Paranormal Adept
EM wavelength between 590-625 nm
neural spikes trains
phenomenal orange
Which of these is most likely to be actual?
Phenomenal orange, per Strawson and "a la" (as you like to say

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EM wavelength between 590-625 nm
neural spikes trains
phenomenal orange
Which of these is most likely to be actual?
Not necessarily: If we define strong emergence as the direct causal action of a high-level system upon its components; qualities produced this way are irreducible to the system's constituent parts (Laughlin 2005), and run that against the pile of bricks analogy, then consciousness as we experience it can be reduced to its constituent parts ( individual quanta of consciousness ). Meaning both are constructed from the same thing. All that has changed is the sheer number and how that number manifests at the macro scale.Regardless of whether you call your position materialism or physicalism, it still entails strong emergence.
Claiming consciousness is made out of spaghetti is flippant nonsense, whereas suggesting that consciousness is composed of fundamental quanta of something physical that is not fully understood is not flippant nonsense.And that position would mean the MBP is still relevant (ie still a problem) for you.
Sure, you can simply say phenomenal consciousness just is emitted by a functioning brain, but this is hardly a solution to the mbp. Sure you can just say this phenomenal consciousness field just is material or just is physical, but we could just say it was made out of spaghetti.
Actually it does make the MBP irrelevant ( to me). The mind body problem hinges on the premise that the mind and the body are fundamentally different in nature. I do not operate under that premise. I operate on the premise that everything is physical according to the particular physicalist view that I hold. You are of course entitled to hold a completely different view for yourself. But that would not change the situation for mine.It hardly makes the mbp irrelevant to you.
The MBP as defined by its premise is not specifically relevant to the above comment because the same question can also be asked from an entirely physicalist perspective. In other words, not having a physicalist answer that is provable, doesn't prove the premise of the MBP correct. That is a common logical fallacy.Just saying that phenomenal consciousness is emitted from the brain doesn’t solve or resolve the mbp. We would still be left asking the same question: How does the mind relate to the body? They seem to be related but how!?
I'm not getting "lose" ( I think you meant "loose" ) with my terms. I've been very specific all along. However that doesn't change the fact that the questions you pose are still good. I just submit that my view does not by its nature preclude possible explanations for them. I am also not entirely alone.I don’t know how one would even go about proving strong emergence. It’s seems to establish a correlation at best. But we already have that. When the brain is in state X the patient reports conscious state Y.
And if we are going to suggest a duality between the brain and this consciousness field, it raises a host of other issues such as over determination, epiphenominalism, the problem of mental causation, the nature of subjectivity, the qualia palette problem, and the binding problem.
In the end, getting lose with terms doesn’t help us.
Did I miss the part when you changed your view from consciousness being a field emitted by the brain to consciousness being composed of consciousness quanta!?Not necessarily: If we define strong emergence as the direct causal action of a high-level system upon its components; qualities produced this way are irreducible to the system's constituent parts (Laughlin 2005), and run that against the pile of bricks analogy, then consciousness as we experience it can be reduced to its constituent parts ( individual quanta of consciousness ). Meaning both are constructed from the same thing. All that has changed is the sheer number and how that number manifests at the macro scale.
Claiming consciousness is made out of spaghetti is flippant nonsense, whereas suggesting that consciousness is composed of fundamental quanta of something physical that is not fully understood is not flippant nonsense.
Actually it does make the MBP irrelevant ( to me). The mind body problem hinges on the premise that the mind and the body are fundamentally different in nature. I do not operate under that premise. I operate on the premise that everything is physical according to the particular physicalist view that I hold. You are of course entitled to hold a completely different view for yourself. But that would not change the situation for mine.
The MBP as defined by its premise is not specifically relevant to the above comment because the same question can also be asked from an entirely physicalist perspective. In other words, not having a physicalist answer that is provable, doesn't prove the premise of the MBP correct. That is a common logical fallacy.
I'm not getting "lose" ( I think you meant "loose" ) with my terms. I've been very specific all along. However that doesn't change the fact that the questions you pose are still good. I just submit that my view does not by its nature preclude possible explanations for them. I am also not entirely alone.
For example, Patrick Lewtas has ideas similar to mine that provides a theoretical solution ( or dissolution of ) the palette problem. From this, the binding problem can also be extrapolated. All one needs to do is think about it. That being said, these theories might also be completely wong. I don't know. But I do know your objections thus far do not provide me with sufficient reason to think so.
Did I miss the part when you changed your view from consciousness being a field emitted by the brain to consciousness being composed of consciousness quanta!? when did that happen? what do consciousness quanta have to do with the brain? Anything!? And no I diD absolutely mean lose. Your getting the L for chAnging you’re theory with out telling Anyone.
Sure. In QFT the fundamental fields are composed of quanta, and what we call particles and virtual particles are oscillations/perturbations of these fields/matrixes of quanta.Considering quanta represents more of an evolution than a change. I've only had one major change in perspective throughout this whole discussion, and that had to do with a shift away from the idea that consciousness would be a natural byproduct of sufficiently intelligent computers based on current non-quantum microprocessor technology.
Quanta are compatible with the field theory in that they might be analogous to what is happening with EM fields that involve virtual particles. Anyway, I don't want to be a cause for any negative waves ( or particles ), so you guys just go ahead and carry on. It's nice to see a little participation happening on the thread again.
Sure. In QFT the fundamental fields are composed of quanta, and what we call particles and virtual particles are oscillations/perturbations of these fields/matrixes of quanta.Considering quanta represents more of an evolution than a change. I've only had one major change in perspective throughout this whole discussion, and that had to do with a shift away from the idea that consciousness would be a natural byproduct of sufficiently intelligent computers based on current non-quantum microprocessor technology.
Quanta are compatible with the field theory in that they might be analogous to what is happening with EM fields that involve virtual particles. Anyway, I don't want to be a cause for any negative waves ( or particles ), so you guys just go ahead and carry on. It's nice to see a little participation happening on the thread again.
I couldn't agree more.... The fascinating thing for me is that in the year 2019 we can all have such diverse views regarding the origin and nature of consciousness. Moreover there is a diversity of views about why there is a diversity of views.
(POSTED TO RANDLE) Sure. In QFT the fundamental fields are composed of quanta, and what we call particles and virtual particles are oscillations/perturbations of these fields/matrixes of quanta.
I’m pretty unclear on your current view, but it seems to be that consciousness as we experience it (the human mind) emerges within a fundamental consciousness field.
If I have that right, I’m not sure how this fundamental consciousness fields relates to the other fundamental quantum fields, and specifically the fields of which the human brain is comprised.
Is this fundamental consciousness field truly fundamental—on par with the other fields—or does this consciousness field emerge somewhere later down stream, as the result of other, truly fundamental fields interactivity?
The reason the MBP is still an issue for you, despite your denial, is that you can’t explain in mechanical terms how your consciousness field is related to the other known fields.
It’s not enough to say that it’s physical; you have to explain how it is or could even be physical.
Also I’m not sure your fully grok the challenge that subjectivity presents. Which is why you believe you can dismiss the MBP and the HP. Saying that consciousness is a field does not explain subjectivity, it’s origin, nature, and how it relates to the physical world (the body).
The fascinating thing for me is that in the year 2019 we can all have such diverse views regarding the origin and nature of consciousness. Moreover there is a diversity of views about why there is a diversity of views.
Fields and quanta were never intended as an explanation for: "why we experience our lives, our be-ing ..." Those sorts of "why questions" are for behaviorists, historians, psychologists and the like. It's best not to conflate "why questions" with "what questions". For example, theories about what gravity is doesn't say anything about why gravity is. In fact there may be no "why". It may be the case that it simply is.... I would also add that the abstract 'field' thesis argued for by Randle does not explain how and why we experience our lives, our be-ing, as our own, take responsibility for the way we conduct ourselves in the world of others, and thus clearly recognize our possession of personal agency ...
Fields and quanta were never intended as an explanation for: "why we experience our lives, our be-ing ..." Those sorts of "why questions" are for behaviorists, historians, psychologists and the like. It's best not to conflate "why questions" with "what questions". For example, theories about what gravity is doesn't say anything about why gravity is. In fact there may be no "why". It may be the case that it simply is.
So you're not interested at all in how animal and human consciousness and mind evolve and develop in the environing physical world as we experience it? Why didn't you say so earlier? And why are you still pursuing the subject matter of this thread?
Questions about how and what are different than questions about why. Conflating them causes false assumptions like the ones above. Here's a brief article that might help with what I'm attempting to convey: Science does not ask “Why?”So you're not interested at all in how animal and human consciousness and mind evolve and develop in the environing physical world as we experience it? Why didn't you say so earlier? And why are you still pursuing the subject matter of this thread?
What's the point of that?
As I struggle to understand what you write in this post it occurs to me that you can help out by defining the terms and words you are employing. To that end, I will highlight in red the terms and words that seem ambiguous and/or puzzling to me and ask that you define them in a response.
“My axiom:
"Axiom: In order to comfort yourself with the "glitch" of understanding within your own consciousness, you must by definition reject the full nature and background that makes your consciousness (as a phenomenon to your "self") as non-existent.
(1) The very reality that underlies the structure (comprehended only by the very entity we think we are) requires exiting the very framework that sustains our experience, understanding and comprehension of the same…"
{note 1: you seem to claim that ‘the very entity we think we are’ is an illusion produced by the ‘framework’ [structures of experience, structures of consciousness] which we sense/discover/recognize/understand in analyzing the relations and structures of our sense perceptions. So are you indeed arguing that what we perceive and reflect upon cannot enlighten us regarding the nature of our existence/our being?}
{note 2: Would the following sentence come closer to your meaning if you removed the preposition 'as'? : "you must by definition reject the full nature and background that makes your consciousness (as a phenomenon to your "self") as non-existent." In either case, you seem to be saying that if we attempt to bracket and dismiss the entire sense of an environing world that arises around us, including our sense of ourselves within it, we might demonstrate to ourselves that we do not exist. For me, this recommendation seems to rest on a misunderstanding of the term 'phenomenon'. See Renaud Barbaras, The Being of the Phenomenon, at Renaud Barbarus, The Being of the Phenomenon: Books}
"(2) Heidegger did not succeed in explaining this concept...because he had to use the language of being that arises in the very framework that needed definition you cannot explain fully a system within the semantical framework of the system that allows such meaning structures to exist."
{Granted and setting aside the shortcomings of human languages, do you actually hold that reflective consciousness, which requires the development of language in order to be expressed, is not grounded in prereflective/non-thetic consciousness of existence, of being, on the part of early humans and a range of other evolving species on earth?}
"(3) I don't know why he didn't take the step of expanding his explanation beyond the usual (and he definitely got extremely close to the edge or horizon of our linguistic domain) meaning within our own everyday intuitions...perhaps it is due to the ability of his detractors to make fun of his "edge" signs pointing to the wordless structure of being that caused him to halt before his thesis pointed to meanings that were ineffable."
{Are you requiring of Heidegger that he should have been capable of eff-ing ‘the ineffable’? What would doing so look and sound like? Can you do this for Heidegger -- analyzing his ‘edge’ writings -- and save him from his detractors? Or do you wish to persuade others that phenomenological/existential philosophy is empty of ontological significance?}
"The hilarity of this entire drama unfolds when the heideggerian rejoinder reminds the "user" of being of the basic Ineffability of a named being referenced in the background that was forgotten but taken for granted in the nexus of everyday existence.”
{I’m at a loss to appreciate the ‘hilarity’ of what you call ‘this entire drama’. Can you persuade me that it is ‘hilarious’?}
{note 1: you seem to claim that ‘the very entity we think we are’ is an illusion produced by the ‘framework’ [structures of experience, structures of consciousness] which we sense/discover/recognize/understand in analyzing the relations and structures of our sense perceptions. So are you indeed arguing that what we perceive and reflect upon cannot enlighten us regarding the nature of our existence/our being?}
In either case, you seem to be saying that if we attempt to bracket and dismiss the entire sense of an environing world that arises around us, including our sense of ourselves within it, we might demonstrate to ourselves that we do not exist. For me, this recommendation seems to rest on a misunderstanding of the term 'phenomenon'.
Absolutely brilliant. There is no spoon.The same is true for the "structures" you identify as the "source" of our "experience." Dasein "thinks" it is enlightened by the objects that are the foundation of it's own being ... but logically (with or without the framework that makes Dasein) we do not have to perceive or reflect upon the ready-at-hand or present-at-hand components to find the necessary background that encompasses both.