Yeah Soupie got me got me on the protopantheisticmonism of the subspecies constitutional republicanism.
You're funny. Maybe you aren't Randall - because Randall doesn't have a sense of humor whatever, at all.

Nope, not Randall, guys.
Very slippery there on the rules, huh, when direct questions are made about your claims to being an occultist, whatever that is.
We are discussing ideas. Someone might say they are a Christian in the course of conversation - that doesn't suddenly become a point of debate. What one shares is their business alone. Someone might say they are a Muslim or a Buddhist - I don't then start grilling them about that. Or possibly Jewish - I don't then want to know all about Shabbat. We keep to the ideas.
I guarantee that wherever an occultist was mentioned a description of that was attendant on the mention.
Primarily though you need to deal with your references to randall.
Im not randall and i know you are still burning petulant over him for some reason i don't know or care.
Glad to hear it. If you say so, I'll go with that.
You owe him a big apology.
I don't think so. The guy tried to get me banned or something - so I think it's him who needs to apologize.
So kwitcher bawling and infantilism about him. Hes clearly the maturer one of you two.
I take it back - maybe you are Randall.
Im going to let you fellows get back to your special paths to great knowledge. I do agree with steve though. Around the table i think we'd or i know i would say who gives a flying leap.
Well its clear from what you say that we wouldn't be sitting around the table for a very long time. Enough time for a quick cup of coffee perhaps. About it.
What got me is you guys parsing terms and claiming special enlightenment about the nature of reality or is it non reality. All over the map, whether you acknowledge it or not. Got pretty silly.
It's silly to you because you can't follow it, that's not saying it is silly. In point of fact a good deal goes over my head - I just pay it no mind. I'd probably be a better person - more adept of mind, for sure, as well as knowledgeable - if I did knuckle in and read everything presented here - but fact is I can't. I've got work that requires a lot of my time.
Funny thing is that you guys never that i saw really dropped the gloves and had at it. Too much coyness and prettiness and agreement. When youre like that whats the purpose and what learning goes on?
Interesting ideas around what enables learning. Intellectual debate is not a fist-fight.
The subjects ripe for a good old fight.
Well, had you been able to articulate your thoughts - maybe. As it stands, nothing.
So yes i got a little nasty i'll admit it. A bit nasty with twain and woody allen.
Why was that? Out of the blue - what bothered you so much? was it the language - does it feel high-falutin? Too erudite? To use your word 'pretentious'?
And yes God is a taboo word among you,
Not that I'm aware. We've mentioned God and gods a-plenty.
unless qualified with a link to gosh that one was a riot: Christ-Impulse!!
Saying 'a riot' is not articulating any thoughts. There is nothing in your text except emotional reactions.
Cant be direct cant get into that.
Do you have a question about the Christ Impulse? Is that it? Ask.
Yet whether mans consciousness created the universe well thats ok and gets beaten into the ground yet is absurd on the face of it.
Okay now you have stated an opinion - finally. I can talk about why - as an idea (not my belief) - the idea that humanity is creating - is intriguing and 'ties up loose ends'. Is this what you want to discuss?
So you guys have at it. I see it IS time to leave when Randall gets drawn into it. And no, tyger im NOT Randall.
Maybe - or maybe if you can actually state your views, a conversation can ensue.