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Cool photo from the Moon

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Ford (Rep), Carter (Dem), Reagan (Rep), Bush (Rep), Clinton (Dem), Bush (Rep) and Obama (Dem). 4 decades of 'what's the point?' 'Why bother?' and 'It costs too much with no payback.' It's hard to support budgeting for space exploration without getting mired down in partisan politics and domestic defence budgets.

At the same time, it's easy to overlook the lack of interest in other nations and wonder if they've drawn the same conclusions?

It's like the Moon's a geek party invitation and nobody wants to go.:)

My generation has never known man to walk on the moon and it's a damn shame.
Would be nice to get back to the moon and do more exploring, but who can afford it? the US is trillions of dollars in debt, England is facing bankruptcy, and the countries that are in reasonable shape, won't be, if they start diverting their funds towards the moon.

An economic guru states the US is heading for bankruptcy, or a massive devaluation of their dollar. Either way, I don't see any funds for space, unless they divert their military budgets towards that end.

oh well. would have been nice...