Your anomalous plant data seems to be BLT Levengood nonsense. We know that is tripe.
Actually we don't know that. Neither the biological and mineralogical data presented by Levengood and others, nor L's biophysical hypothesis concerning their production, have been scientifically falsified. There are also the EM anomalies to be dealt with, which you haven't responded to.
On the information thing, there is nothing there that couldn't come from a human being.
Setting aside several astronomical predictions discovered in crop circles by Horace Drew, that's probably a valid statement, but I wonder what sort of mathematically and aesthetically skilled human being (more likely group of human beings) would labor over the designs (and the instructions for executing them on the ground) for the hundreds of crop circles that have appeared in Wiltshire and elsewhere on the planet every year for the last four decades. That's a ponderable question that remains to be answered. I wonder for what purpose (and what reward) this elaborate effort would be made over so long a period of time in one or two counties in southern England. For some answers to that question, see Colin Andrews,
Government Circles.
There are other questions that have been raised concerning the all-human claim to construction of crop formations based in analyses of the layering, weaving, and braiding of living crop present in many of the formations, and the persistent question of how all this has been done in the average 4.5 hours of darkness in Wiltshire county during the summers. There are also a number of accounts over the decades of people who have witnessed crop circles being laid without visible agency in minutes, even moments. The last I read about this the count of such testimonies has reached a total of 45 witnesses, one of whom was the farmer in Maysville, Wisconsin, about six years ago, a case analyzed and reported on by ICCRA [the US-based International Crop Circle Researchers Association] and available to read at their website.
Anyway, there is a great deal more to crop circles than meets the eye or that can be explained by human ccmaking. To be sure, humans can produce some very impressive formations and have done so in Wiltshire county, England. There's a great distance to be covered in moving from Wiltshire's unique cc history to accepting the global claim, made by Matthew Williams and his colleague Andrew Pyrka, that therefore "all crop circles are manmade."
You've clearly bought that claim so there is no point I can see in continuing this discussion with you.
The main thing to consider is that we know how the crop formations are made. Humans make them. We've seen it, had it explained, understand it. Navel staring and over analysis by those ill-equipped to do so will yield unreliable and apparently anonymous results so what's the point?
The crop circle mystery has been solved IMHO and there nothing but human drama and theater to be seen there. Sometimes that's entertaining too.