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Christchurch earthquake

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The news footage here is just heartbreaking, i hope parashtick is ok.
65 confirmed dead so far, but thats got to go much higher, it was only 5k's deep, and the cbd is a real mess
The cathedral has been destroyed


Really sad to see such a lovely old building knocked down

Ive been to christchurch many times, a beautiful city
Paraschtick and I have been having an extended PM dialog recently. He PMd me this morning just saying he was going away from the forums for "an indeterminate period" and would catch up in a few months. Though he didn't mention the earthquake, I assume he's basically OK.
Yeah hope you and your family are safe Blowfish with all those natural disasters down your way. Hope Paraschtick is ok during his absence as well.
Thanks for all your comments and good wishes. Christchurch city centre and the east of the city was hit badly today. Luckily I live in the West and our house suffered no damage whatsoever ... again. We lost a glass and that was it ... so some one seems to be looking out for me. Strange bugger. But levity aside, its looks pretty bad in the middle of town. The cathedral is totalled. Some people were in the spire when that collapsed inwards so its not looking good for them. The local tv station, CTV, and the building that it was in has been completely demolished. As have a number of churches, a major hotel and a load of businesses. The death total at the moment stands at 65. And that will probably increase. They were pulling a body out of the CTV building earlier on and that didn't look good.

So its a pretty ugly and messy scene in Christchurch tonight ... and its now raining ... so that puts the icing on the cake I guess.

All in all I think we're all fairly rattled by it all. Its far worse than the "big" one we had in September. It was actually a smaller quake but it was nearer the surface and closer to Christchurch so the impact was much larger. Some of the more modern buildings that were supposed to withstand such earthquakes were wrecked so it gives you an idea that it was pretty big even though it was supposedly smaller than the 7.1 we had in September. This one was a 6.3 and 5km underground, 10km south-ish east of Christchurch.

Anyhow, have to count your blessings really, and our thoughts go out to those who have been injured or worse. If there is anyone else from the Christchurch area watching, hope you're ok, and my thoughts go out to you.

Many thanks all,

Take care

Some friends I have in Christchurch are pretty shaken up about the whole thing, as I expect most of the population there are (as well as NZ generally). The nasty thing about this quake was its timing - it hit pretty much at peak hour when everyone was in the city centre. The one in Sept 10, whilst higher on the scale, was around 2am in the morning and no one was killed.

I am not sure what is causing these recent quakes - here in Australia we haven't really been keeping tabs on it due to our own recent floods and cyclones.
With a tragedy like this I can only send my condolences to all families who lost loved ones and hope that all New Zealanders can unite and help their fellow contrymen in Christchurch so that they can get up quickly.
Yeah hope you and your family are safe Blowfish with all those natural disasters down your way. Hope Paraschtick is ok during his absence as well.

Thanks Ward all fine as can be buddy . :) Para glad your o.k mate :) and alzo hope your both families are doing fine as well. Our prays and best wishes.

Watch out for those after shocks!

I couldnt imagine what liquified ground would be.It was reported that the ground turned to mudy water.I am guessing due to its close proximity to the surface.I have met many kiwi's in my travels and was gifted with a piece of green stone. My thoughts are with them all.:(
Just letting you all know I am alive.... I watched a building fall apart right next to me..

anyway hope the rest of the Paracast forum members here in christchurch are ok
Glad to hear you are ok, Stonehart. Hope your house and everything are ok. Me and my partner decided to get out of Christchurch in the end so that we weren't a burden on the power, sewerage and everything. So we're now down in Alexandra away from the earthquakes and the horribleness. For those that don't know, the body count is going up unfortunately. Its now at 75 I believe and still may go up to a couple of hundred. It seems we've lost a few of our local celebrities. The local tv station, a little one called CTV was totally demolished and a few of the local amiable small town celebs were killed (we think) as the building came down which was very sad. They were faces I'd seen on the tv in Christchurch for years and now it seems they are gone. You kind of vageuly knew them although you never really knew them personally. It puts an entirely different slant on things when something like that happens. It makes it more personal I suppose. Up until now the whole thing has been unreal. I live only a couple of miles I guess from the city centre. Its not that far, and to see pictures of the kind coming from the city centre in a house that wasn't damaged really in any way just makes everything unreal. The pictures could be coming from the other side of the world all I knew. Even when I was told that some of the partner's of my partner's work colleagues were unreachable it didn't really become a full reality. Now the scale of it all is slowly seeping home and familiar faces are apparently no longer with us, it brings it home to you more.

Anyhow. The next thing that might be quite scary is that a big hotel here in Christchurch, the Chancellor may collapse at some point soon. Its a tall building, for Christchurch and it slightly leaning to one side. I have no idea whether there are people inside still or not, or if they have been evacuated from there ok. But it may come down at any point. Apparently according to an expert on the tv this morning I think it was if it comes down it will be like an earthquake of about 2.2 on the richter scale. It will probably unnerve people a bit but it won't be on the same kind of scale of 9/11 when the WTC buildings came down. Still it'll cause more disruption and dust that won't help. And of course it may damage more buildings as well but we'll see if and when it happens.

NZ has now declared a National State of Emergency. The first time I believe that has happened in its history. And its become something of an international disaster/emergency with teams of people from all over the world coming in to help with their expertise and equipment.

So ... its all go over here. It looks like Christchurch is going to be rather messy for quite a while, and the economic cost is anyone's guess at this time. At this moment I think noone is really interested in the economic problems which will come from all the businesses that have been destroyed or majorly disrupted. Except for that is economics media business types of course who are not interested in humans or anything of real value.

Anyway, keep watching the news for further updates. Or not ... depending where you are ... or aren't :D

Hope all is well at your ends, wherever you are ... and especially those in the Christchurch/Cantebury area.

Take care


ps I can't be bothered correcting any grammar and spelling at the moment ... so this will have to do ... lol
I used to work for CTV and installed the audio system for them... Have lost a very close friend as well...
I am getting ready to head to Nelson and get out of Christchurch for a few weeks if I can
Hi stonehart,
Hang in there folks and its not a good time to be living on those fault lines regards earthquakes the horrors of Haiti, Pakistan, Chile etc and now Christchurch. Something is causing them to play up more frequntely is it Solar or other factors?


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