO folks and you were kidding about being sued. I never heard Chris laugh so hard. That's the kind of stuff that will be missed.
Very sad news indeed. Just checked the forum for the first time in months... when I scanned down the thread titles I couldn't believe it. Still can't and will be dazed and disturbed for days and weeks over this. I never spoke to the guy or met him. Just years of listening and hanging on to his every word I guess.

Chris was a fascinating individual with many important stories to tell. (One of which that sticks in my mind was when, on a more recent guest appearance he made, he recounted when covert authorities of some kind broke into his place and stole all his maps and info that was mapping the mutilation cases etc,. )

The other crucial and irreplaceable loss will be the Ray Stanford files: The countless hours of video Chris made documenting the never seen film footage of Ray Stanford. (Footage and files that will certainly be lost when Ray passes due to Ray's apparent, in my opinion, "selfish clinging on to it" and having no heir or successor or archive ready to take it etc,.) So the heroic effort Chris made in getting as close to Ray as possible and trying to document the, apparently, extraordinary film footage in his possession... are all lost and gone forever too?

And so close to the passing of David Biedny as well. Both were sort of these mythical pillars of sanity and hope in my world view of the paranormal investigator field.
Both Chris and David were classics of the true UFO era and will be much missed. Fortunately we do have some fantastic recordings of their epic Paracast appearances. We’ll not see their like again. The ufo field has gone totally ego-sated Hollywood & $$$ crazy now - they’ve lost the plot. It’s show business - with accent on the business. I think that those of us who were around since the early days had the best of it all - such exciting, albeit relatively naive, fun.
Chris wasn’t religious or into organized religion as to my knowledge. He was spiritual. That is why scrolling down to the third image in the article below he may have found amusing. Apparently, after losing consciousness the car he was driving struck a stone and mortar wall advertising a church of Christ, which now ironically reads “Church of Chris.”

Could that have possibly been some type of sign … from the great beyond?

As a respectable Irishman with a great sense of humor, Chris deserves a wake complemented with an occasional off-color anecdote coupled with a pint of Guinness or perhaps another barley pop.


Christopher O’Brien, Author, Mutologist, and Good Guy Dies Suddenly
I read the article, and saw the recent photo of Chris. I was saddened by how much he'd aged. I hadn't seen him in a few years although we were in touch from time to time.
It is truly sad that his health had sprialed and yet he fought to live. He's gone now, but all that he has left behind we can now listen to and learn from.

Back in the day it was a tremendous ride!
So Greg Bishop has organized a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for Chris' final expenses and other things.

You can check it out — and send a donation — via this link:

I'm really sad to hear this. I first heard of it from a friend of his who is checking further details of what happened. The accident occurred on Sunday morning (November 24).

Chris was suffering from COPD in recent years — very likely the result of his smoking habit. This wasn't the first time he had to rush to the hospital for treatment.

I first met Chris over 15 years ago, and was honored to call him a friend.

We'll be setting up an episode in the near future to talk about his work over the years.

FYI: I own his ourstrangeplanet.com domain and host his blog. I'll see if I can find anyone to take over and/or manage it.
I was going to reach out to him in October in reference to a project. Goes to show there is no time like the present. What a great loss, thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.

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