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Conversations with Jed.

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I dunno dude, I've never done them, although I'd like to.

The thing is, when it comes to things like this, people automatically believe it to be nonsense, which can be very frustrating. We, as a species, have become so arrogant and narrow-minded, that even though we're less than a speck in a potentially infinite universe we still like to pretend we know everything, when in reality, we know jack shit.

If you sat down and had half an hours meditation, getting rid of any negative connotations you may have about the concept, and opening your mind fully, then maybe you would begin to experience something similar. It has the potential to be much more than a mere relaxation exercise if you really want it to be and we all have the ability to do it. Every one of us.
yes, i have done it too. it is called imagination. i wrote 100s of pages of "channeling" experiences that i called "spiritualistic writing". Half an hour of meditating? That's all? been there done that but I would often meditate for 1- 2 hours at a time, i did lots of meditating back in the early 70's as well as self hypnosis. I do not doubt your experiences, I doubt that you "channeled" any sort of entity or past life.
yes, i have done it too. it is called imagination. i wrote 100s of pages of "channeling" experiences that i called "spiritualistic writing". Half an hour of meditating? That's all? been there done that but I would often meditate for 1- 2 hours at a time, i did lots of meditating back in the early 70's as well as self hypnosis. I do not doubt your experiences, I doubt that you "channeled" any sort of entity or past life.

'Half an hour of meditating? That's all? been there done that but I would often meditate for 1- 2 hours at a time.'

I suggested half an hour as a sort of introductory session for those who perhaps are not as open to the concept. Personally my meditations last for well over half an hour. But I don't want this to turn into a 'meditation off'.

'Yes, i have done it too. it is called imagination.'

Well my imagination must be pretty strong, since it can creep from my mind and settle into my friends own, completely changing her personality, her knowledge and her mannerisms, to an extent. Even if this was the case, it would be worth paying attention to, surely?

Saying this is my imagination implies that both me and my friend are unable to distinguish between reality and fiction. Rest assured, we are both more than capable of making this distinction and what we have both experienced, what we are still experiencing, is real. If this kind of logic was applied to everything that didn't comply with the populations general black and white mentality then there would be no place for this forum to even exist.

'What's that? You saw a UFO? Must be your imagination. You think some unseen entity is out there mutilating cattle? Must be your imagination. You had a time lapse experience? Yeah, it's your imagination.'

I think a lot of the negative comments and thoughts that people are displaying about my experiences here are linked to the fact I use words like 'god' and 'souls'. And I don't blame you. Whilst the concept of a higher power is, in my opinion, a truly valid concept (and one that I now know to be true, although not in the traditional sense) it has been bastardized so much by religion that people now scoff at it and dismiss anything to do with a higher power as lunacy. The true lunacy is the inability to be open to even the slightest possibility that there is more to this life.

Furthermore I think most people who are against this concept are actually rebelling against religion and not the possible existence of a higher power, be it consciously or subconsciously.

'I do not doubt your experiences, I doubt that you "channeled" any sort of entity or past life'

That's a contradiction. Maybe it's this doubt that prevented you from having any profound experiences during these marathon meditation sessions of yours, or, that caused you to dismiss your spiritual writings as 'imagination'. Or maybe it really was just your imagination in your case.

Although I do channel energies, I don't channel them in the sense you mean here. I'm assuming you're talking about energies coming through and speaking for long periods of time? If so that doesn't happen through me, it happens through my friend. Also, I didn't say I 'channeled a past life'. I don't even know what that means. Perhaps it would be a good idea to listen to the material I presented before you criticize it?

Anyway, thank you for the comments.

i am all for you enjoying your experiences. channeling of any kind is just something i do not think is coming from anything other than a persons imagination. this is my opinion only and obviously not yours. have fun with it.
I guess I can understand a little from your perspective. I was just expecting to be questioned a little more rather than being told it's all in my imagination. But if that's your stance then fair enough.
I have known my friend for over a year, she is a modest, good, honest person. She had absolutely no interest in anything that could even remotely be considered 'spiritual' before any of this started and certainly wouldn't be able to answer the questions I posed to her by herself and in such great detail, time and time again.

One day me and my friend were meditating. (She didn't and still doesn't meditate often. I convinced her to try with me because I was just getting into it at the time). During this meditation I asked 'Do you want sore eyes?' Neither of us had any idea what this meant but soon after she began channeling the energies I was already in contact with. When she channels, the entities usually keep their eyes closed, but on occasion they will open them for a minute or so. When this happens my friend will come out of her trance state when the session is over and complain that her eyes sting. This is how she began. As strange as it sounds, for the first few weeks I had to 'breathe' these entities into her, through her mouth, but she can do this alone now.

It's also worth noting that she still doesn't really have an interest in the spiritual and often won't even bother to listen to the recordings afterwards.

The channeling is but a small fraction of the experiences I have had so when I say 'it happens through my friend' I am specifically talking about the energies speaking to me in the physical, essentially using her body as a vessel to do so. I have many experiences alone, but a lot of these experiences are extremely difficult to explain in words, especially those had whilst meditating.
I have known my friend for over a year, she is a modest, good, honest person. She had absolutely no interest in anything that could even remotely be considered 'spiritual' before any of this started and certainly wouldn't be able to answer the questions I posed to her by herself and in such great detail, time and time again.

One day me and my friend were meditating. (She didn't and still doesn't meditate often. I convinced her to try with me because I was just getting into it at the time). During this meditation I asked 'Do you want sore eyes?' Neither of us had any idea what this meant but soon after she began channeling the energies I was already in contact with. When she channels, the entities usually keep their eyes closed, but on occasion they will open them for a minute or so. When this happens my friend will come out of her trance state when the session is over and complain that her eyes sting. This is how she began. As strange as it sounds, for the first few weeks I had to 'breathe' these entities into her, through her mouth, but she can do this alone now.

It's also worth noting that she still doesn't really have an interest in the spiritual and often won't even bother to listen to the recordings afterwards.

The channeling is but a small fraction of the experiences I have had so when I say 'it happens through my friend' I am specifically talking about the energies speaking to me in the physical, essentially using her body as a vessel to do so. I have many experiences alone, but a lot of these experiences are extremely difficult to explain in words, especially those had whilst meditating.

I have to say I really have zero experience with channeling, nor do I know anyone who claims to have done it or witnessed it so these are simply my own opinions.
I think the universe existing is weird enough that I suppose I could calmly accept some things that other people just could not.
Recently, to help me sleep and lucid dream, I started to listen to some binaural beats stuff that lowers your brain wave frequency. I understand that processes in our brains wish to match the tempo of the music, and once they do, the music can say, slow down and the brain follows etc (this is how I think it works but I don't know if it's the official explanation). Anway, after about 15mins I definitely was starting not to be bothered by the intrusive random thoughts that get in the way of meditation for beginners. To my utter astonishment, a change in tempo triggered what could only have been some flood-release of dopamine/serotonin/endorphins (don't know which, if any) cos it actually felt like a stimulant drug was in my bloodstream. I don't mean 'it was relaxing and mellow and maybe it's like drugs, ' no, I mean it was as strong and as real as real drugs. It lasted about 10 seconds and then faded but also it happened an additional 2 times that session. It hasn't happened since but I swear that I was completely drug and alcohol free, and I hadn't been doing anything out of the ordinary prior etc.

Has anyone else experienced one of these potent drug-like rushes caused only by sounds? It speaks volumes as to the power of the correct auditory 'programming' in my view.
(oh, and without a doubt this recording helped me to relax and sleep. I was extremely skeptical beforehand as to whether it would have a noticeable effect, but I provide the youtube linkk below in case anyone else wishes to try. It has tibetan bowls which sound awesome!)

Yes I had similar experiences when I began meditating. The more you experiment and experience the more you'll learn.

I think ambient music is a good idea for newcomers to meditation, it certainly helped me. You should try sitting in a meditative position, eyes closed, with some ambient music coming through some headphones, in a darkened room facing a solitary source of light, like a candle or a lamp etc.

If your mind is open enough then you'll begin to experience things, trust me.

Nice piece of music, by the way.
Nathaniel- If this isn't your imagination, I think you are playing with fire.

Goggsmacky- I have looked in depth at this phenomena . Just recently read the book " Your Brain On Music". A scientifically proven fact that we are influenced physiologically by beats and music in general. I tend to write music based on tempo that agrees with a mood. Not that I am any kind of wonderful song writer.

A resting heart rate of around 100bpm is why many songs are at 120 or less. Just a few beats above that,say 120 and you encourage a more apprehensive response. If you play thrash metal at 160bpm you are too disconnected from it but if you take a person at 100bpm and bring it to 120 you can coerce the listener into that place aurally taking the brain to a more excitable place. The opposite is true with lower tempo. Going to 75bpm can take you to a more restful place. Since the body has a rhythm and the brain attempts to construct order from chaos, the choice of rhythm can put the body into certain states. The ancient peoples used rhythm in particular to encourage certain moods and mental states. This is part of a gift I think some people possess.

Simply taking a midi file at a constant tempo is about the most mechanical thing you could ever hear. Inducing slight changes or "feel" makes the same music more interesting. It's a lot deeper than that and I am probably not qualified to go into it in depth but I know a little about it.
I base this on past observations of other similar cases. Entities were known to have lied about their intentions. In fact, lying is a common thread. You don't ever really know what you're dealing with. JMHO.
I have a feeling this is going to sound like hippy bullshit to the majority of you here, so for that I apologise. :D

When I began meditating I was greeted by a warm, glowing light that enveloped my entire body, filling me with absolute positivity. It guided my hands to parts of my body that ached, even fixing a back problem that had caused me a lot of pain since my late teenage years.
As the weeks went on I gave this light a name - Jed.
Jed has been with me for almost 7 months now and during this time I have grown stronger, both mentally and spiritually. My confidence has increased tenfold, my outlook on life is now not one of a pessimist but one of an optimist. I see the bigger picture. I am a better person than I have ever been. I am the happiest I have ever been.
When I introduced Jed to my friend he was able to completely eviscerate a terrible, terrible burden she carried around inside herself for years, thus, also giving her the chance she had been waiting for in order to find happiness. And, like me, she is now the strongest she has ever been.

Jed introduced me to my true self, Nathaniel. Since connecting with my higher self I am able to sense auras, feel the positive energy emitting from the people around me - sometimes even the negative energy emitting from people around me. I am able to hold the entire weight of my friends body as she leans towards me without laying a single finger on her. I can hold my hand over my dog's body and direct him around as though I was holding him on a lead.

When I meditate I am filled with absolute light, absolute positivity, absolute unconditional love. It is bliss. I see Jed's light as bright as the sun, I feel it, in every inch of my body. It fills the entire room. Even now as I type this I feel Jed's soothing energy on my forehead.
When I speak to Jed through my friend's vessel he is charming, he is honest, he is funny, he has answered every single question I have ever put forward to him in incredible detail and without fail. He has helped me with any problems I may have had, given me advice, soothed me.

I am aware that some younger (lower vibrational) souls have a tendency to play games and fool around, but rest assured this is not the case here.

I glanced at one of your other posts and noticed you mentioned 'demonic entities.' Now negative energies do exist, but they are created by fear, be it by humans or a particular place where something bad may have happened. They are essentially leaches, feeding off of the positive energy, but they are not demons. With Jed's help, I have dealt with one already, the aforementioned burden being carried by my friend.
So I guess, with a belief system involving demons, it's only logical that you are somewhat fearful of the more spiritual side of things.

For the record, no-one has mentioned any sort of 'intention.' I have just gained knowledge about who I am, where I come from and happiness.

Try to see the positive in things rather than focusing on the negative. :D
Nathaniel- If this isn't your imagination, I think you are playing with fire.

Goggsmacky- I have looked in depth at this phenomena . Just recently read the book " Your Brain On Music". A scientifically proven fact that we are influenced physiologically by beats and music in general. I tend to write music based on tempo that agrees with a mood. Not that I am any kind of wonderful song writer.

A resting heart rate of around 100bpm is why many songs are at 120 or less. Just a few beats above that,say 120 and you encourage a more apprehensive response. If you play thrash metal at 160bpm you are too disconnected from it but if you take a person at 100bpm and bring it to 120 you can coerce the listener into that place aurally taking the brain to a more excitable place. The opposite is true with lower tempo. Going to 75bpm can take you to a more restful place. Since the body has a rhythm and the brain attempts to construct order from chaos, the choice of rhythm can put the body into certain states. The ancient peoples used rhythm in particular to encourage certain moods and mental states. This is part of a gift I think some people possess.

Simply taking a midi file at a constant tempo is about the most mechanical thing you could ever hear. Inducing slight changes or "feel" makes the same music more interesting. It's a lot deeper than that and I am probably not qualified to go into it in depth but I know a little about it.

A resting heart rate of 100bpm? I don't think I am very fit just now, just ok, but my resting heart rate is 60bpm - is that low or is 100 high?
@Nathaniel - you make some big claims, outwith the meditation itself. Things that can be demonstrated so I suppose the skeptical/scientific approach has to be: Show me the money.:D
A resting heart rate varies with the individual. It is said to be between 60-100...I'm no doctor, but I can say after two 20oz. cups of coffee mine is probably up by 20 points.Maybe that isn't a resting heart rate though. ;)

Nate- I have heard similar things from others. Something is happening according to you but essentially what is happening and why could have implications well beyond what you presently feel and see. Shamans and witches have been channeling forever. Depending on outlook it could be viewed like a host/ leech which I think it is. In that case the host offers something the leech needs and the leech put things into the host to make them feel good.

In most cases and probably because of my background, I view it more like a pimp/ho situation,and you da ho.Not literally of course but the idea is that you are being used and most of the benefit is derived by it. When most people see it for what it really is they go the other way.

In the spiritual world certain entities can't cross to here or effect anything without a host..that would be you. This my opinion based on other cases,insights and observations. Like I said, to me or IMO it's like playing with fire.
Starise - I think you're viewing the whole thing through your own beliefs and preconceptions. I had little knowledge or interest in spirituality before my first meditation and I certainly had no interest (and still don't) in religion, so I approached it all with a clean slate, so to speak.

There are people who devote their entire lives to finding happiness through meditation and connecting to their 'guides' and their 'higher self.' Some people deem this supernatural or paranormal, messing with forces you shouldn't etc. but this is a fearful way of looking at things and it prevents a lot of people from understanding more about themselves and the true nature of reality.

All the things I have been taught so far by these entities can be found in accounts from people all over the world who have experienced the same kind of thing. Most notably, the fact that we are entities having a physical experience. Your physical body is just a vessel, an avatar if you will.

For example, an article by Asoka Selvarajah, describing the 'higher self.' Remember, before I began asking my questions I had no idea about any of this.

'Throughout the ages, Ancient Wisdom has taught the existence of something that transcends everything we know, and yet is an integral part of our very being. It has been referred to with many titles: Guardian Angel, Inner Genius, Higher Self.
If our own brain is beyond our understanding, how much more mysterious and incredible is this strange being we call the "Higher Self". What can it be? What "self" can possibly be higher than the one you are already familiar with? If this "self" is truly higher than what we are normally aware of, how can it be truly called "self"?
Let us attempt a definition:
"The Higher Self is that part of you that connects you directly to the spiritual realms. It is eternal, infinitely wise and transcends your everyday consciousness. It is in touch with the Divine because it is part of it. Attaining knowledge of the Higher Self, and its depths of inner wisdom, is the goal of the Spiritual Quest in all its many guises throughout the world, and throughout history."
Thus, you are not simply the total of your conscious and subconscious. There is a part of you that transcends both. It exceeds anything you know with your present awareness. It is beyond anything you can possibly know through normal rational thought. You are connected to the Divine, and this is where it manifests.
To most people, this concept may seem highly unlikely, or even absurd. However, a growing body of scientific evidence also suggests that there IS a source of superior intelligence within all of us. There is an inner capacity that most us are unaware of, and are largely unable to access.
In the Indian philosophy of Samkhya, the term for this higher consciousness, which pervades the entire universe, is Purusa. It is believed to be free of the limitations of space and time, and is also uncaused by anything external to itself. It is free of both pleasure and pain. It is above thought.
Throughout this article, we use the term "Higher Self". However, you can also take this to include the "Inner Genius" too. There is no real distinction between what might considered "spiritual" intelligence, and more general super-normal functioning; such as the ability to read and learn at superhuman speeds or the ability to perform mathematical calculations at lightening speed. In truth, such extraordinary abilities are only part of a vast continuum that lies concealed within us. It covers a vast span - all the way from the spiritual height to incredible levels of performance at more earthly levels. What many consider impossible is easy for those who have made contact with the Source of all.
Why Access The Higher Self At All?
Some people may be alarmed at the whole idea of accessing a "Higher Self". After all, doesn't that imply losing control and being invaded from something from the outside? Wouldn't you lose the very essence of who you are?
These ideas arise from a misunderstanding about (a) who "you" are and (b) who the Higher Self is. In truth, the Higher Self IS you - all that you are meant to be. The only reason we even talk about it as if it were an entity from elsewhere is because we have been trained from birth not to fully express the magnificent divinity within us and be all that we are fully capable of being. That is what the Higher Self really is; the best you that you are capable of being.
If you were manifesting your very best right now, do you think your brain capacity would be lying 99% dormant? Of course not.
The problem we all face is that we identify ourselves with the small "I". This is the ego consciousness that we have gradually developed throughout our life. However, this is not really all that you are. Your ego, your conscious mind, is only a small part of your total being. It is shaped by childhood, by what you were told as you were growing up, by the knocks and bruises of life, as well as the pleasures and joys. In part, it is formed from the life experiences that you have had up to this point. However, it is also partly created from your subconscious, and your connection to the Collective Unconscious.
Thus, your personality consciousness is subject to constant change. It is not an absolute. It alters through life experiences, psychiatric therapy, or a range of other influences.
However, despite the shifting circumstances of existence, most people recognize, at least fleetingly, the existence of a changeless eternal part of their nature. In these moments, they have made contact with their essential eternal being; who they really are.
So really, the Higher Self is not some sort of invading being. Rather, it is more truly you than you ever have been allowed to be. It lets more of those moments of true recognition into your life. Eventually, you are enabled to live your entire life from a point of full awareness of your changeless divinity.'

You are entitled to you own opinion of course and it's your choice if you wish to believe that all these entities are in some way malevolent. Like I said, there are what some could call 'negative energies' but these are not souls. They are primarily created by people, generated by emotions such as fear and hatred and they feed off positivity to make themselves stronger, creating more negative emotions in the process.

The subject of 'negative energies' is discussed in the first conversation I recorded with the non physical entity, Rose on 03-10-12. If you want to listen click this link and the video can be found at the bottom of the page. Phill Williams - YouTube

Goggsmackay - Everybody has the ability to achieve this. I can sustain my friends body weight as she leans towards me by holding her energy, or aura, if you will. To me, it kinda feels like the push from opposite ends of magnets being held against one another and she describes it as feeling like she's being given a gentle push back as she's leaning forward. Everybody generates these auras, it's just a case of learning how to become aware of them. I did so through meditation as can you and anybody else should you wish to pursue it with an open mind.

Surely to experience it for yourself would be more than satisfactory. :D

You say that you came to this with a clean slate,however you reference several sources in later paragraphs that show you are in fact referencing materials and people in your views. I don't call that clean slate.

I admit I come to this with different ideas about how we get to our "higher self" as you call it. You won't convince me that so called meditation with a thing you met and named Jed is something anyone should simply take at face value.

I know a lot of people are looking for happiness although I am strongly in the camp that believes truth comes before comfort. Peace comes after accepting truth and then happiness depending on your definition of what it is.

I don't think that all entities are malevolent. But going into something with a "clean slate" probably isn't the best approach.

Alternate explanations are there for just about everything. Why do people go to a quack when a professional medical doctors tells them they are dying? One answer is because they hope a last ditch effort has the slim possibility to work. Another explanation is that they don't like what they were told and they want to hear something that they like. Lots of people have gotten rich in telling others what they want to hear.

Good and best are not always palatable. Some people go to a more exotic explanation in order to feel better. In your case you have admitted that you think these entities are good, but you have refused to admit that they might not be good. How can you be so sure of that? Surely admitting to good allows the consideration of evil. I have allowed for that consideration and in light of looking at all of the data we have on the spiritual world I think it is a very real possibility.

Your talk of communicating with spirits,entities, whatever you want to call them is simply the centuries old thing that witches,warlocks,shamans commonly call channeling today.

Actually going into the spiritual world with a "clean slate" is a dangerous thing to do IMO. Determining what something is or isn't after the fact is similar to taking the long way home instead of using the road map.