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Clark C. McClelland confirms alien existence

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NNASA veteran Clark C. McClelland confirms alien existence as outlined by astronaut Edgar Mitchell
I, Clark C. McClelland, former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET on his 27 inch video monitors while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center, Launch Control Center (LCC). The ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with TWO tethered US NASA Astronauts! I also observed on my monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilized, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods.

Another one for heading to wild claims bucket...

With all the wild and recent ET bogus invasion movies being forced on all of us, why hasn't anyone recreated the 'Phoenix lights' one. It would be compelling as hell, and you have tons of living witnesses that saw the underside of an enormous slow moving craft in the mountain areas (including then governor Fife Symington III). Not to mention a pile of documentation.

Putting the Symington 'panic management' effort into focus as the event unfolded as well as his personal experience would be a good baseline for the movie. Adding a bit of speculation about how Luke AFB might also have dealt with the situation could be interesting.

At this point in time (16 years later), it would be a good idea to hammer down the timeline with a Hollywood production that really would demonstrate how cover-ups 'for the good of the people' are orchestrated ;)
When you look at what Mitchell has done on the whole you can see how he has always had a flair for the paranormal. His experiments with ESP while in orbit, his supposed kidney cancer that was cured by a remote healer, his conviction in Roswell because the descendants of witnesses told him it was true and his bizarre attempt to sell a NASA camera that ended in a legal debacle all align him with the other two and their far-fetched claims and convictions.

Mitchell was a rare individual, someone who had the skills to go into space, walk on the moon and return safely - that is no small feat. However, his hankering for the paranormal seems to be more about personal conviction than actual proof. His claims of heightened experiences and knowledge that aliens are watching us make him no different than any other believer in paranormal events who has only the proof found in the deeply tangled ropes of belief to hold onto. I find it all quite sad whenever I see him or Hellyer talk as their eyes start to mist and shine over with their self-verified truth.

Love your post - but especially that phrase - A+ for style. :);):p
Another one for heading to wild claims bucket...

With all the wild and recent ET bogus invasion movies being forced on all of us, why hasn't anyone recreated the 'Phoenix lights' one. It would be compelling as hell, and you have tons of living witnesses that saw the underside of an enormous slow moving craft in the mountain areas (including then governor Fife Symington III). Not to mention a pile of documentation.

Putting the Symington 'panic management' effort into focus as the event unfolded as well as his personal experience would be a good baseline for the movie. Adding a bit of speculation about how Luke AFB might also have dealt with the situation could be interesting.

At this point in time (16 years later), it would be a good idea to hammer down the timeline with a Hollywood production that really would demonstrate how cover-ups 'for the good of the people' are orchestrated ;)

Great idea for a movie line. Could also add in the public briefing when they had a guy in costume come out and "alien high-five" the governor. I watched an interview after his term, and he seemed very regretful for allowing the "mocking session" that meeting turned out to be. I'd like to know who exactly authorized/or who exactly came up with the idea to down play the event as a big joke "nothing to have seen there" that meeting turned out to be. I was under the impression that it wasn't the then governor's idea.