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Col. John Alexander

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I enjoyed the interview with Col. John Alexander, and his discussion of the "Goats" book and movie was interesting. I haven't read Jon Ronson's The Men Who Stare At Goats, but at a glance it seems to be almost a transcription of his Crazy Rulers of the World three part series, the first chapter of which provided the book's name. I had hard time finding it and others may not even know it exists. Here are links to the place where I could find the entire series online:
Part 1 The Men Who Stare At Goats
Part 2 Funny Torture
Part 3 Psychic Footsoldiers

The project is polluted with the bias and prejudices of the investigator, Jon Ronson, but he presents some very interesting material, even if it is not all connected in the ways he suggests. Part 3 is the UFO, Heaven's Gate, and, remote viewing fiasco, which the "Goats" movie didn't even attempt to address. Well worth a look.
For the most part I think Alexander is dead-on with a lot of things he says. But I was pretty disappointed that he subscribes to the Gulf Breeze affair (Amazing to me how many good minds have been suckered in by that one over the years. Gotta' be one of the most successful hoaxes ever), Phoenix lights (I think the clip I posted here shows that to be nothing to get excited about), and he said that Rendlesham is getting stronger over time. Considering how Penniston keeps adding to his story I'd say it's getting weaker over time.
For the most part I think Alexander is dead-on with a lot of things he says. But I was pretty disappointed that he subscribes to the Gulf Breeze affair (Amazing to me how many good minds have been suckered in by that one over the years. Gotta' be one of the most successful hoaxes ever), Phoenix lights (I think the clip I posted here shows that to be nothing to get excited about), and he said that Rendlesham is getting stronger over time. Considering how Penniston keeps adding to his story I'd say it's getting weaker over time.

There is an estimate of 30 people have been been witnesses to what went on at Rendlesam forest, but only a handful of those witnesses have ever gone public with their stories, the fact also this Incident happened over two separate nights of the month of December 1980, a fact often forgotten, gives this case a lot of credibility.
There is an estimate of 30 people have been been witnesses to what went on at Rendlesam forest, but only a handful of those witnesses have ever gone public with their stories, the fact also this Incident happened over two separate nights of the month of December 1980, a fact often forgotten, gives this case a lot of credibility.

This is one of those cases where I believe a lot more investigatory work wouldn't be a waste of time. I am not completely satisfied in the "E.T" explanation here though, as for some reason, and please do not hold it against me, I feel as though what might have happened to those people was "govt." influenced instead. After listening to the case on C2C and the main military witnesses, I found a lot of what they were exclaiming almost hallucinatory in the nature of a possible "dream scape". Considering all the years the military did research on mind control and the effects of mind altering drugs, couldn't this have been something right out of that genre.

Lastly, I am not saying this is the case and defending it against E.T. or inter dimensional explanations, or anything of the like, but after suffering through Linda Molten Howe's reporting, and then listening to the witnesses stories and how they were involved in the encounters, it seemed as though a lot of it stuck out as almost testing individual's conscious awareness...

Either way, it did happen on a military base and as it breached a security area it should be investigated deeply by a court of independent authorities and the best explanations or theories found and officially reported to the public.
This is one of those cases where I believe a lot more investigatory work wouldn't be a waste of time. I am not completely satisfied in the "E.T" explanation here though, as for some reason, and please do not hold it against me, I feel as though what might have happened to those people was "govt." influenced instead. After listening to the case on C2C and the main military witnesses, I found a lot of what they were exclaiming almost hallucinatory in the nature of a possible "dream scape". Considering all the years the military did research on mind control and the effects of mind altering drugs, couldn't this have been something right out of that genre.

Lastly, I am not saying this is the case and defending it against E.T. or inter dimensional explanations, or anything of the like, but after suffering through Linda Molten Howe's reporting, and then listening to the witnesses stories and how they were involved in the encounters, it seemed as though a lot of it stuck out as almost testing individual's conscious awareness...

Either way, it did happen on a military base and as it breached a security area it should be investigated deeply by a court of independent authorities and the best explanations or theories found and officially reported to the public.

The majority of skeptics do deny the legitimacy of the UFO phenomenon. Everything inside the boundaries of our planet will be considered as an explantation for a UFO sighting, but bring up a nonhuman explantation, for what people witnessed, then do prepare yourself to be called out as a heretic. Those who oppose the teachings of the new church of the 21th century, are not looked upon kindly as your questioning the S faith just luckly for me, I will not get executioned for my beliefs as in the past. Look Science is essential and necessary for humanity to prosper and get ahead, but the teachers of science, do not know everything believe or not. I not going to make excuses for the academics of science for why they deny this phenomenon, but the fact is thousands of good hardworking reliable, and honest people for many generations, have seen objects that to them were of engineered construction. Some of these objects have been seen doing things that our physics can't comprehend as of yet. As UFO's have been seen in every country on this earth.

We do have to think critically here about that fact every country has experienced this phenomenon in a similar way. Like if hundreds of people are seeing a large object a mile long how do we explain that sighting with what we know about life and what we humans are capable of doing? My feelings on ET are also slighly different to most Americans, but I think the most likely explantation when you remove all the noisy overblown misidentified UFO cases from the picture. Is that we are been visited by entities that have a physical body which can be sensed and touched, but there is a paranormal aspect to the UFO phenomenon were odd stuff appears around mountains rivers and lakes and so forth, which in my mind does point or least suggest we are dealing with a phenomenon in this case which has not travelled too far from home and could be hiding out among us or is coming into this world through a dimensional hole of some description.

As to what happened at Rendlesam.

That doesn't make lot of sense to me personally. Would agents working for the US government drug 30 servicemen while still on guard duty? And what drug I ask would have caused all these men to experience similar type events over two nights? Your also taking an awful risk doing this to men who have been trained to kill and fight, these men could easily have turned on each other while out in the forest if this was a drug induced event. Look something happened, and it was out of this world to them and, it very likely it can't be explained with human words and feelings. I be open to your theory if it made sense, but taking the time location the work been done there into account. Honestly the inescapable truth is the likely explanatation is these servicemen met head on with an intelligence looking to meet them or it came there for another reason unknown to us.
That doesn't make lot of sense to me personally. Would agents working for the US government drug 30 servicemen while still on guard duty? And what drug I ask would have caused all these men to experience similar type events over two nights? Your also taking an awful risk doing this to men who have been trained to kill and fight, these men could easily have turned on each other while out in the forest if this was a drug induced event. Look something happened, and it was out of this world to them and, it very likely it can't be explained with human words and feelings. I be open to your theory if it made sense, but taking the time location the work been done there into account. Honestly the inescapable truth is the likely explanatation is these servicemen met head on with an intelligence looking to meet them or it came there for another reason unknown to us.

There doesn't have to be a "drugging" so to speak here for a govt. test to be maintained. Considering many of the cases investigated in the past, some victims have stated they've seen "army looking" people behind glass barriers, etc. after being abducted in a non drug induced state. Hallucinatory situations can be created by many different ways and combination affects can draw out the wildest of reactions.

My original point wasn't to claim that this was the only theory, but to exclaim that this was somehow "intelligent", and that basically means an intelligence had to be behind thus....

Considering that, why not human intelligent? There really wasn't anything stated in the eyewitness reports that called this "definitely" extra-terrestrial and there wasn't a single solitary bit of physical evidence to show for anything preternatural at all. The only people that insist this is E.T. are people like Linda Molten Howe and others of her wannabe ilk.

The U.S. Military has been known to do mass testing on army personnel over the years without their consent. If you believe as I do, that there is no such thing as any "extra-terrestrial" intelligence giving two Shi's' about human beings, and you take away the idea that this is some form of inter-dimensional "Demonic" or other monster type of attack, then what else are you left with?

Lastly, I remember when listening to one of the C2C broadcasts, one of the soldiers who was seen coming in direct contact with the craft stated that when he touched the outer hull it felt like metal. As metal is a substance we know we use and quite honestly, who knows what E.T. uses, I guess the assumption it's terrestrial is out of the question. And what about the mention of blinking lights....Why would E.T. use any type of blinking lights at all?

For years this has bothered me.

We as human beings need so very much to assimilate our "likeness" to an E.T. that we see crafts with blinking red and blue lights....Triangular landing gear.....we see humanoid creatures which look like an evolutionary human perhaps a 10000 years in the future (grays), we fly using the air and space so obviously E.T. must do the same, etc. It's as if we take so much for granted that we assume another out-worldly intelligence mirrors our own and for some reason this popular myth outweighs a more probable theory that E.T. is a giant insect which flies through space without a craft, enjoys human or mammalian blood for sustenance and doesn't use any sight at all.

Ohh yes, and before I forget, didn't Sgt. Penniston state that the entities were "Time travelers" and not E.T.?
There doesn't have to be a "drugging" so to speak here for a govt. test to be maintained. Considering many of the cases investigated in the past, some victims have stated they've seen "army looking" people behind glass barriers, etc. after being abducted in a non drug induced state. Hallucinatory situations can be created by many different ways and combination affects can draw out the wildest of reactions.

My original point wasn't to claim that this was the only theory, but to exclaim that this was somehow "intelligent", and that basically means an intelligence had to be behind thus....

My thinking is based on the extraordinary story told by people like C.Halt, J. Penniston and J. Burroughs, so it be incorrect for all, who've an opinion to what happened to them to not listen to what they've said. On the other hand, while what was seen in the skies over Rendlesam was off the wall and, had no familiarity to anything seen before by the servicemen in their daily lifes, fundamentally still we all do have to be careful placing an misguided origin on these unexplained events, But for me the phenomenal details of the Rendlesam story does suggest experiences beyond the control of normal human beings and, the Halt audio- recording on the night of the second sightings is a valuable piece of evidence. You can clearly hear this group of servicemen describing usual events in a coherent normal and attentioned way, which on the face of it those counter the argument of these servicemen have been drugged before these events. Plus I honestly can't see how such things seen in the skies over Rendlesam and, in and around Rendlesam forest could have been seen without a chemical drug been taken, if you have an example to prove otherwise to me do post. But the evidence again clearly suggests these men were of sound mind when the investigation to what the lights were was put in motion.

Considering that, why not human intelligent? There really wasn't anything stated in the eyewitness reports that called this "definitely" extra-terrestrial and there wasn't a single solitary bit of physical evidence to show for anything preternatural at all. The only people that insist this is E.T. are people like Linda Molten Howe and others of her wannabe ilk.

The U.S. Military has been known to do mass testing on army personnel over the years without their consent. If you believe as I do, that there is no such thing as any "extra-terrestrial" intelligence giving two Shi's' about human beings, and you take away the idea that this is some form of inter-dimensional "Demonic" or other monster type of attack, then what else are you left with

It is somewhat based on faith that some UFO's are been piloted by physical beings from other planet destinations, yet there is lot of evidence to suggest some of these UFO's are indeed of a nonhuman construction, so without having a definite explanation to what UFO's are, one must always keep an openmind to all possibilities. Well traveling from one planet to another and, across a very long distance would by human thinking require a spaceship to get here from there, this it not an unlikely assumption, until we learn otherwise we can stick with it. An nonhuman alien skyship or spaceship would probably be build with a metal material that could resist the realities of space-travel.

It really shouldn't be that much of a surprise the skin of an aliencraft would resemble metals found on earth, as lot of planets out there do have similar metals to us. And UFO's when observated by witnesses the accounts do suggest these objects do have a skin of solid metals, but what the properties and continuities of these metals is, are to all purposes very much unknown. I personally have had a numbers of UFO sightings myself, three to be exact and, I saw objects that to me had a skin of metal that was both a brown and a black colour!

Lastly, I remember when listening to one of the C2C broadcasts, one of the soldiers who was seen coming in direct contact with the craft stated that when he touched the outer hull it felt like metal. As metal is a substance we know we use and quite honestly, who knows what E.T. uses, I guess the assumption it's terrestrial is out of the question. And what about the mention of blinking lights....Why would E.T. use any type of blinking lights at all?

For years this has bothered me.

We as human beings need so very much to assimilate our "likeness" to an E.T. that we see crafts with blinking red and blue lights....Triangular landing gear.....we see humanoid creatures which look like an evolutionary human perhaps a 10000 years in the future (grays), we fly using the air and space so obviously E.T. must do the same, etc. It's as if we take so much for granted that we assume another out-worldly intelligence mirrors our own and for some reason this popular myth outweighs a more probable theory that E.T. is a giant insect which flies through space without a craft, enjoys human or mammalian blood for sustenance and doesn't use any sight at all.

Well the Planet has a 24 hour cycle with day and night, and UFO's are seen alot and, very much at night. And all human vehicles used to travel along the ground, and in the air at night use lighting to see ahead to avoid an accident. So the obvious answer is the lights on UFO's are been used to identify their around or to travel in the dark. To identify themselves I find congenial because pilots may not pick up a UFO on their radar, and smack and hit their plane against an object that was flying or stationary in the dark of night sky and, it would be stupid for a nonhuman intelligence to not be aware of the risks and dangers of flying aound in airspace filled with passenger planes and civilian planes. It just a guess, but that seems to an like obvious answer to me.

I don't get that theory the "Greys" could be us from our far future. I really don't see how the human skin color been white suddenly would go gray in the future even, and, why all of humanity would shrink in size to three or feet tall, with a big change from the eyes, we all have now, to these very large oval black eyes, to me personally it lot to take in, and agree with. There is UFO information were people have alleged contact with entities and beings that look, very much like us, as to what their role in all this is anyones guess?

However legends from my country of the Tuatha dé dannann (fairies) have it that the fairies looked very human like not like the leprechaun image. We know this because one of the women of the Tuatha "ERIU" was described in lot of detail. She had long blonde hair, very pale white skin very tall and, blue eyes and lot of other details. Also there is two other mystical groups mentioned and, spoke about in Keltic (Celt) mythology of a strange and mysterious origin, but no descriptions of their physical appearance is given sadly.

The Tuatha dé dannann it claimed lived three to four thousand years before the Roman empire flourished and, lot of Jacque Vallée work, especially his work "Passport To Magonia"---- I believe was very much about the experiences, that happened to people living in Ireland, many centuries ago, but it very obvious because of the "Lébor Gabala Erren" (the taking of Ireland) a 11th century Christen work, these fairy stories came from a much older and ancient oral tradition.

The Tuatha also in my opinion based on my personal research once lived in Greece and, the Middle East, and the Tuatha either moved by the sea and oceans on ships, or by the air on airships to Ireland. Here is the description of their very arrival to my country from the "Lébor Gabala Erren"- It was in my native language Gaeilge (Irish) and Latin, but has been translated to the English language.

"In this wise they came, in dark clouds from northern islands of the world. They landed on the mountains of Conmaicne Rein in Connachta, and they brought a darkness over the sun for three days and three nights. Gods were their men of arts, and non-gods their husbandmen."

Their is strange enough as to many a information link between the Tuatha de Dannann legends and, Greek Mythology and, Norse Mythology legends..Too long to go into now in this post, but the god and goddess of all these mythologies, have similar character roles going on, also the Tuatha to lot of Atlantis modern supporters would be the people of this lost Island. While people dismiss this legend Plato Atlantis characters were real people who once lived in Ancient Greece, also he also places a date on when the island existed 9000 years before he was born. That it was very rich and an advanced human culture and, that the Island lay to the West of Spain in the Atlantic ocean.

According to Plato it was completely destroyed in one day by a natural and environmental disaster. Near my own country two Islands did sink under the ocean-- Dogger BANK 6,100 BC and the now Mystical Hy-Brazil which was located of the West coast of Ireland. But South American and Northern America are also possible locations for the island, as there is nothing to confirm a civilization like Plato lived, we are left with little option, but believe it was just a legend and myth.

Ohh yes, and before I forget, didn't Sgt. Penniston state that the entities were "Time travelers" and not E.T.?

Jim Penniston. Well yes he did under Hypnosis claim they're humans from the very far future something like 40,000-50,000 years ahead of us. But the problem is Jim does not believe in ET coming here, even though he has had an incredible experience with something, that may have been alien, so am unsure if his analysis was because of his believe aliens are not coming here?

But it was his opinion what appeared over Rendlesam and, the craft that came down in the forest of Rendlesam, was technology belonging to humans again from the far future. Personally i think it is a good theory, as good as the Extraterrestrial theory, as UFO's are witnessed in the skies of this planet, as well, the only thing that is suggesting a nonhuman origin for UFO's is the abduction and contact experience.
UFOs? what UFOs?

I wanna hear about the 500 Cal/day diet. If I remember correctly, I've heard about alleged cases of people who had a very very low nutritional intake and lived longer lives. Don't ask me where. I can't remember. But, that would be an interesting topic.
UFOs? what UFOs?

I wanna hear about the 500 Cal/day diet. If I remember correctly, I've heard about alleged cases of people who had a very very low nutritional intake and lived longer lives. Don't ask me where. I can't remember. But, that would be an interesting topic.

Do some research and you will find near starvation food levels do extend life in almost all Eukaryotes. However the drawbacks are pretty extreme. Sever lack of energy, extreme lack of sexual drive, to name the big ones.

I don't know about you but those two right there make that quality of life unacceptable to me personally.

So quantity vs quality of life, it's your choice.
See, my problem with the entire theory that this is best explained as a case of E.T. is that we place all too much emphasis on human based comparison and human based physical need. What states in the record that E.T. actually sees the same way we humanoids do, therefore he needs "lights" on in darkness, and thus lights on his craft? Why is it that we take for granted that E.T. must use a metallic like structure to reach us in? With the advanced intelligence of this supposed space faring people, why not a "biological" chemical hybrid of some sort which layered outer shell would adapt to any conditions and changes in both atmosphere and environment.

The Grays do indeed look very similar to today's humans, and if you think about it, a hundred thousand or so years into the future, with science advancing the way it is, we probably wouldn't have as much need for muscles and larger frames, as we would do much less physical tasks. We would probably develop a higher sense of telekinetic awareness and thus no need for verbal communication, so you would probably see smaller mouths. Our eyes would better be adapted with elongated corneas, as this would make it better to see in the darkness of space. For the "futurists" amongst us, this fits nicely.

I for one do not believe it is our own human species visiting the past, nor do I believe it is E.T., as I have mentioned many times before here that I don't think E.T. would give two Shi's about our primitive ways or lives.

My point is that it's all to easy for today's investigators to corner the market on explanations due to the limits of what we understand as science, and this based on only as far out as our scientists have gotten us. If you are looking at an advanced race which can travel the way they do, and do so almost seamlessly, then it would be a very big mistake to rule out "magic" as a viable circumstance for an otherwise unbelievable tendency.

Lastly, mass illusion without drugs is a very viable and definitely possible happenstance. I remember years ago one of the magicians in Las Vegas was able to make an F14 Tomcat disappear right in front of the MGM Grand. He did this with everyone standing all around the stage, with no mirrors and no trap doors.

I also remember World War Two and the preamble to the Invasion of Normandy. General Patton was made the Commander of a dummy army which actually had blown up rubber tanks and transports all along the coast pointed at the Pas- De-Calais. The illusion worked perfectly alongside Hitler's paranoia, and thus many Panzer Gruppens were diverted elsewhere.

Neither of these fetes were done with drugs or drug inducement of any kind, and both of them were illusions completed on a grand scale.

Therefore I feel that a "military" or covert govt. test situation can be just as good an explanation in this or any circumstance to E.T. or even E.D. for that matter. As was mentioned here a thousand times before, the U.S. Government isn't immune to using just this sort of method to test the resilience of its military personnel, or even civilian population.
I wanna hear about the 500 Cal/day diet. If I remember correctly, I've heard about alleged cases of people who had a very very low nutritional intake and lived longer lives. Don't ask me where. I can't remember. But, that would be an interesting topic.

I believe you're talking about "caloric restriction". And yes you will live longer... if you call that "living"...
See, my problem with the entire theory that this is best explained as a case of E.T. is that we place all too much emphasis on human based comparison and human based physical need. What states in the record that E.T. actually sees the same way we humanoids do, therefore he needs "lights" on in darkness, and thus lights on his craft? Why is it that we take for granted that E.T. must use a metallic like structure to reach us in? With the advanced intelligence of this supposed space faring people, why not a "biological" chemical hybrid of some sort which layered outer shell would adapt to any conditions and changes in both atmosphere and environment

Well I do have an opinion the lights on the UFO's must serve some purpose, it still very much unknown, to what the true overall purpose of these coloured lights been on would be. Your been persistent with your opinion, that the reason why people are seeing these lights on UFO's is because this is what humans would undoubtedly expect to see, mosty likely, but this expectation is not at the end of the day, been determined or controlled by the observer is it. That would be the opinion I have at the moment. The devices in the skies do very much appear to be real and, be controlled by pilots of perhaps a nonhuman origin and, the lights on the UFO's, the basic function is to see at at night and maybe identify their presence to other human air-traffic in their vicinity.

We don't also don't take it for granted "ET" would use metallic structures to get here from wherever and, I personally very much open to other suggestions from anyone, has to how one could travel the vast distances of space to one point A to another point called B without using a spacecraft.

The Stark reality is though that space has no atmosphere, so you can't very much walk, from one planet to another unless and, this to me is a very much a journey of wild fantasy, that there is beings out there in the universe somewhere, that have unique superpowers like the fictional character Superman. I like to stick to what we do know, and don't know. A Cybernetic lifeform-machine manufactured by a nonhuman species, for the purpose of planet exploration, again I would expect here definitely a realistic assumption to me, a Cybernetic machine lifeform, would require a mode or device to travel in, plus human science clearly outlines the pitfalls of travelling to other planets and stars systems, so a protective shield or coating would be needed to protect the spaceship from those harsh realties/ like radiation, and not having the right propulsion engine nonHumans will not get very far from their home world.

But let us take go back to what we know about UFO's. Many Objects of a strange shape do show up lot in Photographs and Videos and, these objects don't operate in ways one would expect craft would act and handle, if build by human hands, as well, a Hallucination is were one would have an unnormal experience, that would seem real to the person having the experience and, if one went about trying to touch, whatever this hallucination was, you'd would undoubtedly be unable to do so, as this hallucination is a projection from the mind and, is non existent in the literal sense.

Thousands of individuals from all types of ethnic cultures have seen UFO's for centuries and so forth. Yet know explanation as ever been given from science, as to how a mass UFO hallucination, would take place over many centuries, if not thousands of years and, how one would explain objects of unknown design showing up on our planets radar defence systems, and fighter aircraft been scrambled to intercept these objects (a reality) ,and sometimes it has been reported fighter jets, have locked on to a solid and flying object of unknown origin.

Look meteors don't slow down to a standstill, and move at different left and right angles, and UFO hallucinations, show never ever show up on countless videos, and photographs. It so far from prosaic that it is frightening to me skeptics do not see an issue with this at all. Please do continue with your unrealistic approach to this phenomenon, but I live life based on commonsense approach, as it only takes one good UFO case to confirm visitation from nonHumans and, Paul Kimball "Best Evidence" details in depth ten UFO cases and, all yet to be unexplained with any new information.

There cases in the video were weird odd of place far from normal sightings of unusual and weird crafts have been seen by credible people, with reliable professionals backgrounds and careers. I would say there is another ten or dozen more UFO cases that could have made the grade. But look go away and come back to me with explanation, to all ten sightings Paul has in his video then we can talk. Look I don't want to make this a personal issue, but facts are facts, the video is showing real experiences with real people. Do I believe the evidence, yes I do, seems you don't, but that is your personal choice, but just because I belief this subject is real, does not make me stupid and unwise.

I have had real honest experiences with UFO's and in my opinion this technology was not belonging to any nation on this planet (one of my sightings I add was documented in my country this informations exist and can be found on the on the internet) and, you disbelieving. I have frankly really does not effect the reality, that I have had these unique experiences for real. If you'd had believed me like, that is what I would fine a bit odd, as you know next to nothing about me, other than I respond to your paranormal postings often on the internet!

The Grays do indeed look very similar to today's humans, and if you think about it, a hundred thousand or so years into the future, with science advancing the way it is, we probably wouldn't have as much need for muscles and larger frames, as we would do much less physical tasks. We would probably develop a higher sense of telekinetic awareness and thus no need for verbal communication, so you would probably see smaller mouths. Our eyes would better be adapted with elongated corneas, as this would make it better to see in the darkness of space. For the "futurists" amongst us, this fits nicely

If you don't believe in such silly nonsense that ET or Time Travellers exist. Why do you disagree with my theory about "Greys there is a contradiction in your belief there I think? There is a also contradiction in your belief, the gray looks like me, and you and everyone, as you don't believe in the reality of any of this. To me a believer in such UFO nonsense (a bad word laugh) the gray does not look like a human, don't see the family resemblance to be honest, but if it floats the boat of futurists or you, that is fine by me, who am I to argue with peoples visions for humanity in the far future.

It is an open-minded exercise to have. But look Homo-sapiens had similar features to the physical appearance- features we have now, slightly more body and facial hair, but the theory is Homo-sapiens came out of Africa, around 220,000 years ago, and some Anthropology experts, do argue for a longer date for migration, then the scientific mainstream accepted "Out of Africa" theory, but anyways another Skull discovery may change all, but essentially we have always had a strong build with muscles and, frankly don't see how science in the future could radically change our look so much to look like a Gray.

When humans lose too much of their body mass we do get ill. Humans organs need a certain amount of body fat and muscle to function, and when we eat food, for pleasure, still the purpose of food is to keep us healthy and build strength. The internal organs, the Gray has if any, if even a being even exists like this, is still unknown. How we would metamorphosis so much to have such a weak body, and change skin colour from white to gray blue whatever color in the spectrum and, so on has me bambozzled.

Well we talk to ourselves all the time now without opening our mouth and speaking, the question is, in the future could other people hear you in their minds and you hear them.. We might have the reciever I think in our brain already, but how we dial out to another sentient being for communication. I really have no answer to that cool question[/QUOTE]

I for one do not believe it is our own human species visiting the past, nor do I believe it is E.T., as I have mentioned many times before here that I don't think E.T. would give two Shi's about our primitive ways or lives.

My point is that it's all to easy for today's investigators to corner the market on explanations due to the limits of what we understand as science, and this based on only as far out as our scientists have gotten us. If you are looking at an advanced race which can travel the way they do, and do so almost seamlessly, then it would be a very big mistake to rule out "magic" as a viable circumstance for an otherwise unbelievable tendency.

Lastly, mass illusion without drugs is a very viable and definitely possible happenstance. I remember years ago one of the magicians in Las Vegas was able to make an F14 Tomcat disappear right in front of the MGM Grand. He did this with everyone standing all around the stage, with no mirrors and no trap doors.

I also remember World War Two and the preamble to the Invasion of Normandy. General Patton was made the Commander of a dummy army which actually had blown up rubber tanks and transports all along the coast pointed at the Pas- De-Calais. The illusion worked perfectly alongside Hitler's paranoia, and thus many Panzer Gruppens were diverted elsewhere.

Neither of these fetes were done with drugs or drug inducement of any kind, and both of them were illusions completed on a grand scale.

Therefore I feel that a "military" or covert govt. test situation can be just as good an explanation in this or any circumstance to E.T. or even E.D. for that matter. As was mentioned here a thousand times before, the U.S. Government isn't immune to using just this sort of method to test the resilience of its military personnel, or even civilian population

Your two examples are not great utmost your dealing with illusions that have been maximumed to their potential by human beings to fool other human beings. Comparing American soldier dolls and dummies and circus tricks to what the servicemen on a Nato- American and British witnessed is showing, an non pragmatic approach from you to the issues.

While your examples seem adequate to you. Your examples don't address why men with years of real hard military experience to their name, would start seeing strange things, that were beyond their control. The deputy base commander Col.Halt, himself was a skeptic, to what his men saw on the very first night of these sightings, he thought it all could be explained. When the UFO's came back, on the second night he witnessed this stuff himself and, he then became a believer in what his men had claimed the first night.

It is your prerogative to belief the United States Government, has a habit of drugging soldiers who's duty, it was to guard sensitive nuclear weapons on a foreign soil, or that some experimental test to see the reactions, of the US army to usual events happened at Rendlesam. But what evidence have you? Plus you have to include C. Halt been messed with too, as he too witnessed these objects in the sky on the second night.

The sad thing for you is even Skeptics to this case have been smart enough to realise this is idiotic explanation, but then again lot of Skeptics, aren't that bright really, as their favourite theory to explain Rendlesam is the lighthouse.

Fooled twice over two separate nights by the lighthouse Hmmm... Some UFO facts.

In 1956 Bentwater RAF-base had sightings of usual objects near the base. It well-documented event for those, who are interested in this, you will find that information on the internet. On December 26 1980-- objects appeared on the radar at radar station in East Anglia, and a RAF jet was scrambled to intercept, but the objects flew off when the RAF Jet approached the objects.

The pilot of the RAF- jet radioed back he could not keep up with these objects, and that he lost them.

There is strong more than average chance the events at Rendlesam, and the events at East Anglia RAF radar station, had some connection to each other. In my humble opinion also humans don't have the advanced machinery- technology to display, that so confused, the servicemen at Rendlesam in 1980. While I might believe there is something to the Bob Lazar story.

I still aint convinced there is evidence that he back-engineered Alien spacecraft at place called S4 for the United States Government. But for me I believe at least speculate a government role in his telling of story, and, I truly believe Lazar has had some connection/ be it as employee/ of one of US intelligence agencies. It speculation, but there is many things in his story, that he could not have pulled off by himself been a lone figure telling a lie.

I don't believe in crashed alien spaceships. Roswell is an real interesting story, but it has lot of holes in it for me. So how the United States, would have have got their hands, on the technology that was seen at Rendlesam is beyond me. While your country might be ten to fifteen years ahead of everyone else with military-technology to the rest of the world. It really is a monumental leap to believe, the United states pulled this off, I think the superiority of the United States in military-hardware does exist, but my opinion is the United States government has not got a mile long triangle ship in a hanger somewhere or even mini ones, and definately don't have devices in a orb- ball shape that can outpace modern Jet fighters and airplanes. The only thing left is that this planet is been visited by some intelligence not of this planet.

Who said ET cares for what we do, the evidence in my opinion suggests a neutral position. They only get involved with us unless it suits them.
“Credible” people? Why, because you say so?

I have stated my personal belief in the “Alien” abduction phenomena in the past. I have clearly explained I believe it is a Demonic “inter-dimensional” situation, and one which looks to include every aspect of what today’s culture assimilates as a preconditioned expectation....First they see the flashing lights, then a craft, then white light....then abduction by sci-fi little gray beings with insectoids' sometimes and anal probing and metalic injection. All done by an advanced race for many years because darn-it..... they still can't seem to get their science down right? LOL!

I’m sorry but some of your post is somewhat hard for me to understand, so I will attempt to conclude this discussion here the best that I can.

I in no way believe that E.T. is a futuristic version of man, nor do I believe the creatures are a part of some intelligent out-worldly race. I prefer to believe that most of the supposed U.F.O. non related sightings are either secret govt. tests, natural anomalies, or perhaps too much ale on a cold winter’s eve. Considering the fact that for all the blubbering about how for thousands of years E.T. has been showing up on the horizon and visiting us, not ONE….NOT ONE….NOT ONE iota of physical material evidence has ever seen the light of day.

Gee how strange….When a skeptic asks the proponents of E.T. just why this is, they spew forth the usual, “That doesn’t prove that they don’t exist either”…..please.

And I guess it’s too far fetched to believe that the military establishment just might want to attempt a test of the security of one of it’s bases by staging an elaborate hoax…..hmmm…But not to far out to believe that little gray creatures dance a merry jig above our skies for thousands of years and keep us all in wonderment because they can.

Ok, I have explained my position long enough. No matter how many times someone on this forum wants to drive home the “and there plenty of eye witnesses” and the ever loving, “and we have three real deeply studied cases which prove…..” yadda yadda….

Nothing! Still nothing but a bunch of hot air, thrown out there to wish upon an alien star as if it will just will itself to be real because the Richard Dolan’s of the world say so.
The problem with the "demonic" explanation is that the source book for these demons is a work of obvious fiction.
The bible is a work of fiction, its a written creation myth, the evidence doesnt fit the myth.
So to try and categorise an ET reality using this as a data source is just plain silly
You may as well claim they are santa claus in his off season guise, abducting people for the purposes of compiling his naughty and nice list......
Classic case of wannabe knowledge, trying to fit the facts inside the myth you wannabe true
“Credible” people? Why, because you say so?

I have stated my personal belief in the “Alien” abduction phenomena in the past. I have clearly explained I believe it is a Demonic “inter-dimensional” situation, and one which looks to include every aspect of what today’s culture assimilates as a preconditioned expectation....First they see the flashing lights, then a craft, then white light....then abduction by sci-fi little gray beings with insectoids' sometimes and anal probing and metalic injection. All done by an advanced race for many years because darn-it..... they still can't seem to get their science down right? LOL!

I’m sorry but some of your post is somewhat hard for me to understand, so I will attempt to conclude this discussion here the best that I can.

I in no way believe that E.T. is a futuristic version of man, nor do I believe the creatures are a part of some intelligent out-worldly race. I prefer to believe that most of the supposed U.F.O. non related sightings are either secret govt. tests, natural anomalies, or perhaps too much ale on a cold winter’s eve. Considering the fact that for all the blubbering about how for thousands of years E.T. has been showing up on the horizon and visiting us, not ONE….NOT ONE….NOT ONE iota of physical material evidence has ever seen the light of day.

Gee how strange….When a skeptic asks the proponents of E.T. just why this is, they spew forth the usual, “That doesn’t prove that they don’t exist either”…..please.

Well if you been around this forum long enough you would have picked up on the fact I too believe in the Interdimensional hypothesis more so than in fact than the ET hypothesis. I only argue for ET so to speak because until we know for sure what we are dealing we have to keep an openmind to all possibilities to the origin of UFO's. Interdimensional beings are inevitably, are going to look very alien to human beings, so why does matter at this stage to were they've come from?

The question that needs to be addressed first what are UFO's ok and, there may well be interdimensional beings, that are are hostile towards humanity, but evidence of interdimensional hostility towards us, it so light. Now the Catholic Church does believe, that a battle between Angels happened in Heaven, over Man, but it is just a story that requires faith to believe in it, also there is no known record that tells us were heaven could be, only that human beings will ascend to this place upon our death. Again a story that requires faith to believe in it.

But I'm open to the idea God may exist? I have said numerous times here people are making up stories up about been abducted by aliens, the narrative we have is a lie, I think 80% of such cases are false.

How do we go about getting this physical evidence? It not evidence you can just buy in local computer hardware store. The only evidence that would be accepted without reservation would be an alienspacecraft or a living alive or even dead alien lifeform. You tell me how would go about getting this physical evidence for the skeptical community? I have my own opinions to what the UFO Phenomenon could mean and, I'm also more interested in the UFO cases more so, than what celebrity UFO personalities have to say.
Humans can be fooled. Nature cannot. Our history is largely about humans duping and exploiting humans, about those in brutal and manipulative authority enforcing disregard and disrespect for what nature tells us. If nature tells us ET exists, then so be it. If not, then so be it. Believing is not knowing.

Why is this part of it so complicated?