Is this really something to sign on to?
Thanks for your feedback, please read these screenshots from the site:
Great Barrington Declaration and Petition, and the following explanation:
So, yes, the GBD talks about herd immunity, but it also says that their usage of the term is being misrepresented, and that the tens of thousands of medical practitioners and scientists ( now over 44,000 in total ) who have signed onto the GBD are not advocating such misinterpretations. There is also a problem with setting the mortality rate at a fixed 2%. Given current numbers, actual fatalities start at about 0.1% ( or lower ) and increase with the seriousness of preexisting conditions and age.
So seniors with preexisting health conditions are at highest risk, but even most of them don't die, and the rest of the younger population with no preexisting conditions are at far lower risk, with as many as 40% - 90% having symptoms so mild that they don't even know they have the disease.
In light of this, The Great Barrington Declaration advocates a much more targeted approach to caring for those at high-risk, while reducing the collateral deaths from COVID-19 management measures, particularly those that fail to take into account the increase in poverty, which before the COVID-19 lockdowns was responsible for around 250,000 deaths per year in the USA alone, and this doesn't even include the other consequences of the lockdowns.
What this boils down to is that the GBD strategy makes far more sense as it will save all the same lives as the current approach
plus many more, possibly millions more worldwide, all while preserving our quality of life and reducing authoritarian government controls.
I hope this helps, and by all means, feel free to discuss this further. The GBD has been highly politicized, but I'm neither Democrat nor Republican, neither Conservative nor Liberal. I just want to see suffering and deaths reduced as much as possible, and when I do the math, the GBD is the closest approach to meeting that objective that I have found that has a reasonable chance of making a difference.