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I don't think there is an easy cure to obesity.
There is an easy cure for obesity: diet and exercise.
I find dieting and exercise far from "easy" :frown:
Also any long term lifestyle change is very difficult for most people.I find dieting and exercise far from "easy" :frown:
As much as we were taught that amount of calories we eat vs the calories we burn is the magic equation to weight loss I think it is more complicated.
Corn syrup (and/or other sugars) is an additive in almost every "low fat" product on the market. This is done because when you remove the fat from something, a lot of the flavour goes with it. To make it more palatable, companies add sugar to make it taste better. Compare the nutrition information on a regular vs. low fat product nect time you are at the grocery store. You will see that the calories are reduced in the low-fat variety, yet the carbohydrate levels are higher.
Cut the MSG out of your diet. I've read that when doing obesity studies on rats, they put lots of MSG on their food to fatten them up. It seems to impair the bodies sense of being 'full.' I dropped about 20 pounds in a year by banning it from my diet. I grow my own veggies. As much as is practical, I gather my own meat. I eat when I'm hungry, no feeding schedule, and despite the fact that I kill a case of beer every 3 or 4 days, I'm still pretty lean. There is also evidence the stuff impairs brain function.
The link between monosodium glutamate (MSG) and obesity
UNC researchers find MSG use linked to obesity
UNC researchers find MSG use linked to obesity
I got a juicer a couple of months ago. Carrot pulp mixed with pancake batter, fried in buttery skillet and drizzled with honey is a big fan of juicing, even my dogs get things like carrot, beetroot and tomato juice added to their food, which is home made and natural, its a lot harder than feeding them a comercial dog food diet, but worth the results
I got a juicer a couple of months ago. Carrot pulp mixed with pancake batter, fried in buttery skillet and drizzled with honey is delicious.
The nutritional benefit of sprouts is a subject worth investigating, also , assuming one is interested.
And on the subject of corn syrup.
where can I invest in that company, you say?![]()
Meaning the low fat product is just as bad for you? (will make you put on weight)