you take the lead on this as my life is an f-ing mess...

and i can barely keep track of this as is.. and i think i just ate cereal with mold on it!!

. Hotsoup seems to be giving really awesome advice so i suggest conferring with him.
I strongly suggest you post the experiment, date, time, rules on the consciousness group so people can easily refer to the setup.. we should do this like 3 times (at least)... to see if anything interesting happens.. Ideally, we should do this 20 times.. I think, sunday is a great way for us to have time to setup and even give a practice run Saturday... i mean using the... what was the name of that experiment with the pingpong balls?? That way Satuday if the receivers give it a dry run they have time to work out the bugs..
To make things easy, say everyone is a receiver and then you connect with the person in private who will be the sender?
State what the goal is, do you want the receivers to draw their target? Then scan or upload the drawings and we can compare?