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Pipe and cigar smokers are not inhaling anywhere nearly as much and as deeply as cigarette smokers are. I would suspect that the primary issue would be connected to just how big a hit of the narcotic you are getting. The deep inhale from sucking on a filtered cigarette is pumping that narcotic into the blood stream in a much more efficient manner. Comparatively, when on a pipe or a cigar the puffing approach to inhaling is very different.One last observation (I promise) on the subject of tobacco usage. But I see it as a kind of minor mystery: Why do smokers of commercially manufactured cigarettes tend to experience physical withdrawal symptoms, while cigar and pipe smokers do not? After thinking back about smokers and ex-smokers I have known, asking around and even chatting with the owner of a local tobacco shop, it would seem that the 2 types of tobacco most difficult to "kick" are cigarettes, and possibly snuff or chewing tobacco. I do still crave a good cigar or pipe, much as one might crave say, chocolate. But quitting wasn't all that hard.
Oh well....I've reached the age where I am running out of enjoyable bad habits.![]()
smcdr, Thanks for the link. Looks interesting and I have it bookmarked and look forward to later recreational perusal.
One last observation (I promise) on the subject of tobacco usage. But I see it as a kind of minor mystery: Why do smokers of commercially manufactured cigarettes tend to experience physical withdrawal symptoms, while cigar and pipe smokers do not? After thinking back about smokers and ex-smokers I have known, asking around and even chatting with the owner of a local tobacco shop, it would seem that the 2 types of tobacco most difficult to "kick" are cigarettes, and possibly snuff or chewing tobacco. I do still crave a good cigar or pipe, much as one might crave say, chocolate. But quitting wasn't all that hard.
Oh well....I've reached the age where I am running out of enjoyable bad habits.![]()
The third charge against old age is that it LACKS SENSUAL PLEASURES. What a splendid service does old age render, if it takes from us the greatest blot of youth!
Yet another exercise in deciphering Stevens' particular brand of fuzzy subjective idealism disguised as Modernist poetry. Something I find more entertaining about Stevens than his poetry is that he allegedly assaulted Ernest Hemingway at a party at the Waddell Avenue home of a mutual acquaintance in Key West. Stevens broke his hand, apparently from hitting Hemingway's jaw, and was repeatedly knocked to the street by Hemingway. I guess we don't need to ask who would win in a fight, Stevens or Hemingway? ( har har har ).
Yet another exercise in deciphering Stevens' particular brand of fuzzy subjective idealism disguised as Modernist poetry. Something I find more entertaining about Stevens than his poetry is that he allegedly assaulted Ernest Hemingway at a party at the Waddell Avenue home of a mutual acquaintance in Key West. Stevens broke his hand, apparently from hitting Hemingway's jaw, and was repeatedly knocked to the street by Hemingway. I guess we don't need to ask who would win in a fight, Stevens or Hemingway? ( har har har ).
That's a good personal anecdote. I grew up watching boxing on tv - my father thought it was not even a sport - how could anything whose sole aim be to pummel your opponent be called a sport, he would chastise me. Ironically, I had a dentist once remark that i should have been a boxer as my jaw's bone density is so high it would be impossible to break my jaw in the ring.I used to box and once went nine days without solid food after a match because I forgot my mouthpiece. I now consider it repellant - it's potentially more brutal than UFC as it relies entirely on head and torso blows with 8oz gloves (this allows one to hit harder than ungloved or 16oz) - an untrained man could easily break his hand against the thick bones of the skull and jaw of an opponent. Amateur and Olympic boxing do allow head gear and kidney belts. Hemingway strikes me as someone with issues around courage and masculinity but I don't know much about him. If, in fact, Stevens was knocked repeatedly to the ground by Hemingway - it could mean Stevens was a fairly tough customer, Hemingway was drunk, or that Hemingway was playing with him - or most likely? All three
That's a good personal anecdote. I grew up watching boxing on tv - my father thought it was not even a sport - how could anything whose sole aim be to pummel your opponent be called a sport, he would chastise me. Ironically, I had a dentist once remark that i should have been a boxer as my jaw's bone density is so high it would be impossible to break my jaw in the ring.
Hemingway had so many issues with his own sexuality, as seen in the work and biography. All his machismo was about overcompensation, while in the short stories we see the recurrence of these unique moments of male bonding that appear to transcend friendship. It's a sad comment, such a talented writer ruined by the confused social mores in our time. Yet, those deep internal conflicts are probably what makes writers in the first place.
Well there you go! Finally a conspiracy theory I can buy into: the dental profession encourages boxing to drum up business. They must teach that at dental school.That's funny as it's exactly what my oral surgeon told me a few years back . . . However I doubt any jaw short of Andre the Giant is unbreakable and a knockout punch obviously doesn't require any broken bones.
Well there you go! Finally a conspiracy theory I can buy into: the dental profession encourages boxing to drum up business. They must teach that at dental school.
you know, there will be the worlds worst dentist practising somewhere, and today there will be people who have appointments, theres some lateral philosophy.