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Consciousness Experiments

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Consciousness Experiements

True story: When I was a kid I got up one morning and opened up some cereal. I hadsn't put my glasses on yet although even back then I was nearsighted. I kept finding these little black specks in my bowl and plucked them out and put them on the table. Being a little boy I didn't give it alot of thought I was just munching away. All of a sudden this line of little "specks" I had picked out started to move along the table. :eek: Ya know I never forgot that particular "Breakfast." :p
Consciousness Experiements

ewwww yuck!

Got to work.. so behind.. :(

Has anyone else done the Gantz(sp?) expt?
Consciousness Experiements

you take the lead on this as my life is an f-ing mess...:D and i can barely keep track of this as is.. and i think i just ate cereal with mold on it!!:confused:. Hotsoup seems to be giving really awesome advice so i suggest conferring with him.
I strongly suggest you post the experiment, date, time, rules on the consciousness group so people can easily refer to the setup.. we should do this like 3 times (at least)... to see if anything interesting happens.. Ideally, we should do this 20 times.. I think, sunday is a great way for us to have time to setup and even give a practice run Saturday... i mean using the... what was the name of that experiment with the pingpong balls?? That way Satuday if the receivers give it a dry run they have time to work out the bugs..

To make things easy, say everyone is a receiver and then you connect with the person in private who will be the sender?

State what the goal is, do you want the receivers to draw their target? Then scan or upload the drawings and we can compare?


OK well here goes.
From what I have read about Remote Viewing, there doesn't really seem to be a need for a "sender" or transmitter as such. I am referring to the setup in Russell Targ's "Limitless Mind" book. Someone at random picked a target, be it a building, bridge or other structure somehow. Then, and I'm not really sure, the target was put into an envelope (?) or something?
Anyway the target was decided on somehow,and then the viewers did what they did to RV.

As I understand it, some of the best results came from using the Ganzfeld method. This involves using something to block your eyesight from the surroundings without being blindfolded...-ping pong balls cut in half and put over each eye in this case.
Then a colored light (classically red) was put in front of the RV'er shining on the face,...while they reclined in a comfortable chair with white noise or some other non-destracting noise in the background.
After meditating for a few minutes to clear the mind, the RV'er would stare off into space and , without trying, just let whatever images appear happen.
Then after 30 minutes or so, they would end the session and write down or draw what they saw.

I am trying to figure out how to get this started, so here is what I propose:
Someone will pick a target, and share it with a second party.
Others, ignorant of who is doing the picking and second party verification, will attempt on Sunday to RV whatever the target is.
Target setup will be on Saturday, RV'ing will be on Sunday.
Using the method above, each RV'er can do a session or as many sessions as they want, at any time they want.
Then they will post thier findings by description, image or both by..... say Monday evening?
Then target selector and verifier will post the target, and everyone will be able to see how they, and each other, did.

Any thing I missed? Anyone want to add something? Besides hairy green cereal?
Consciousness Experiements

Someone will pick a target, and share it with a second party.

okay.. you pick that person.. via email, so no one knows.. like Hotsoup suggested.
Consciousness Experiements

okay.. you pick that person.. via email, so no one knows.. like Hotsoup suggested.

Okey-dokey. I'll be contacting that person, and that person will contact someone to be the verifier.
This means I'll not be able to RV this time around, but I'm good with that. I'm just happy to be participating. And I look forward to seeing what unfolds.

And so as not to blow anyones cover, from here on out on this thread everyone will be considered a viewer.

Anything else? Anyone?
Consciousness Experiements

:eek: oh no.. TO! you weren't suppose to tell us that..
oh well. f-it, we are moving forward, i don't think it should be too much of a big deal. :redface:
We will get our act together next time. :p As much as we would like it to be, This Isn't Science.
Consciousness Experiements

Hey no biggie guys, I'm with hak in that we go ahead. I dont think it will have any affect.

So we're all go for Sunday then?

Hey, does this mean I can participate as a Remote Viewer now?
Consciousness Experiements

So on Sunday evening we do a meditation and write down what we see or feel and post in Monday morning? Let me know the time frame. I'm Central Time Zone.
Consciousness Experiements

So on Sunday evening we do a meditation and write down what we see or feel and post in Monday morning? Let me know the time frame. I'm Central Time Zone.

I'm on EST, but don't worry about any set time, just do your RV, and then report by Monday sometime.
Consciousness Experiements

The thing is (I may just be dense here) but if we read the thread or even open it won't it contaminate the response? I could look up the thread and see something somebody else has posted. I'm just wondering because I really do think we should keep on doing these kinds of experiments. It's one of the things that set this forum and show apart from the pack. :-)
Consciousness Experiements

The thing is (I may just be dense here) but if we read the thread or even open it won't it contaminate the response? I could look up the thread and see something somebody else has posted. I'm just wondering because I really do think we should keep on doing these kinds of experiments. It's one of the things that set this forum and show apart from the pack. :-)

Hmmm yeah I see what you mean. I guess that would mean no one should post until Monday then.

I guess I should revise the timline and procedures...I'll get to that by this evening.

And yes definatly keep on doing these experiments, I'm all for that.
Consciousness Experiements

or we could post to you exo in mail, and then when everything is done, you can put them up?

---------- Post added at 04:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 AM ----------

it's getting closer to science :D.. bwhahahaha

---------- Post added at 06:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 AM ----------

heard something really cool today, thought it would be applicable in this space..

"Correlation is not Causation"

Consciousness Experiements


Remote Viewing Experiment #001, Sunday, June 26, 2011.

An object has been selected and verified.


On Sunday, using the method of your choice, try to remote view the object selected.
1.Time session occurs- At your discretion.
2. Length of session- At your discretion.
3. Then record your viewing, saving as many details as possible on paper or other media-but do not post or email the results until Monday after 4:00am , eastern standard time. For those of you worldwide, please check your time against EST.
4. You can post your results directly to the forum, or if you prefer email me ([email protected]) and I will make sure your results get posted. Please include time of session(s) and method(s) used.
5. Anytime after this the moderator will email me or post the object directly onto the forum.
6. Then the verifier will post his/her agreement that it was indeed the object.
7. We compare (and collect our million from James Randi....har har har).
8. Since this is such a subjective event, with very limited controls, I think failure or success should be on a sliding scale based on popular agreements. (Democratic, yes.....Scientific, wellllllll)

Anything to add?
Anything to change?
Everyone in agreement?

Consciousness Experiements

i have a question ... how do we do this.. stick pingpong balls on our eyes.. sit under a blue lamp...
that's it???
Consciousness Experiements

i have a question ... how do we do this.. stick pingpong balls on our eyes.. sit under a blue lamp...
that's it???

Good question. There are links posted earlier in this thread, but I want to post some other ones.
Here is one on "The Basics of Remote Viewing";

Here is one on actually doing an experiment, but you'll see the difficulties in us folks on the forum doing exactly the way they are doing it;

Here is one where the RV'er already knows the target, but is looking for ways the target has changed or altered;

Here is a corny Youtube tutorial, but the theory sounds close;

And of course the obligatory Wiki link to RV'ing;

Here is a neat link on the basics of the Ganzfeld Method; It even shows you how to make a paper mask instead of using ping pong balls;

Another Ganzfeld; http://www.web-us.com/ganzfeld.htm

If you need further info I'll see what I can do for you.


---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 PM ----------

Stare into a bowl of soup.

Nostradamus, as I understand, was supposed to have filled a dark pan with water and then stare into it sometimes when his looking through a hole in a stone didn't satisfy him. So not far off the mark.
Consciousness Experiements

Hehe, a very viable technique, you are right. I'm of the opinion that in scrying, use what suits yourself. In my experience anything can do, though a bowl of water (or soup ;)) works for me. Many of these magickal practices and/or rituals are hundreds of, if not thousands, years old. It's time to adapt.