Paranormal Adept
As I understand it, the author would not characterize messianic sensibility as "utter obsession" - I can't find any form of the word obsess in the article itself ... my understanding, is that he feels it is a call from God:
Sorry if I mangled the paradigm a bit. I was having some difficulty separating your original statements from quotes and ideas of others. (Ahh...the aging brain.

Your observations about effects on belief systems by the Civil War in the North vs the South are interesting. I've sometimes wondered what the collective personality of the American south was like before the Civil War. The best description I have encountered so far is de Tocqueville's comparison of North vs South in America, written before the war. de Tocqueville was quite astute, and his comparison of values and attitudes is worth reading.
As for divine narratives, the people who really worry me are the ones who seem to outwardly function as if guided by mankind's hard won process of reasoning, while they in reality obey the voice of tribal imperative confused with the 'word of God'. I was myself partly raised in that tradition and I know it well.