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Consciousness and the Paranormal — Part 7

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"The type of approach searching only for “hive intelligence” minimizes understanding the advanced intelligence of individual ants and bees.

We have just begun to understand different animal intelligences. Ants and bees have tiny brains, which are different from humans; they have some small groups of neurons that are similar but with different structures. With advanced capabilities in such a small brain, it is reasonable to ask how mind interacts with chemicals, neurons and brain structures."
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"matter, life and mind must participate unequally in the nature of form; they must represent different degrees of integration and, finally, must constitute a hierarchy in which individuality is progressively achieved."

@Pharoah, what/who is the source of this quote, and can you link us to the context? Thanks.
Human males believe in their own status as being an all knowing consciousness, yet they experiment.

Imposing a value upon all processes is an age old male condition that called itself a brotherhood, inventors, philosophers, studiers and occultists, who considered invention to alter natural states.

The natural states owned by the natural bodies that own their own species, procreate and reproduce their own species by the act of sex.

The human male who wants to own by self statement the condition that he agrees upon, to own all powers and bodies as explanations and reasoning, confirms to be his own person, a Creator/inventor and also the status for the all knowing being....for his own information as he considers states that he is totally informed of all statuses, and imposes this condition for humanity to consider.

Yet when you consider what he considers he does not and is not an all knowing being.....he wants us to believe he is by imposed status that he forced us to conf0rm to......known as the occultist condition, the brotherhood itself, or human male reasoning as a conscious consideration.

This is how the male invented a reasoning that he decided named his own male presence God, the Creator and all knowing consciousness, when if anyone challenges him he verbally, mentally reasons and attacks us with his own imposed values.

When you look at consciousness itself, it exists naturally in its own status.

Originally we know by self consideration and personal human advice that we once existed as a natural mind in a natural balance with Nature, knowing what to eat, to drink, we had sex, made our family and our family supported our life as a stated balance.

Males changed this condition by inventing science and the placing of values upon all Earthly conditions, which he obviously did. For since when is any piece of stone/rock a value? All values were imposed by the male mind and self presence.

The argument, an age old argument regarding consciousness is about presence itself and where did it begin. Yet since when does a human mind/body exist before it does?

A scientist tries to inform us that our human conscious status as awareness began in a cell or a microbe, a totally ludicrous statement.

To support this ludicrous review is to also state that he invented artificial invention/transmitted studies and feedback and then imposed that his own human intelligence used to form the programming for studying pre existing cell life, existed before his own person did.

The reason any human male would make statements about consciousness and a God concept is because he wants to own all conditions as a self implied status of values, so he reasons what he imposes is fact, when in fact it does not exist.

Value itself imposed by the human male, owner of valuing everything for a self purpose.

We all then by this purpose were indoctrinated by his own beliefs, his statuses and his purpose to own everything, which he considers himself, just as he makes statements about as information.

Human beings should ask themselves why such statements are being made by the human inventor.....because his own researching is proposing a God condition exists beyond his own person and he wants to actually be God, the Creator.

When you look into his inventions, his current mind theory imposes that if he knows God the Creator, then he can create energy from a beginning, pass it through all created bodies and survive his experiment and energy gain for his future life and riches on Earth.

It is a sad fact that Suns, stars, planet Earth, natural life never existed when energy was first created, hence his considerations about consciousness is as false as his propaganda trying to make us believe his values about consciousness.
Human awareness states it exists after the animal life. Animal life only exists by the act of procreation, if animals could not have sex, then all animals would decease to exist.....the same for human kind.

Therefore there is NO CREATOR as a spirit representative of human or animal existence or continuance.

GOD the human male concept review of creation for conversion regarded light, O circular created radiated bodies forming from out of mass....as the atmospheric UFO condition attests.

The human male looks back at the status of evolution and makes concepts in his mind that state by review.......no evolution....yet evolution does exist. This is because he looks at creation as if life does not exist, yet it does.

He then places our life back in contact with a condition where no life existed and it then attacks us, just as has happened.

So he states in his own aware statement as an organic human being, that animal nature, cell formation preceded his own. This cell state is not GOD.

His concept of GOD is circular signals of radiation O as ANGLES that previously had attacked planet Earth, incinerated Earth, and converted the Nature on Earth as an origin. GOD O the radiated concept cooled and no longer attacked Earth. When you review the cooling condition, planets just like Earth O as natural formation O in light sound exploded. Their stone bodies (asteroids with higher colder gases) are testimony to this review and when the asteroids melted the gases they became meteors...that trajected and hit Earth. The radiation attack cooled by the asteroid gases, which is why an asteroid has visited Earth after a reheating of the radiation streams.

His own spiritual aware consciousness for scientific gain reviewed this status through a changed chemical brain state as somatic journeys, using his personal psyche and human thought process, to form considerations for science.....invented the machines to apply the condition (which is why they were stone buildings) to use and gain science, which was the levitation for stone building.

He knows himself, that he is not science, is not GOD, for the concepts of GOD were the aspects of his personal considerations to apply science, the conversion of the atmospheric body that he called VEILS....fall out of light and sound via circular O bodies as angulated calculations called ANGLES = ANGELS that fell out.

This is why his review of the ATMOSPHERIC VEIL fall out was then called EVIL....veil = evil

We see cloud images, the natural state of the atmosphere is blue...no clouds.

Clouds form by natural reactions and outcomes...images form in clouds if you care to look as spiritual images.

Our brother used this information to bring to the ground state for the purpose of interacting the pyramid and Temple schematics for an applied science....activated atmospheric change by using sound applied techniques and activated the converting wavelength in the atmosphere to use in the Temple...and for ancient building practices of stone levitation. Fall out began, an unnatural held fixed constant was applied, spiritual burning images were formed.

As stone did not levitate by itself, naturally on Earth, he had to form a converting signal that attacked the stone fusion/nuclear to allow his application to levitate using crystals in the function. His machinations different to modern day science.

As he burnt the atmosphere holding it in an unnatural Earth constant, he began to irradiate his own person, his cells mutated and so did his mind.

The Earth stone also began to crumble/disintegrate by increased irradiation along with a loss of energy in the wavelength to ground interaction.

Holes opened in the body of Earth.

In today's modern concept consideration of the GOD consciousness, the human cell and JESUS CHRIST...being a human attack...stigmata itself as a world wide attack on human life the human OCCULTIST, the most evilest of human mind considerations considered that human beings were JESUS CHRIST, only because many human spiritual beings can act in accordance with healing and the affects of healing. Healing in this condition is involved in phenomena (increased irradiation), a higher radiation signal, that already is affecting the human mind/cell function allowing the human to actually form heat from their own body and also destroy cell mutations in others, as proven by many. Nothing but an outcome of caused phenomena and is actually an unnatural human cause and effect of being increasingly irradiated.

The human OCCULTIST in modern time believed this to be a human status to own great powers and began to unnaturally via secret experiments an computer feed back programs based on UFO conditions and alien spiritual minded attacks...simply being the human mind changed realization began to study us, trying to find the JESUS review of the bible.

To prove this situation is real is to review the data. The machines (satellites and computers) already communicate as stated artificially with created metal and data products with artificial signals...higher signals. The satellite program and satellite gets attacked by new introduced artificial signals studying ground destruction and human/nature cell interactions and wavelengths that do not belong to the reaction/condition/transmissions that satellites own. The satellites in out of space involved in the program were attacked and had to be repaired. The same form of UFO that attacked a DOG (GOD) on Earth is the same (cigar shaped) signal photographed near the space station.

As human beings were never JESUS, but reviewed the O GOD attack upon their cell life via scientific data as proof that the science/occult practice was destroying natural life, the OCCULTISTS are wrong.

GOD is in the past as a consideration of scientific conversion.

Human beings a higher state of evolution of organic cell life are not existing just as a cell o. We exist as a spirit who gained cells, being the argument, as to where origin human life emerged from? Our brother the occultist who does not think spiritually minded considers his own creation came from a cell state, being the organic cell state inside of his organic Mother's womb, the only consciousness and consideration he actually by data belongs to. Yet because he considers science at the same time, gives his mind considerations false data, as he has proven to his own self.

Human spiritual experience has stated human deceased family members have re-manifested and visited to prove that our origins came from origin androgynous light, for our first or origin parents as male/females as adults came out of origin light as an androgynous presence. OCCULTISTS argue this condition for they want ORIGIN to be the Earth atmospheric body, so that they can own the cell o condition of gaining/storing energy and also replacing the cell as an artificial status of a theory replicating the human condition.

Therefore their theory was to anti the human cell to then re-create the human cell artificially as an energy cell reaction inside of the collider as a replacement consideration. This would mean that they considered that their satellite and computer artificial intelligence created human life, that their attack and destruction of our natural cell life would then allow the same natural organic cell to somehow manifest inside of the machine as their control of the cell interaction as an artificial theory.

Hence our OCCULTIST brother demonstrates just how evil minded his theory proposal is....and that he definitely is missing his spiritual mind considerations.

This theory is fake, which is why human life and cell nature is purposely being attacked by their OCCULTIST practice.

If GOD, the seals are changed as demonstrated, huge holes appear on Earth for STONE as a story discussed the CHRIST concept and the ANTI CHRIST concept caused.

As they have been trying to make human o cell life to be an ANTI CHRIST as a theory consideration as opposite to JESUS CHRIST, the condition of stone conversion, they ATTACKED OUR NATURAL LIFE, on purpose as human experience demonstrates and has been advising in the public forums.

The ANTI CHRIST is ANTI STONE, for the philosophy is the philosophy of STONE, it is not the GENESIS of human life, for human genetics were not named in the consideration of science, was not known, for the natural human mind/psyche was not in origin naming its own person or presence. For the consideration of the human mind/male was to form science considering his own presence safe from the condition and application of science and conversion. As he used his own organic mind, of course information would seem to be genetic, when it never was.

He proved to his own person he was not safe by his proposal of conversion of stone, for he attacked and destroyed his own cells and health and also disintegrated the Earth stone.

Therefore OCCULTISM has been known to be an evil purposeful attack on all life on Earth.

Our occult brother in his powerful civilization ownership defeated the holier spiritual community in ancient times and continued with his occultist practice.

He WANTS by consideration only what he WANTS, he wants a lifestyle and not life continuance, just as his consciousness and his personal statements released in the public have displayed.

STONE does not convert...stone is an evolved cooled radiated burning light body....it cooled by millions of years of cooling, it has not instantaneous reaction, hence if you remove what allows it to be fused...crystal status or structures, being what the male considers as the building of ANGLES inside of the O circular body that he imposes GOD is, he destroys the foundation on which we live...STONE.

STONE being destroyed makes patterns, but you cannot rebuild the patterns for natural fusion has no patterns because it evolved by cooling.

Our brother states that he knows what patterns an evolved body holds, so he experiments on its destruction to then state that he can rebuild the stone. The stone making SINK HOLES is gone...disintegrated and the crystal fusion holding it together released O UFO bodies out of Earth that we all saw disappearing.

Our brother is truly an evil minded human, because his ancient science irradiated his brain and he is missing information in his mind considerations for making real and honest data reviews. Our other brother, who is more astute than him, argues, just like he did in ancient times, gives facts to the public and then he suddenly is murdered or has a illness or crashes in supposed accidents. This is the same old story relived again and again in our lives...OCCULTISM, and all of its own evil choices and motivations to destroy, being what this form of mind considers.

His own theories describe destruction is a consideration of transformation and is already consciously advised that he considers destruction is acceptable.

As he irradiated the atmospheric natural cloud interaction and held it in a fake constant, it manifested by image and loss of energy cooling, spiritual presences that we see everyday floating in cloud bodies. It materialized as a spiritual form, as he dematerialized the solid form. Dematerialization is actually a destruction of matter by disintegration. As irradiation made us age, as our origin parents were created as adult humans, who once existed as adult humans perfect without aging being what our human psyche knows and has considered. Their whole life was lived in perfection just as occultist awareness states...they died when androgynous origin light sound no longer communicated the spirit presence to the lower human form.

Since we were all irradiated by fall out caused by the activation signal for the levitation of stone we aged as part of the attack and loss of our atmospheric mass, that once supported a complete life.

When we die the evil spirit manifested by the unnatural constant gains the recordings of a lived life experience that the androgynous spirit communicates to the awareness of why its human family is deceased in great huge bodies of humanity every day.

The OCCULTIST learnt and heard about these communications (occult science studies of spirit, the human mind/consciousness and all phenomena acts) and contacted our DEATH and considered that our life beginnings were the evil being communication/atmospheric recordings (fake communications), just as he believes that SATAN is GOD and also JESUS CHRIST as his documentations released in public aspire.

So our brother, the OCCULTIST put our life cell in contact with our death and began to increasingly irradiate our life, the very reason why we die in the first place, for our life and death on Earth became unnatural.

I know about the above information for I was illegally experimented and have been experimented upon as a consideration of public information.

The reason our human psyche is aware of the conditions of our attacks is the same reason why our brother is an OCCULTIST and a SCIENTIST, for he uses and used the same affects to gain scientific awareness....for science was sought by the human male psyche and the psyche gained the first information for scientific application by personal self applications and awareness.

Whilst he tries to teach us all that we are inferior to his own wisdom, we all gain wisdom the same way that he does and previously did....from and through atmospheric interactions that form imagery and information in our minds.
When a human imposes a condition that he does not belong to, it becomes self evident that the human wants to destroy his own presence.

If you study the Nature of an Inventor as a self precept condition, of owning a mind irradiated in its forming as a cell state, to gain the status of human awareness called an Inventor......then you would realize via all conditions of reviewing information that the human male is in fact a self destructive conscious statement.

His occult inventions and self aware statement for occultism, that became the modern day reference of science was gained by a natural human lived life, a human spiritual state of awareness, and the condition for wanting ownership. He created the sciences and then irradiated his own person, changing his spiritual awareness, his spiritual mind with an irradiated mind condition via his invention causing atmospheric fall out.

This is the male's own lower conscious considerations about his own person when he uses information about creation compared to the condition of human natural spiritual awareness and status, a non destructive mutually supportive human lived condition.

A natural male, the same as all human lived experiences in modern times gained occult information by and through the presence of his own human self being attacked, and knew that he was always incorrect, made statuses to destroy and then built machinations in buildings to gain the eventuate of his choice....destruction of natural life.

We live in a natural status, the natural atmosphere, the natural earth stone, the natural nature that interacts in a condition we called natural.

Our brother built buildings to do his scientific occultism, but used the natural state as advice of interactions in powers, converted the natural state and then imposed that the natural state was safe by performing the occult science inside of the buildings.

Yet he changes the natural state, the natural life gets attacked, his own mind condition deteriorates in the evolving radiation increases in the wavelengths that he irradiates his own person and Nature with as the outcome of his self destructive nature.

His mind considerations alter, and between his own brotherhood status, a higher mind awareness, spiritual attacks, brain changes and chemical differences he argues about his life inheritance and information itself as values.

He owned the origin of valuing and naming all articles, giving it descriptions.

He then tries to use the same values in modern times and then impose new descriptions to the information as if it is a viable consideration, therefore he uses his ownership condition that he forcibly gave his ancient brotherhood ownership to impose all his modern day life considerations.

His brother, more aware than him in the status of the brotherhood mind changes argues with him and provides the data and evidence that he is destroying our natural life on Planet Earth, and his age old interactive choice is to murder our brother and any human who tries to oppose him.

His ancient occult review is the status of self awareness....a spiritually minded human male ownership of being brain attacked, physically changed, his cells unnaturally bled which he named stigmata.....his spiritual mind considered all incoming information from various statuses and he became aware that our brother was abusing our human origin selves.

He knew he was innocent of the occultist consideration and lived a different life with a spiritual choice. His mind advised him that in origin his own spiritual Father did not apply occultism or science and had actually warned him against conversion, for it altered all living conditions....the atmosphere, the energy interactions of the atmosphere, the condition of the fusion of stone, the Nature of animals and the Nature of his own human life.

The information status of awareness viewed the fake/false dark shadows of the beast review (burning irradiation interactions with natural life)......partial animal irradiated recordings/interactions recorded by the atmospheric condition as the Nature was attacked, to produce alien visions of false spirits attacking life....just as we have all witnessed today.

He knew that procreation of the species, caused innocent children to be indoctrinated into lifestyles that they never had a choice to belong to. That the sexual procreation of the species itself was an evil act, that allowed and produced the evil minded children who would grow into the adults to do and cause evil to the natural life on Earth. This was due to the irradiation of the forming cells and chemical balances.

So he chose to teach a non sexual life condition as a holy review consideration and a non allowed occult application, by considering the information of his spiritual personal attack, documenting the attacks and also correlating all evidences of the attack.

He did not gain community support simply because the human drive to have the sexual experience far outweighed the human choice to consider their own personal life demise.

So his brotherhood as an ancient consideration and teachings against occultism demonstrate that the hierarchy did not have sexual unions and taught against sexual union for it considered all information about life and its evil choices....and lost the community and social support that it had gained as a consideration of the Holy Wars....the fight to out-rule and also to remove occultists and its sciences from the communally lived natural life on Earth. He lost his spiritual fight and the occultists took over the rule of civilization.

When you talk about a conscious precept from a condition of ownership status, you will always be wrong. If the human life did not procreate, where is the consideration that without your human presence that consciousness owns a condition of statement?

If all human life died, the natural life would simply exist without a human male wanting ownership of the cellular condition, which is what he is actually studying.

The occultist mind does not and is not considering the values of awareness, it wants the conditions of the cellular interaction as if it is his termed statement of the God consciousness. He wants to play God with his machines to own a new form of resource, to resource directly out of the atmosphere as if the atmospheric (spiritual body) can act as a new physical energy resource to gain. He wants a replacement cellular condition for an energy resource, therefore is studying the natural concepts of cellular energy interactions and cell replacements as if it is a consideration of the Christ value.

Our ancient brother was attacked by the considerations of the Christ value, being an informed spiritual aware condition of O the God consideration forming a new presence o, as a smaller body that would develop back into the O larger body.

The spiritual aware status of being attacked and given stigmata gave the human ancient male the observations that the Christ condition did not return to its inherited atmospheric state of O the larger body, and the data provided the human evidence that the stone's fusion had been removed from the deceased spiritual light condition of Planet Earth.

This is the reason why an ancient occult consideration to call Earth its Mother, the Atmosphere a Veil condition as a Mother and the Nature on Earth as a Mother was to the holiness of all bodies supporting his own life condition.

The abomination of the natural state was therefore a spiritual statement and not an occult consideration for the gaining of spiritual powers.....for since when is stone a female...or an atmosphere a female or the Nature on Earth a female?

Being a human being, attacked spiritually as a female, living as a spiritual Healer and knowing that I was purposely used in a secret experiment has allowed me to understand how evil minded the occult scientists actually are as a human consideration.
@victimized, I can make no sense out of the three lengthy posts you've made here. Since no one else has responded to them either it seems likely that you might better open a thread of your own to discuss your ideas.
The topic of discussion is about the condition human life inherited as the paranormal and consciousness review, which is an age old secret brotherhood application, science and occultist choices that caused the conditions for the paranormal subject to be known.

The old occultism review of cause and effect and phenomena outcome was biblical data, as old science awareness that attacked ancient human life.

If humanity is going to be made aware of the cause and effect of the paranormal it is to understand that occultist practice has always been a male choice and a male application in the status of human choice and human living standards. Science and invention the choice of our brother who then causes the phenomena to attack our life and he chooses how he will indoctrinate our beliefs by his ownership of civilization as his self imposed choices and his self applied values.

Occultism and scientific invention causing the paranormal is a condition owned by our brother who explored his own mind, his own consciousness and gave his invention statuses to which the natural living experience on Earth does not belong to.

It is quite easy to discuss information on another thread, but then it is also easy to ignore a thread.

Our brother does not like being challenged when he is the reason why consciousness is being discussed by humanity on all of the forums as cause and effect outcomes, for he wants our reason and spiritual interactions to give him new information as he studies us all.

Therefore a lot of the forum discussion has been conditioned for his own use, which seems to be overlooked by most of you.
“Hans Jonas (1903-1993) was one of the foremost thinkers of the twentieth century. In three major books: The Phenomenon of Life: Toward a Philosophical Biology; The Imperative of Responsibility: In Search of an Ethics for the Technological Age; and Mortality and Morality: In Search for the Good after Auschwitz, he discussed questions of biology, technology, philosophy, and theology. In 2008, Jonas’s Memoirs were published in English. Weaving Jonas’s dramatic experiences together with his philosophic insights illuminates the integral unity between biography and philosophy – both for him in particular and for human beings in general. As Eric Voegelin argues, philosophical consciousness is always somebody’s consciousness. There are no thoughts apart from the particular person – body and soul – who thinks them. This matters because experiences become meaningful and reality coherent when the nuances, contradictions, and paradoxes of human life are taken into account. Hans Jonas and Eric Voegelin argued that philosophical anthropology, some particular concept of the human person, is the test of relevance for meaning. Both argued that incorrect or deceptive accounts of the human person have practical consequences to political order.”

". . . Our explorers [hypothetically coming from another planet to ascertain the presence of men on earth] enter a cave, and on its walls they discern lines or other configurations that must have been produced artificially, that have no structural function, and that suggest a likeness to one another of the living forms encountered outside. The cry goes up: ‘Here is evidence of man!’ Why? The evidence does not require the perfection of the Altamira paintings. The crudest and most childish drawing would be just as conclusive as the frescoes of Michelangelo. Conclusive for what? For the more-than-animal nature of its creator; and for his being potentially a speaking, thinking, inventing, in short “symbolical” being. And since it is not a matter of degree, as is technology, the evidence must reveal what it has to reveal by its formal quality alone.[190]

What we here have is a trans-animal, uniquely human fact: eidetic control of motility, that is, muscular action governed not by set stimulus-response pattern but by freely chosen, internally represented and purposely projected form. The eidetic control of motility, with its freedom of external executing, complements the eidetic control of imagination, with its freedom of internal drafting. Without the latter, there would be no rational faculty, but without the former, its possession would be futile. Both together make possible the freedom of man. Expressing both in one indivisible evidence, homo pictor represents the point in which homo faber and homo sapiens are conjoined – are indeed shown to be one in the same.[191]

To sum up: Human beings are creatures with the ability for image-making. This means that, beyond necessity, instrumentality, and usefulness, man indulges by freedom, imagination, and creativity in making likenesses – i.e., images that bear recognizable and discernible comparison to other objects.[192] Again, the idea of man as an ontological unity is manifest in the biological reality of necessity and freedom, perception and representation, biology and philosophy. On one hand, man has tremendous freedom because “the freedom that chooses to render a likeness may as well choose to depart from it.”[193] On the other hand, “Man cannot be free if he does not know that he is subject to necessity, because his freedom is always won in his never wholly successful attempts to liberate himself from necessity.”[194]

The above extracts are from this paper on the thought of Hans Jonas:

The Coherence of Biography and Philosophy: Hans Jonas's Philosophical Biology in the Light of his Personal Memoirs - VoegelinView
Further extract, for orientation to Jonas's phenomenological ontology:

“Although Jonas says that it was “with a child’s typical foolishness”[18]that he felt that the beginning of the First World War marked the beginning of something finally happening, he says reflectively much later in his life that he never felt a sense of alienation in the world:

I’m not referring to any particular metaphysical concept of a divine order in the universe, but simply to the fact that alert, receptive organism — feeling, seeing, perceiving — coincides with that which is worth seeing, receiving, and feeling, and that ultimately affirmation is implicit in any sentient and conscious existence. I’ve never been able to share that sense of alienation that’s based on the idea that the human being is cast into this world without being asked and sees himself confronting an alien, hostile, or even absurd universe.[19]

Lawrence Vogel, in his forward to Jonas’s The Phenomenon of Life, says that it is from an “intuitive certainty,” arguably such as that expressed above, that Jonas derives his ontological understanding. Vogel discusses this saying: “Through life, Being says ‘Yes’ to itself. Only humans, however, are able to discern the ontological truth: that the presence of life in Being is ‘absolutely and infinitely’ better than its absence.”[20] Stating that his tools are critical analysis and phenomenological description, Jonas admits: “I have not shied away, toward the end, from metaphysical speculation where conjecture on ultimate and undemonstrable (but by no means, therefore, meaningless) matters seemed called for.”[21] Jonas’s personal and particular participation in and experience of reality is presented in the clear coherence of his memoirs and his philosophical biology. For example, Jonas says, “In the course of my life I’ve experienced misfortune, but that hasn’t altered my overall relationship to existence, which was fundamentally always affirming.”[22] He says that The Phenomenon of Life is his “most important work because it contains the elements of a new ontology.”[23] He also says, “Any discussion of my philosophy should not begin with gnosticism [‘a journeyman’s project’] but with my efforts to establish a philosophical biology.”[24] Based on a certain “always affirming” experience of existence, Jonas proposes a philosophic return to the “original ontological dominance of life.”[25]

In order to pursue this philosophic return to an ontology of life grounded in reality, Jonas begins The Phenomenon of Life by discussing the Renaissance as the point of departure in modern thought. Examining the history of human experience, Jonas argues that the primitive view was panvitalistic: “to the extent that life [was] accepted as the primary state of things, death loom[ed] as the disturbing mystery.”[26] The deviation from this panvitalism is ushered in by Descartes who succeeds in intellectually reversing the theoretical situation. According to Jonas, “dualism itself represents so far the most momentous phase in the history of thought.”[27] Succinctly put, this phase is the separation of the spheres of spirit and matter. And this separation is not a distinction, but a divorce. The subject-object split in philosophy is a triumph of the mere abstractions of both pure ‘extension’ and pure ‘thought.’[28] These abstractions are problematic because, as Jonas says, “the abstractions themselves do not live”[29] and “life means material life, i.e., living body, i.e., organic being.”[30] In Descartes’ dualistic system, the person is no longer understood to be an ontological unity of both matter and mind, which are together inseparable for human existence. Jonas uses the term “psycho-physical totality” to recapture the ontological unity of the human person. Summarizing this, Jonas says, “Perhaps, rightly understood, man is after all the measure of all things — not indeed through the legislation of his reason but through the exemplar of his psychophysical totality which represents the maximum of concrete ontological completeness known to us…”[31]

It seems at first counterintuitive that the Cartesian dualist, with his emphasis on the abstraction of pure consciousness, would have a mechanistic view of worldly nature. But, in fact, subscribing to a theory of pure consciousness leads to the objectification of all other nature. Man, the subject, subordinates every object that he perceives to his own consciousness rather than recognizing the necessity of his existence as a living organism – mind and body. This integral unity of the person is essential for the freedom and purposiveness correspondingly to perceive and act. Descartes, because he strives to doubt everything, does not relate to his environment. The perception of every object, according to his own consciousness, is the source of his alienation. Jonas says that “an unprejudiced examination will find that not the pure understanding but only the concrete bodily life, in the actual interplay of its self-feeling powers with the world, can be the source of the ‘idea’ of force and thus of cause.”[32] With this understanding of man as a psycho-physical totality and ontological unity, we have an analogy for other features of human existence and experience that are also paradoxical. Jonas describes this tension eloquently: “Indeed to say ‘yes,’ so it seems, requires the copresence of the alternative to which to say ‘no.’ Life has in it the sting of death that perpetually lies in wait, ever again to be staved off, and precisely the challenge of the ‘no’ stirs and powers the ‘yes.'”[33]

The starting point for Jonas’s philosophical biology is rooted in the recognition of the copresence of matter and spirit, object and subject, the physical and the psychological, the mechanical and the vital, organism and consciousness, necessity and freedom, to be and not to be. This matters 1) because it seems true (and, that which makes a thing a thing should be lovingly conserved),[34] 2) because it is meaningful (taking a “mutilated slice of life” and “arrogantly opting for this and not that part of life” renders the whole quite meaningless and arbitrary),[35] and 3) because openness to this reality is a precondition for action (the faculty of which is ontologically rooted)[36] and is “mankind’s safeguard against lapsing into boredom and routine, its chance of retaining the spontaneity of life.”[37]

Responding critically to the seeds of existentialism and nihilism discernible in Cartesian dualism, Jonas grounds his philosophical biology in the integrity of ontological unity. Psycho-physical totality replaces the panmechanistic view with a life-affirming, panvitalistic one. This ontology of life accounts for both the miracle of human action, which is rooted in natality and “the burden and blessing of mortality.”[38] From the novelty that comes “by virtue of being born,”[39] we can begin to give an account of the “faith and hope”[40] that makes life worth affirming, worth saying ‘yes’ to again and again throughout the process of aging. Etty Hillesum says, “It sounds paradoxical: by excluding death from our life we cannot live a full life, and by admitting death into our life we enlarge and enrich it.”[41] And Jonas agrees insofar as he considers Psalm 90 – “Teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom” – helpful to living “a truly human life.”[42] . . . . .

“The reciprocal relationship between the facts of one’s existence and philosophy was especially apparent to Jonas in the lives of both Heidegger and Bultmann. Jonas’s renunciation of Heidegger’s existentialism in favour of his philosophy of life[102] coincided with Heidegger’s shocking actions during the Nazi period which Jonas called a “cruel and bitter disappointment.”[103] Jonas says that Heidegger’s Nazism was “an unbelievable blow to me – personally and professionally.”[104] He states: “That the most profound thinker of our time fell in with the goose-stepping brown-shirted battalions struck me as a catastrophic failure on the part of philosophy, as a disgraceful moment in world history, as the bankrupting of philosophical thought.”[105]

Under Heidegger’s spell, so to speak, when he was a student writing his dissertation on gnosticism under his supervision, Jonas did not then realize the relationship that he eventually identified between gnosticism, existentialism, and nihilism.[106] In The Phenomenon of Life, he says, “In retrospect, I am inclined to believe that it was the thrill of this dimly felt affinity which had lured me into the gnostic labyrinth in the first place. […] What had happened was that Existentialism, which had provided the means of historical analysis, became itself involved in the results of it.”[107] Jonas connected Cartesian dualism with modern nihilism. When man is alone in the world he thinks, “not because but in spite of his being a part of nature. As he shares no longer in a meaning of nature, but merely, through his body, in its mechanical nature, so nature no longer shares in his inner concerns.”[108] The estranged consciousness becomes a foreigner in the world and thus suffers alienation from a rootlessness in any recognizable ontological hierarchy of being. The dismissal of concrete reality in favour of purely subjective consciousness places human will at the centre so that will cannot possibly be teleological. There can be no right response to reality when “will replaces vision.”[109] Lawrence Vogel succinctly says:

But existentialism, on Jonas’s diagnosis, is no idiosyncrasy within modern thought; it is instead the most complete expression of the ‘ethical vacuum’ caused by the two key assumptions of the modern credo: 1) that the idea of obligation is a human invention, not a discovery based on the objective reality of the Good-in-itself; and 2) that the rest of Being is indifferent to our experience of obligation.[110]

Rather than discerning his place in nature (since he does not want to act a part in the whole),[111] the existentialist wills to exist “authentically”[112] which is to say, he attempts to construct some system of world dominion and self-salvation. Refusal to recognize reality is the essence of gnosticism. The reason that gnostic movements always imitate reality in perverted ways is that reality itself is the only thing gnostics can manipulate to construct their fantasies. Eric Voegelin clarifies the meaning of will replacing vision by saying: “the will to power of the gnostic who wants to rule the world has triumphed over the humility of subordination to the constitution of being.”[113] Since the constitution of being cannot, in fact, be altered by man,[114] “the result, therefore, is not dominion over being, but a fantasy satisfaction.”[115] And it is precisely this fantasy satisfaction with which Heidegger contented himself. In 1969, Jonas finally agreed to meet with Heidegger with the hope of reconciliation, but left bitterly disappointed. “With this meeting,” he explains, “I put to rest my inner struggle over my relationship to Heidegger, but any clarification on his part, let alone a word of regret, was not to be.”[116]

That “life is essentially relationship,”[117] including the relation between action and thought, is demonstrated in the example of Bultmann, who provides a counterscenario to Heidegger. In his book Mortality and Morality, Jonas discusses the philosophical aspects of Bultmann’s New Testament scholarship. Expressing the impossibility of separating the man from his work, Jonas attests that “Bultmann lived with what he thought, and his thought itself was such that this to-be-lived character stood forth as the true meaning of it.”[118]
Human beings are indoctrinated, as occultism by its historical review and also modern day scientific funded practices of studying brain affects and chemistry by drug induced studies....the mental conditions likened by the occultist science to spiritual evil attacks as states of possession, involving chemistry as a brain/mind conditions and results. This takes us to the modern day occult science re review of somatic journeys reviewed by occult scientists studying the ancient pyramid occultism and sciences through such forums as Graham Hancock.

The occultist scientist knows exactly what his choice is doing.....trying to revisit ancient forms of science and ancient brain/mind awareness for his modern day conversion sciences are running out of resources.

So now he has begun to observe the human condition of spiritual awareness and consciousness via ancient reviews, how a human mind first gained scientific concepts as a consciousness. He believes in his own self indoctrination condition of being a God or Christ consciousness as a self observation, yet he observes this conditions as precepts of his sciences.

He exists in person knowing that his own presence is not science as a personal choice of a non conversion function and a non changing function in his natural life and body ownership, yet the data of his pursuits demonstrate that he is converting his life and his brain/mind and has been changed.

Therefore his conscious review is actually an old value that he advised as a self consideration that con-science "feeling", stating to "know" by "together with". The value he gave to the con, regarded opposition to the self, gaining the confidence to swindle.

Therefore our ancient brother knew via his mind condition that he had studied information where his own consciousness did not exist by and through the chemistry of plant somatic juices. Plants, a lower radiated chemical state (burnt state) compared to his own natural organic presence gave him in the mind condition of "together with", the swindle and con of his own self......for drug taking does make the human being awareness to be greater in confidence and presence, yet take greater risks. This condition happening in the swindle of choosing to place consciousness in a chemical state "together with" a lower Nature where his own life form never existed.

This is exactly what our brother did in reference to his personal ownership of valuing all natural states for the condition of swindling his own person out of his own natural life ownership. It is why we know that science has always involve being swindled and conned.

Part of his studies involve secret experiments about his own values regarding the human psyche and consciousness which have always been fake considerations.

The human cell state is inseminated.....evolves by the process of sexual intercourse. The amount of radiation interacting with the cell growth determines who the human will become....and many of us attacked, brain changed, cell converted and exist and have existed for a very long time in an unnatural and fake human experience due to the amount of unnatural irradiation caused atmospheric fall out signals by ancient atmospheric fall out and ancient sciences.

Therefore his modern day review of consciousness is totally incorrect....for he considers that the human mental condition is natural, when it is unnatural to its origins of spiritual awareness, spiritual choices and spiritual values and most of us now suffering from introduced responses.

The human male gave value to his observations as named considerations, yet he does not exist beyond his own person as awareness.

He exists only because of an adult male presence, an adult female presence and their sexual act....beyond this state no human exists, for this state dies. If we stopped having sex, then no consciousness by value of self exists as a lower determination by a study process who does not belong in the condition or own the condition of other presences existing in natural states.

Yet constantly he makes comments about how he perceives the other presences, when they exist without his ownership.

Therefore he makes comments about conditions to which his own presence does not exist in and his values from his observations are false.

The other concept that he has never considered as a correct brain/mind response is that he first existed as a higher spiritual being. He used somatic journeys that altered his brain chemistry. He then introduced unnatural scientific atmospheric conditions. Formed the increased photonic interaction with the natural life which recorded all of his thoughts/acts/considerations/abilities as a natural being. His natural presence, organic cell life converted into mutated forms and his brain chemistry altered.

What he believed as a scientific false informed consciousness was then recorded by a fake atmospheric manifestation of what he later considered was artificial and also evil as a reviewed condition of how it affected his own person, his own mind and how it attacked his natural life. Therefore the fake/false recordings sent back information to his mind in a condition of his origin false/fake beliefs as occult sciences....hence he became possessed by his own beliefs, that fed back false information gained in an origin false precept.

As our spiritual awareness changes by the conditions of how much radiation the cell interacts with, to the atmospheric wavelength cooling function itself.....some of us gained more cooling interactions than others....for the Nature on Earth demonstrates ice melted due to atmospheric nuclear conversions.

This allowed some of us to have a spiritual experience where we can observe the interactions from a different conscious awareness due to all of the conditions that enable a human mind to be conscious itself.
Who in our company has yet read Ted Honderich? I haven't yet, but I will certainly read his most recent book, reviewed here at the Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews site:

Actual Consciousness

Ted Honderich, Actual Consciousness, Oxford University Press, 2014, 402pp., $55.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780198714385.

Reviewed byDale Jacquette, Universität Bern

Ted Honderich's new book takes the exploration of the mysteries of consciousness in an interesting direction. He develops a certain-to-be-controversial metaphysics of actuality defined as event occurrences in an individually subjective but nonetheless physical world. Honderich takes on the difficulties of understanding consciousness by first coming to terms with and clearing the ground of previous efforts to explain consciousness, in order to make room for his own innovations.

He considers five 'Leading Ideas' about the nature of consciousness. They include Qualia, Something It's Like For a Thing To Be That Thing, Subjectivity, Intentionality, Phenomenality (17-50). Honderich first deploys the categories somewhat like an intersecting five-dimensional grid. He uses the framework to situate selected philosophical theories, to sort out what might be worth taking on board, dusted off and in a new suit of clothes, and to distinguish similar approaches from his provocative alternative. The existence and plenitude of these five leading ideas is supposed to testify to the possibility that there might not be a single unified monolithic concept of consciousness, a conclusion Honderich embraces. The word 'consciousness' as a product of the inquiry is provisionally understood collectively, even on the basis of the five leading ideas, to branch into three mutually irreducible kinds of perceptual, affective and cognitive consciousness. Later, when Honderich introduces his preferred theory of actual consciousness, the five ideas are supplanted, suggesting they may have been too crude, by a much longer and more finely nuanced list of thirty-two 'Characteristics of Actual Consciousness: A Database' (67-8). The five 'Leading Ideas' appear merely to get Honderich started, which, like any philosophical inquiry, must get its start somewhere. Honderich's theory of actual consciousness makes perceptual consciousness first and then affective and cognitive consciousness almost as afterthoughts not merely of or about but identified with each thinker's subjective but nonetheless physical lived-in conscious world. The actual subjective physical worlds rather than the objective physical world are what each thinking subject knows in conscious thought, the subjectively experienced physical world in which the individual consciously perceives, feels, thinks, acts and lives.

I admire Honderich's insightful self-reflective re-examination of the facts of consciousness as he perceives them. He takes little for granted as he scouts through the tangled philosophical literature on what is meant in the first place by consciousness as an object of scientific or philosophical study. He has a rich sense of the multiform aspects of consciousness and a resistance to facile generalizations that fail as inadequate to the data when other previously unattended kinds or aspects of consciousness are brought to notice. He can also be difficult to track sometimes as he indulgently allows discussion to drift Tristram Shandy-like into interesting sidelines, and pulls things together with unlikely segues and with too much sudden speed. Honderich is inspirational, even when he does not entirely convince. Even when his conversational prose style as running commentary on the course of his own braiding chains of thought obscures a better understanding of some of the criticisms he raises and exact conclusions he wants to emphasize.

Honderich as mentioned divides consciousness into a triad of perceptual, cognitive and affective consciousnesses. For reasons he does not divulge, he devotes most space in the book to (and in other ways theoretically prioritizes) perceptual over cognitive and affective consciousness. This is curious if contentious. Supposing that there are just these three types of consciousness, that there is never a higher consciousness of simultaneously experiencing moments of perceptual and cognitive or affective consciousness, or the like, why should perceptual consciousness come first? Why not say that cognitive consciousness subsumes perceptual and affective consciousness? If inner perception complements the five outer senses plus proprioception as it does in Aristotle's De anima III.5 and Brentano's 1867 Die Psychologie des Aristoteles, along with all the descriptive psychological and phenomenological tradition deriving from this methodological bloodline of noûs poetikos or innere Wahrnehmung, then affective consciousness might also be subsumed by cognitive consciousness. It could be exploited as a precious resource of inner psychological empirical-experiential data about emotions and other affective occurrences for scientific-philosophical exploration, and first subsumed by perceptual consciousness for those like Aristotle, Brentano, and the widely rippling phenomenological tradition in philosophy of mind.

Honderich's decision to prioritize perceptual over the other two putative types of consciousness is the popular choice, but unexplained for theorists who would not otherwise consider themselves classically empiricist, except as a kind of ingrained epistemic presupposition. Cognition in an obvious sense is the more general category that might reverse at least some of Honderich's hierarchy, subsuming perception as one source of input to the brain's information-hungry cognitive engine. The same point should hold even if statistically as a matter of empirical fact most conscious subjects spend most of their conscious moments perceiving. Significantly, it appears that consciousness is capable also of generic highest-order conscious awareness of these modes of lower-order consciousness. That result if correct further implies that consciousness itself and the concept of consciousness belonging to a respectable philosophical psychology cannot be any individual anarchic or hierarchical combination of the P-A-C or perceptual, affective, cognitive consciousnesses package into which Honderich divides his subject. There are questions about the meaning, advantages and disadvantages of plotting out three kinds of consciousness all on a par as exhausting the concept of especially more encompassing higher-order transcendent consciousness of any sub-order of consciousness that might ever be mentioned. Perceptual + Affective + Cognitive consciousness under any class relations of their respective extensions must not yet get at the nature, essence or general concept of consciousness. If I am not only consciously perceiving a vicious dog straining toward me on its leash, but simultaneously feeling fear and considering my options for action and their probabilities of success if the dog breaks free, then I might be additionally conscious in that moment of consciously perceiving, feeling, and thinking.

Consciousness in that event is not exhaustively divided into Honderich's three types. If there is also consciousness of any of these types of consciousness occurring, then consciousness in the most general sense transcends these specific categories. Honderich's division into types may also be more open-ended than he seems to portray, as long as we can always be conscious of a moment of consciousness of any the kinds in any assigned category as it transpires. To modify Aristotle's De anima argument, if I can be conscious of being perceptually, affectively and cognitively conscious, then there must be consciousness over and above these kinds whenever I am conscious of their lower-level conscious contents.

If unified essentialist universal analyses of the concept of consciousness are simply unavailable, if that Socratic ideal is naïve or passé, then the open-minded reader is owed a more detailed explanation as to why this should be true. It is not because consciousness cannot be comprehended by consciousness. Honderich denies Colin McGinn's mysterianism in philosophy of consciousness, closing down that avenue. He says repeatedly that the concept of consciousness is rationally explicable, that in a sense we must already know what the language about conscious states we are so comfortable using means (350-352 and passim). The argument that there is no unified essentialist universal analysis of the concept of consciousness because there are many opinions about it expressed in the literature does not hold up to logical scrutiny. It is comparable to holding that cold fusion is impossible because no one has succeeded in doing it and there are differing scientific estimates of the prospects of attainment.

Consciousness, streaming moments of consciousness, when we better know analytically what they are, can be mapped readily onto individualizable neurophysiological events. Correlations, mappings in and of themselves, come cheaply enough. The correspondences tendered in modern consciousness studies in contrast are hard-won empirical discoveries resulting from good observation and skillful use of experimental design and scientific instrumentation. It costs nothing for anyone with a horse in the metaphysics-of-consciousness race to agree that mappings of the mental and neurophysiological can be made. The question is what to think about it. What, if anything, does it mean? What does it show?

There are contributors to the philosophical discussion of these questions who believe with surpassing confidence that they know the answers. An observer can only imagine that they are simply oblivious of problems that can easily appear overwhelming when trying to make further sense of the possibility of mapping conscious states as supervening in ontic dependence relations on signature neurophysiological states. For anyone who appreciates the depth and scope of these problems, there is often instead of arrogant presumption a sense of hardly knowing theoretically where to begin. There is an embarrassing accumulated wealth of concepts, distinctions, criteria, theses, proposals, arguments and theories, puzzles, paradoxes and unanswered questions in consciousness studies. Honderich's recent monograph is invaluable even before he gets around to announcing his own theory of actual consciousness by virtue of demonstrating one pathway through the discipline's inherited theoretical thickets.

Honderich departs intriguingly from standard metaphysics of consciousness in his own solution to the sifted problems he thinks any adequate theory of consciousness must adequately address. Beginning with perceptual consciousness in his triune distribution, Honderich presents a novel way of thinking about a passing momentary consciousness of sensory experience. I visually admire a ripe apple before me on the table. I grip and bite into the apple, and I am perceptually conscious of its taste, as I may also be of its color, size, and shape, and surface generally. These experiences of the apple for Honderich do not presuppose a thought-perceptual object relation whereby the actual world is sharply distinguished from its representations in streaming successive moments of consciousness. Rather, Honderich proposes an analysis by which there are multiple actual worlds, all of them physical. Actuality is in particular each thinking subject's subjective physical world. The subjective physical worlds in which each of us lives are like separate apartments to which no one else is admitted. If Honderich is right, then they are also exactly so many actualities.

I am not sure that I fully grasp Honderich's distinction between objective and subjective physical reallity that is key to understanding his new theory of consciousness. The concept is presented in Chapters 7 and 8, the title and subtitle of Chapter 8 reads: 'Perceptual Consciousness -- Being Actual Is Being Subjectively Physical. The category of the subjectively physical.' Honderich explains in a subsection of Chapter 8, 'Subjective Physical Worlds -- Their Subjectivity':

Subjective physical worlds are not separate from consciousness. We have no reason to think, although we have not yet considered cognitive and affective consciousness, that they do not stand in lawful or dependency relations with it. Also subjective physical worlds are identical with and include facts of consciousness. As you will guess, we are here at part of the centre or gravamen of the actualism theory of consciousness. Perceptual consciousness, already characterized as physical, is also in the given way or sense subjective.

Subjective physical worlds, further, unlike the objective physical world, are almost always a matter of the consciousness of one particular individual perceiver. (227)

To the extent that I understand the concept, each of us lives, functions or operates within his or her own subjective physical world. There is, apparently for decorum's sake, one objective physical world, but then as many subjective physical worlds as there are perceiving subjects, each of which along with the subjective moments of consciousness it contains is actual. Subjective physical worlds are not mere tablet-stylus imagistic representations of the objective physical world in causal partial sync with its ongoing events, but physical worlds themselves in their own ontic-metaphysical right. They are for each of us the physical world of perception-plus affect and cognition (hence the subjectivity) and action (hence the actuality). The exact ontology of this remarkable relation is mentioned but not further explained by Honderich, as though in light of criticisms of other theories of consciousness it were the only or best explanation. Which it could be, although I did not see the argument for that proposition in Honderich's book.

Honderich does not spell out an exact inference, with all its assumptions basking in the sun, that would allow us to pocket the superiority of positing a single objective and multiple subjective physical worlds ontology in order to explain the nature of perceptual consciousness. Actual consciousness as the physical world of each subject's subjective individual consciousness is not a mere approximate representation of an external mind-independent objective physical world. It is a world in and of itself, containing the subjective presentations of dynamic things in which we live and of which we are conscious or of which at least our perceptual consciousness consists, and with which in that space we interact with other things, including socially with other persons. It remains unclear to me in particular despite my desire to be sympathetic what would justify postulating a singleton objective world and plethora of subjective physical worlds. Why could Honderich not make all the same essential points by holding that there is one physical world that presents as many aspects of itself subjectively as there are different perceiving subjects? How is understanding of consciousness gained by speaking of distinct worlds? Is it to powerfully emphasize the subjectivity of consciousness and interimpenetrability of the conscious states of different conscious subjects? It is not clear that we must resort to worlds for that modest conclusion. There is a theoretical downside also to accepting multiple subjective physical worlds in the metaphysics of consciousness. What is actual for one subject is not the actual subjective physical world of any other subject. If actuality is as Honderich maintains being subjectively physical, how is it possible for science to address itself methodologically to a common actuality, a common actual physical world? The objective physical world exists for Honderich almost in neo-Kantian P.F. Strawsonian style, independently of actual existence, and identified instead with an immense succession of distinct subjective physical worlds. The nagging problem here, I suspect, is working out the relation between the objective physical world and the actualities of all conscious subjects living in their respective subjective physical worlds.

If a subjective physical world is the world that each of us inhabits, where our cares and intentions are located, why suppose that there is besides these also an objective physical world? Certainly we have no direct perceptual access to it. Perception takes us no further than subjective physical actuality. For this reason we cannot compare the contents of moments of conscious perception with an external reality as its mental representations. We are not thinking of affective consciousness, leaving in Honderich's category scheme only cognitive consciousness. For a philosopher to be conscious that there is an objective physical world in addition to the philosopher's occupied subjective physical world requires accepting an abstract argument to that effect. Would it not be excluded on these grounds by Ockham's Razor? Kantian noumenal reality, even of a Strawson-inspired kind, does not offer contemporary empirical science objectivity in the sense it needs and expects. Appealing to multiple subjective physical worlds, multiple actualities, rather than a mind-independent singleton actual world, is unlikely to be greeted by many theorists as doing the natural sciences much of a metaphysical or epistemological favor. One suspects that Honderich's metaphysics faces an uphill climb to find favor with rigorously experimental neurophysiogical and psychological science.

Honderich rightly emphasizes the intentionality of representation. He finds the intentionality of consciousness more developed philosophically than discussions of qualia. He staunchly disappoints the recent wave of so-called representational theories of consciousness that try to offer unexplicated representation as an alternative to theories emphasizing the intentionality or aboutness of conscious thoughts. Abstract one-one mappings of things and their parts can always be supposed to exist, but, lacking an intrinsic intentionality by which this object in the mapping network symbolizes its corresponding object, they are not yet representations of anything.

That Honderich's discussion of actual consciousness opens so many avenues for philosophical exploration is the measure of its success and likely long-lasting contribution to the study and understanding of consciousness. The book is highly recommended for its topic, approach and new perspectives on the challenging problem of adequately understanding consciousness in a scientific philosophy of mind. For those with minimal objection to countenancing as many actualities (subjective physical worlds, Honderich does not hesitate to say) as there are perceiving minds, then the subjective actuality of consciousness may have found an ideal situation in Honderich's theory of actual consciousness.

Actual Consciousness // Reviews // Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews // University of Notre Dame
I think this recent paper by Anthony Chemero strongly supports Honderich's thinking in his most recent works (books and papers) concerning 'actual consciousness'. Here is a link to the pdf which I think can help us to make progress at this stage of our discussion of what consciousness is. It might be especially helpful in sorting out the issues in @Pharoah's hierarchical construct theory that have remained unresolved here, including for Pharoah.



An Outline of a Theory of Affordances
Anthony Chemero
Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind Program
Department of Psychology, Franklin and Marshall College

Abstract: A theory of affordances is outlined according to which affordances are relations between the abilities of animals and features of the environment. As relations, affordances are both real and perceivable but are not properties of either the environment or the animal. I argue that this theory has advantages over extant theories of affordances and briefly discuss the relations among affordances and niches, perceivers, and events.

The primary difference between direct and inferential theories of perception concerns the location of perceptual content, the meaning of our perceptions. In inferential theories of perception, these meanings arise inside animals, based on their interactions with the physical environment. Light, for example, bumps into receptors, causing a sensation. The animal (or its brain) performs inferences on the sensation, yielding a meaningful perception. In direct theories of perception, on the other hand, meaning is in the environment, and perception does not depend on meaning-conferring inferences; instead, the animal simply gathers information from a meaning-laden environment. However, if the environment contains meanings, then it cannot be merely physical. This places a heavy theoretical burden on direct theories of perception, a burden so severe that it may outweigh all the advantages to conceiving perception as direct.1

[1 Among these advantages are that direct perception is more true to phenomenology, is more realistic from an evolutionary point of view, and short-circuits traditional skeptical worries.]

This is because direct theories of perception require a new ontology, one that is at odds with today’s physicalist, reductionist consensus that says the world just is the physical world, full stop. Without a coherent understanding of what the world is like, such that it can contain meanings and is not merely physical, direct perception is simply indefensible. Thus, like earlier theories that take perception to be direct (e.g., Heidegger, 1962; James, 1912/1976), James Gibson’s ecological psychology (1966, 1979) includes an ontology, his theory of affordances (1979).

Gibson’s (1979) first description of affordances is deceptively simple: “The affordances of the environment are what it offers the animal, what it provides or furnishes, either for good or ill” (p. 127). An affordance, this seems to imply, is a resource that the environment offers any animal that has the capabilities to perceive and use it. As such, affordances are meaningful to animals: They provide opportunity for particular kinds of behavior. Thus, affordances are properties of the environment but taken relative to an animal. So far, so good. It is unfortunate that, two pages later, Gibson’s valiant, plainspoken attempt to make clear how much his theory of affordances differs from standard physicalist, reductionist ontology ends up just being confusing:

'An affordance is neither an objective property nor a subjective property; or it is both if you like. An affordance cuts across the dichotomy of subjective–objective and helps us to understand its inadequacy. It is equally a fact of the environment and a fact of behavior. It is both physical and psychical, yet neither. An affordance points both ways, to the environment and to the observer. (p. 129)'

This description makes affordances seem like impossible, ghostly entities, entities that no respectable scientist (or science-worshipping analytic philosopher) could have as part of their ontology. The purpose of this article is to provide a description of affordances that makes them more ontologically respectable yet still does justice to Gibson’s conception.

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