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Coast to Coast (w/ Jacques Vallee )

Free episodes:

So what's in it for Vallee? This is second time on the show - he knew what to expect from the Snoor. Did he not learn first time round? What did C2C offer him; money, jewels, a stroke of the big moustache? How come he did this? What the hell is going on around here?
Who the hell are these people? Shaving cream, pillows... Dammit! I know this. I know what this is! This means something. This is important.
Take the ol' Barnum approach - Vallee whilst he may not like appearing on the program due to the inane questions and comments, nevertheless recognises it as publicity and a means of getting his views and/or message out to a wider audience. Fact is people do listen to it, even if they do not agree - look at ourselves. Cynical but usually true

A bit like why Nicole would marry Tom, or why I hooked up with Dicky Hoagland. We hang around, get the publicity and then piss off (I haven't told Dicky yet but I am sure he knows it is coming) - a means to an end.
Loose Leaf Tea said:
So what's in it for Vallee? This is second time on the show - he knew what to expect from the Snoor. Did he not learn first time round?

What Loose Leaf Tea said. WTF? If he is doing this as publicity for the republishing of his books w/ Anomolist is he appearing elsewhere? I understand a C2C appearance from a publicist's point of view but I'd also imagine it to be a big mistake to limit it to that in light of the podcast revolution.

If you do get Vallee you definitely gotta give us some lead time to submit questions.
Obe One said:
Good for you dB but that's not all...keep going....
Obe One

So the dude who sees without eyes and hears without ears has, of course, named himself Obe One. I wonder what Triumph The Insult Comic Dog would do with this knowledge.
Why is everyone so unsympathetic to Noory asking the angels/demons/UFO question? It's a good enough question. Clearly Raymond Fowler thinks it's important enough to write several books about. Also, Michael Heiser has some interesting thoughts about this. Do I believe it? No. But it's still fun to think about.

I think that Noory's interview with Vallee went just fine. Y'all don't like Noory because he's more popular than the paracast. Clearly, he's a good host. He couldn't be a bad host and maintain that much of an audience base. Sure, there's things about him that none of us like, such as the fact that he takes crazies and morons seriously on his show. But that's his job. Do you do your job? Of course you do. You'd get fired if you didn't. Then you wouldn't get paid.
Chuckleberryfinn said:
Why is everyone so unsympathetic to Noory asking the angels/demons/UFO question? It's a good enough question. Clearly Raymond Fowler thinks it's important enough to write several books about. Also, Michael Heiser has some interesting thoughts about this. Do I believe it? No. But it's still fun to think about.

I think that Noory's interview with Vallee went just fine. Y'all don't like Noory because he's more popular than the paracast. Clearly, he's a good host. He couldn't be a bad host and maintain that much of an audience base. Sure, there's things about him that none of us like, such as the fact that he takes crazies and morons seriously on his show. But that's his job. Do you do your job? Of course you do. You'd get fired if you didn't. Then you wouldn't get paid.

We own the business, so it would be a matter of paying ourselves, and we haven't taken a dime. Everything we get from ad revenue goes into production and server expenses.

Our feelings about Noory are strictly related to the quality of his show. If he was on a single 1,000 watt daytimer in Piedmont, AL, we'd have the same viewpoint.
Wow. I just got to the money shot question in the interview. That. Is. AWFUL. Chuckleberry, it's a horrible question. Here you have a scientist of some repute explaining exactly why the lights on the moon aren't a huge mystery and your follow-up is "What about angels, demons? That sort of thing?"


If I ask Alexander Graham Bell how the telephone works and he explains it, do I follow up with, "Well couldn't it just be that the voice carries?"

No, douche, I JUST EXPLAINED IT. And sure, Vallee isn't 100% certain that the lights on the moon are related to gasses, etc., but that's a far better explanation than angels and demons.

"What about spontaneous regeneration?"

"Could the earth be flat?"

No, George, sorry.

Another thing I'm noticing here (this is the first I've really listened to him) is that Noory's questions are boring. Granted most of them are handed to him from Vallee or his people, but I'm sure that Billy Meier question was off script. There's not a better way to approach Meier than, "So what do you think about that, huh?"

How about, "You know, you talk about this phenomena in terms of an invisible college affecting our consciousness. Do you think this includes hoax cases and contactees, like Meier, that some think may have had an initial encounter even though he's clearly creating fraudulent footage? Is this intelligence manipulating hoaxers? What are the boundaries here, Jacques?"

Something like that, to my mind, will produce a new, interesting answer.
Miah said:

I listened to the Coast to Coast interview of Jacques Vallee, and was quite disappointed with the questions that were asked of such an esteemed scientist of the UFO phenomenon. As a serious investigator, he deserved better.

Please ask Mr. Vallee to consider an interview with a radio program that follows his scientific perspective and logical investigation, at The Paracast. You can reach them at [email protected] . They have interviewed other major players in the UFO field many times including Stanton Friedman and Richard Dolan, and have expressed their interest in the honor of talking to him.

Thank you for your consideration.


I got a response:

Hi xXx,

We're looking into it. Thanks for your suggestion.

There is actually a pattern to George's interview process. Listen to any show and it will be painfully obvious.

1) Asks obvious, brain-dead question-->
2) Let's guest answer while you hear GN fumble around the studio ruffling papers, scribbling and clicking mouse ( * seriously wtf is this about ) -->
3) Receives semi interesting question via "fast blast" and asks guest question->
4) Guest says something *really* interesting-->
5) George asks about Angels or Demons-->
6) Caught of guard guest politely answers and continues to talk about previous interesting comment-->
7) George comments about how time is accelerating.
8 ) Guest talks
9) George ties in some dumb-ass Hollywood trivia
10) Guest talks
11) Commercial Break
12) GN talks about how succesful he is and refers to his contract renewal
13) Guest talks

Rinse and Repeat....
Gene Steinberg said:
If he was on a single 1,000 watt daytimer in Piedmont, AL

Ha! That's right up the road from me (I'm right across the GA border from it)! What made you pick Piedmont out of the air? I would have to suppose you to be somehow familiar with it unless you literally pulled out a map and picked a random boonie!
I'm really surprised that there hasn't been any kind of competition to C2C. Are there any other late night national radio shows which focuses on similar topics? If you're an author of paranormal material, C2C is your only real mass media outlet. It's sad to see so many great guests having to spend 3 hours being "interviewed" by Noory.
By the way, say what you will about David's outlandish impression but I find Snoory far more entertaining than Noory.
David Biedny said:
Snoory is a MORON.

David Biedny said:
I implore all Paracasters to email Vallee's publisher here:

[email protected]

And PLEASE be respectful, otherwise they'll ignore us.

"Respectful", as in calling someone a "moron"? You obviously realise that your own language is inappropriate, yet you still continue with using it. Then you go on to suggest to forum members that they write to a publisher and be "respectful".

The words "hypocritical" and "manipulative" come to mind. Sure ways for exorcising your more intelligent audience.
One last thing about Noory, because I'm now listening to him interview Strieber about his 2012 book...

He continuously talks about Coast To Coast as though it's a show that is making its listeners smarter now at a time when the Mayans "predicted" the ending of human consciousness as we know it.

Yes, that's right, Coast To Coast is not just a radio show, it's a transcendental, evolutionary experience birthing our souls into the next phase as predicted by South Americans.


Gene, how can The Paracast possibly compete with that?
I am certainly no fan of George Noory, his accent alone (the one he tries to hide) makes me want to turn the dial. But I didn't really think this was such a bad interview.

Yes, of course Gene and David would have asked better questions, but George did better than might have been expected.
I respectfully disagree, Brian.

I'm also reminded of Vallee's comments on compulsive behavior and it's relation to the ufo phenomenon. He made a salient point that whizzed like a frizbe over George's head.

George comes back with something like, "Hey, I gotta tell you about my compulsive behavior after the break!" Like it had something to do with Vallee's point? We should be so lucky. It was just another of his lets-talk-about-me moments which flabberghast distinguished guests and kookoobirds alike. Always off-topic and boring to the point of just being creepy.