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Crete UFO

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here is a Booted Eagle in flight compared to the image. I am swamped at work so i couldn' t spend much time on this yet. sorry it is so crude but you get the idea.
booted eagle.jpg

Keeping my judgement reserved on this one, but I feel it is simply as Pixel has pointed out or a similar artifact.

The composition of the image itself just feels to pat if you get what I mean... My BS meter is ticking away for some reason.
i found a few of some crows i was observing downtown. i am known as the "crow man" in town. i scare away the crows that try to roost downtown. as you can see they can take on strange shapes.
i found a few of some crows i was observing downtown. i am known as the "crow man" in town. i scare away the crows that try to roost downtown. as you can see they can take on strange shapes.

And with the sun in just the right place and atmospheric haze you could end up with some very strange looking birds indeed.
i tend to think the crete pic is a bird but i hope it is an ET craft. i will try to find a bird photo later on showing how reflective their feathers can be in the sun light. or... you can google alien fleet and find some high flying swans that look like balls of light.
Apparently this woman is a professional photographer. Some folks commented as to why a pro would be using a point-and-shoot digital camera, but the truth is most professionals actually do use cheap cameras as well as high-end SLRs. Having said that, as an amateur photographer myself, one of the first things that struck me was the poor composition of this photo. What was her "goal" in making this shot? Surely if she's an artistic photographer and she wants a nice shot of the goats and the background she has the sense to ask the driver to slow down and maybe even stop so she could frame the subjects without seeing the interior of the car and her own face in the side mirror ?
the camera is a canon s100. 12.5 mp, around 350 bucks. not too bad of a camera for a point and shoot.
she might have been going for her self being in the shot.
this may or may not have something to do with this photo.
Canon has issued a product advisory for the PowerShot S100 compact camera. According to Canon, some cameras are prone to a lens defect which is caused by a component part coming loose in the interior of the lens. This is more likely to happen in certain environmental conditions such as high temperature and/or humidity.
Here is the object isolated and run through auto color, contrast, and tone. The shapes suggest a bird on the left looking at its reflection in a mirrored ball.


No, it looks like a flying albino hedgehog, with a day-sack on his back which happens to hold a pile of shite. If you look carefully you will see the albino hedgehog has a brown left paw and that is cos he had to rummage in his daysack before take-off. Duh! it's so friggin obvious why are folk gibbering about UFOs and birds?:mad:
No, it looks like a flying albino hedgehog, with a day-sack on his back which happens to hold a pile of shite. If you look carefully you will see the albino hedgehog has a brown left paw and that is cos he had to rummage in his daysack before take-off. Duh! it's so friggin obvious why are folk gibbering about UFOs and birds?:mad:

haha! Oh man, who knows? This is the great mystery of the UFO world around us. It could be something, but it could be nothing. Who said something about a gray basket?
I think it is most likely a bird or a bit of debris blown in the wind. It could be some sort of apparition or structured UFO, however due to the location and conditions I think a bird or a piece of trash could easily have caused the strange looking image. If the thing had landed and or beamed up a goat I would lean more toward one the high strangeness explanations.