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Clark C. McClelland confirms alien existence

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Skilled Investigator
NNASA veteran Clark C. McClelland confirms alien existence as outlined by astronaut Edgar Mitchell
I, Clark C. McClelland, former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET on his 27 inch video monitors while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center, Launch Control Center (LCC). The ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO tethered US NASA Astronauts! I also observed on my monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilized, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods.
ASA veteran Clark C. McClelland confirms alien existence as outlined by astronaut Edgar Mitchell
I, Clark C. McClelland, former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET on his 27 inch video monitors while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center, Launch Control Center (LCC). The ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO tethered US NASA Astronauts! I also observed on my monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilized, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods.

I,Semjase,admit too having had intergalactic "relations" with,one,Clark C.McClelland,on several Shuttle Missions in the 1980's.

I was just coming out of a bad relationship with a one-armed Swiss guy, and I found comfort inn the strong manly arms of Mr.McClelland.

Just wanted too set the record straight....

Yours Always,

McClelland, like Mitchell and Hellyer all demonstrate that even very smart people, in positions of great responsibility can get 'touched' by the UFO parasite addiction and it will spin them right round baby like a record set on infinite rotation. They only work to cause ridicule in the media and ultimately discredit the field in general.
McClelland, like Mitchell and Hellyer all demonstrate that even very smart people, in positions of great responsibility can get 'touched' by the UFO parasite addiction and it will spin them right round baby like a record set on infinite rotation. They only work to cause ridicule in the media and ultimately discredit the field in general.
If the aliens were up there helping NASA as McClelland claims, it would have been nice if they'd stepped in to save Columbia out instead of letting it disintegrate. No wait! That's part of the alien conspiracy too right? The Columbia disaster was staged as a cover for the secret alien exchange program, and the crew is actually still alive on the alien mother ship. There's a new one for the conspiracy theorists ( or is it already out there someplace? ). I wouldn't be surprised :rolleyes:.
The ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO tethered US NASA Astronauts!

Maybe an argument over parking space?

Smells fishy to me, to say the least. He uses lots of multiple exclamation marks and that's never a good sign.
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McClelland, like Mitchell and Hellyer all demonstrate that even very smart people, in positions of great responsibility can get 'touched' by the UFO parasite addiction and it will spin them right round baby like a record set on infinite rotation. They only work to cause ridicule in the media and ultimately discredit the field in general.

I saw Hellyer at the citizen's hearing and see exactly what you mean. Forgive my ignorance, but whenever I have seen Edgar Mitchell, he seems perfectly rational to me. What has he done to be put in the category as Paul Hellyer?
I saw Hellyer at the citizen's hearing and see exactly what you mean. Forgive my ignorance, but whenever I have seen Edgar Mitchell, he seems perfectly rational to me. What has he done to be put in the category as Paul Hellyer?

I second that. I wanted to ask same question. About Clark - Mitchell was asked about him on Kevin Smith Show during Mitchell 2008 media wave. I have it archived and will extract it on this thread as soon I catch some time. I have somewhere also articles from CNINews about Clark story from 1997-1998 - have to dig them up.
When you look at what Mitchell has done on the whole you can see how he has always had a flair for the paranormal. His experiments with ESP while in orbit, his supposed kidney cancer that was cured by a remote healer, his conviction in Roswell because the descendants of witnesses told him it was true and his bizarre attempt to sell a NASA camera that ended in a legal debacle all align him with the other two and their far-fetched claims and convictions.

Mitchell was a rare individual, someone who had the skills to go into space, walk on the moon and return safely - that is no small feat. However, his hankering for the paranormal seems to be more about personal conviction than actual proof. His claims of heightened experiences and knowledge that aliens are watching us make him no different than any other believer in paranormal events who has only the proof found in the deeply tangled ropes of belief to hold onto. I find it all quite sad whenever I see him or Hellyer talk as their eyes start to mist and shine over with their self-verified truth.
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When you look at what Mitchell has done on the whole you can see how he has always had a flair for the paranormal. His experiments with ESP while in orbit, his supposed kidney cancer that was cured by a remote healer, his conviction in Roswell because the descendants of witnesses told him it was true and his bizarre attempt to sell a NASA camera that ended in a legal debacle all align him with the other two and their far-fetched claims and convictions.

Thanks for taking the time to explain that. I will be a little more wary of what he says, but I don't think what you have described puts him in the same padded cell as Paul Hellyer ;)
There seems to be a small but growing cadre of well credentialed individuals who have mentally left the road and landed smack dab on a UFO. I'm think about Corso, Hellyer, and possibly McClelland.

I would decline to place Edgar Mitchell in this same "padded cell" lol. I see Mitchell as a kind of intellectually gifted mystic. His claims to knowledge about ET don't seem calculated to exploit. At least not in a big way.

(And--I still contend that the Apollo astronauts returned from the moon fundamentally changed.)
Concerning Mitchell and UFOs - Mitchell named two sources so far that shared data with him. One is dead. About other one - I personally cooperated from day one with colleagues that resulted in Billy Cox article about Pentagon briefing where Mitchell was present and identity of admiral (J2) was confirmed. Richard Dolan's source also confirmed the same thing.

Admiral in question confirmed the briefing too, but he disputed aftermath. Anyway there was a big thread here on Paracast forums in the past. People were sending Larry King emails at the time requesting from Larry to confront admiral with Mitchell. It is admiral's word against Mitchell's.
When you look at what Mitchell has done on the whole you can see how he has always had a flair for the paranormal. His experiments with ESP while in orbit, his supposed kidney cancer that was cured by a remote healer, his conviction in Roswell because the descendants of witnesses told him it was true and his bizarre attempt to sell a NASA camera that ended in a legal debacle all align him with the other two and their far-fetched claims and convictions.

Mitchell was a rare individual, someone who had the skills to go into space, walk on the moon and return safely - that is no small feat. However, his hankering for the paranormal seems to be more about personal conviction than actual proof. His claims of heightened experiences and knowledge that aliens are watching us make him no different than any other believer in paranormal events who has only the proof found in the deeply tangled ropes of belief to hold onto. I find it all quite sad whenever I see him or Hellyer talk as their eyes start to mist and shine over with their self-verified truth.

I agree, pretty much. For a man that has absolutely less than anything credible, not even a personal sighting, Mitchell is sure given a great deal of credit. EVERYONE is certain UFOs exist, that they are real, and every other ignorant thing that one can come up with to substantiate their own opinionon the matter, but other than that, what do ANY of us have?
There seems to be a small but growing cadre of well credentialed individuals who have mentally left the road and landed smack dab on a UFO. I'm think about Corso, Hellyer, and possibly McClelland.

I would decline to place Edgar Mitchell in this same "padded cell" lol. I see Mitchell as a kind of intellectually gifted mystic. His claims to knowledge about ET don't seem calculated to exploit. At least not in a big way.

(And--I still contend that the Apollo astronauts returned from the moon fundamentally changed.)
As always, a fine synopsis, but if Mitchell is not to be put in the 'round the bend crew,' and I can appreciate the fact that he's more of a seeker than an exploitation artist, can we really find merit in his statements, or in the supposed meeting where truth was spilled?

And on a more intriguing note, what do you mean that the Apollo gang returned "fundamentally changed"? Was there a previous thread on that contention? Can you provide some insight?
(And--I still contend that the Apollo astronauts returned from the moon fundamentally changed.)

There seems to be a common theme to the effect looking at earth from space does to astronauts

Space Quotations: Looking Back at the Earth Quotes

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
— Neil Armstrong.
In reading through the above space quotes, these two from Mitchell stood out for me:
Suddenly, from behind the rim of the Moon, in long, slow-motion moments of immense majesty, there emerges a sparkling blue and white jewel, a light, delicate sky-blue sphere laced with slowly swirling veils of white, rising gradually like a small pearl in a thick sea of black mystery. It takes more than a moment to fully realize this is Earth . . . home.

You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, "Look at that, you son of a bitch."

He talks of going up to the moon as technicians, but coming back as humanitarians. In fact, many of the astronauts speak to how precious, fragile, and borderless the earth is, that it is a vulnerable, lonely, insignificant object in space. And that we should take care of it and each other.

We are irony personified. Our species can see back to the big bang all across the universe, while simultaneously chemical bombing her own people. It makes no sense. We have so much inspiration and capacity, yet we insist on violating and murdering each other.

Human Beings=Weird.
And on a more intriguing note, what do you mean that the Apollo gang returned "fundamentally changed"? Was there a previous thread on that contention? Can you provide some insight?

The only published material of which I am aware on this subject is the book, "The Overview Effect" (can't recall the author). Although, it's focus is on changes in personality and world view undergone by anyone who has seen the earth from space, including earth orbit.

My opinion re their personality changes is based mostly on observations and information in the media of these men's interests and behaviors post Apollo. I start with the assumption (always risky) that test pilots are generally not given to overt expressions of emotion based on spiritual values. Or to publicly eccentric behavior (another assumption). Quite a few of these guys seem to have returned with a shift in psychological or spiritual (take your pick) perspective. Examples that come to mind:

-Charles Duke became an avid Christian evangelist. I recall seeing one of his presentations which ended in a rather overdone but apparently heartfelt sermon.
-Edgar Mitchell--had expressed previous interest in things paranormal that seemed much intensified after his samadhi experience returning from the moon.
-Neil Armstrong became something of a recluse after Apollo.
-Buzz Armstrong suffered bouts of clinical depression post Apollo. So much so that he wound up seeking psychiatric treatment.
-One particular astronaut whose name I cannot recall, (Apollo or just Earth orbital?) spent a good deal of his retirement in search of the lost Noah's Ark.
-Alan Bean, apparently to the curious amazement of his military peers, has spent retirement painting lunar scenes. Some have esoteric qualities.

Not much hard data to back up my assertion. I would love to see more formal research done on this subject. I suspect NASA knows a little more.
ADD: The Astronaut in search of the ark was James Irwin:
James Irwin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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This looks like a very interesting read - thanks!

This looks like a very interesting read - thanks!

I honestly have not read it. But if it's like the video version, it may be a bit disappointing. The video was mostly a series of brief statements by astronauts and repeated recitation of the message "we are one". Maybe the video was just a trailer. And again...I haven't read the book itself. Let us know what you think.