For example!

I really didn't expect that one to go over well . . . with anybody!
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I don't think we can say everything about anything. In fact men need to listen more, but what we can do is learn and adapt. What I notice on the forum is that the generosity piece is most often provided by the women here, and most aggression is provided by the guys. Same old same old, I suppose. What's always interesting in gender studies is how the nuances are vastly different, and you're right, I shouldn't be absolutist about any definitions. If anything, I wish the forum was a more inviting space for diverse voices, especially those of women, who are often maligned or compromised by immature male stuff.
For example!
I really didn't expect that one to go over well . . . with anybody!
Yet, certain illnesses are hard lessons in learning that we must change ourselves if we would get well.
I believe I may be undergoing this even as we speak, since about April.
Sigil Magick, with which I have had only a small amount of (mostly) cautious experience . . . is startlingly effective and terrifyingly unpredictable . . .
What made you continue for an extended period of time (1.5 years) to Ouija? What was the draw or effect or fascination or motivation?
and decided that barring a few odd instances, all information supplied by the Ouija is done so through a combination of setting, people present,
What do you think might have accounted for the information supplied in those odd instances? And can you specify the instances?
Thanks again for sharing - this is fascinating, I've never used a Ouija except to play around with an online version. I wonder if anything like the experiences you had would occur with a computer based Ouija . . .
I am constantly reminded at how women are more 'telepathic' than men. I don't mean telepathy in the normal way you think, but in the way that feelings are perceived and translated into practical, accurate, working knowledge just by looking at someone. Most married hetero men, who pay close attention, recognize this truth and know that the best thing a man can do in their partnerships is to learn to listen better. Because, unfortunately, intuition is something we come a little slower to.
. . . if there are gender differences present here - then would you (or me, as men) be fully qualified to define this experience "telepathy"? If it's qualitatively and phenomenologically (however you spell it!) different for men than women, then can we men say everything there is to say about it? What if Thomas Nagel had written: What It's Like to Be a Woman?? And what do we do with the "reports" - the stated experience of women . . . can we understand them fully? This has not even come up at all in this thread! Surely gender has some relationship to the differences in style and approaches to the topics on this thread? If we didn't have any gender information on the participants, how well could we do at guessing gender just from the style/ideas of the posts themselves? (obviously excluding references to gender?) I'm sure that experiment has been done somewhere . . . ! And the women on here right now are probably going duh!
Anyway, it's interesting because I tend to be very "telepathic" in this sense you describe above - before I learned to set good boundaries, it was not unusual to have a perfect stranger telling me their darkest secrets within a few minutes - I did learn to be a skilled listener and e-liciter in my upbringing, my parents grew up in alcoholic families and developed almost preternatural survival skills and so some of that comes from family dynamics in my upbringing, but my mother and grandmother both were very intuitive/very sensitive and so some of it may be inherited.
Earlier on the forum I posted the grand finale part one where Heather revealed she was actually her father and he was coming to kill us all. That was quite a night.
Sorry, I had to run out the door for a sleigh ride through the woods and couldn't finish my response to @smcder . ... The night of the big reveal the entire group was present - all six of us teens in my basement rec room - no adults at home. It was the end of the summer, and Heather was erratic, a little loose with her spellings and frantic planchette movements. Then the spirit revealed that all along it was in fact Heather's father that was the real spirit of the board and that he was going to come to kill us all and gave us the order of murders, with myself at the last. With that final threat the planchette moved directly off the board to the 'goodbye' word and right at that moment a door slammed shut upstairs.Either you supply the link to the post, Burnt State, or you must tell the end of the story!![]()
Parts of the etheric and lower astral realms are littered with cast-off, unredeemed stuff ['doubles']- that exists objectively without any moral or ethical sensibility - it just is - it is not 'alive'.
I just want to add two more cents to what you and Stephen were talking about. I work intensely on issues of gender in my school, mostly around gender equity, gender based violence, communication styles, empowerment etc.. Currently I have a female student transitioning into a male - it's quite a complicated journey. Through his eyes i see how gender is an exclusive territory.
What's fascinating is it's a forum on the paranormal, yet some of the most prolific posters here cannot tolerate conversations pertaining to what is non-physical. Go figure!
Personally, I find the conversation regarding what is male and what is female a tad bogus.Yep. What I mean by that is - it's all a continuum, and we occupy various points on that line, sometimes depending on the conditions of the moment, sometimes depending on the conditions of our age in life.
Yes, we can make broad generalizations - but get down to the particular and it falls apart. Like men not emotional?
But hey, sure there are differences - a lot having to do with enculturation as much as biology (the old nature/nurture debate). But someone traveling the path of self-transformation very quickly passes beyond the defining parameters of gender or sex.
Surely gender has some relationship to the somewhere . . . ! And the women on here right now are probably going duh!
Anyway, it's interesting because I tend to be very "telepathic" in this sense you describe above - before I learned to set good boundaries, it was not unusual to have a perfect stranger telling me their darkest secrets within a few minutes - I did learn to be a skilled listener and e-liciter in my upbringing, my parents grew up in alcoholic families and developed almost preternatural survival skills and so some of that comes from family dynamics in my upbringing, but my mother and grandmother both were very intuitive/very sensitive and so some of it may be inherited.
I didn't know that and I find it interesting. Did Blavatsky and/or Annie Besant take that view? Whoever led that development, what were their motivations? Was it in reaction against specific practices by another group?
Just saw Burnt State's new post and look forward to reading it later tonight. Right now I have to leave to meet some friends for dinner. This is all getting very interesting I think.
Personally, I find the conversation regarding what is male and what is female a tad bogus.Yep. What I mean by that is - it's all a continuum, and we occupy various points on that line, sometimes depending on the conditions of the moment, sometimes depending on the conditions of our age in life.
Yes, we can make broad generalizations - but get down to the particular and it falls apart. Like men not emotional?
I've read a lot about the extraordinary mediums studied by the SPR (and parallel organizations in other countries) and the transcribed accounts of their sittings as facilitated by these guides. In some cases I read about, a longtime spirit guide was replaced by another at some point (in one case, studied over many years, there were three in all).
The first time I was aware of that momentary hypnagogic state, I experienced a very quick succession of richly detailed historical images, four in all I think, of which I later only remembered the first. The image was intricately detailed, like an elaborate engraving; in the foreground there was what looked like a Roman centurion on an enormous white horse rearing up toward the viewer. Both the soldier and the horse were ornamented with metalwork, and the soldier (and I think the horse too) wore helmets with attached plumes). I saw them in the foreground against a background of what looked like a temple with numerous ascending steps, on which small groups of people were standing about watching.
Yes I can describe it fairly well. Someone also put up an aura chart here someplace, but that is more for diagnostic purposes than what it looked like. I was working in BC and they were putting some of us up in hotels. It was at night and I was visiting with a friend in his room. We were in the TV and sleeping area. My buddy was on the bed and I was sitting in a chair about 3-4 feet away. We were just talking. The immediate area was dimly lit by the ambient light from an incandescent table lamp behind and to the side of us, and the rest of the room receded into the shadows. Apparently this is an almost ideal situation for this to happen ( in case you want to try it ).
I had looked away from him momentarily at something and then back out of my peripheral vision and that's when I saw it ( apparently this is also similar to a technique for training one's self to see them ). His body was sort of silhouetted somewhat against the shadows behind him and all around the perimeter was a glow that can best be described as the kind of thing you see in a solar eclipse, where there is a soft peripheral glow interspersed with a flame like plasma that changed color and moved. It is reminiscent of Kirlian photos, but not as electric, and instead of steady it was dynamic, like those glass encased high energy plasma things, but without the sharp spark. Once I saw it, it was as if I had somehow focused on it analogous to the way a stereogram works, and I was able to look directly at it. It was really cool, very beautiful, and alive.
But like I say, it freaked my buddy out the way I was looking at him ( LOL ). We're both straight, and I think he may have gotten spooked or something. They say there are people who can see auras on command, and others who need just the right conditions. It is said to be useful in metaphysical and even physical diagnosis of certain ailments. I don't know how true any of that is, but having seen one myself, I can't rule it out. On the other hand, maybe it's something that is actually foreign, and our assumptions about it are entirely false. All I know is what I saw for those all too brief seconds. Now it makes me want to try seeing one again.