Phil is quite right in much of the above. I constantly fight a tendency to sneer at what I see as poor critical thinking skills. I also have been too hard on Chris many times. Chris has a an excellent knowledge of the field but I almost always disagree with his conclusions.
I have no problem being reminded of my sometimes poor manners and I will try to correct myself in flight if they are pointed out.
I am certainly hoping that Phil doesn't see himself (or many other posters) as blameless in this situation. I often face the same kind of bad attitude and I can guarantee that I will give as good as I get.
In my exchanges with Kieran above, for instance, I don't see how I was any more rude than he was. He had the additional problem of being spectacularly wrong, actually insisting on changing the meaning of the language to support something that is insupportable. Anyone else could have stepped in and gently pointed this out to Kieran but his continuously repeated false claim had to addressed.
Incidentally, Kieran, using the common term "false claim" above is how you say someone is wrong or lying. The term "claim" had no judgement on it one way or the other.
Anyway, I am happy to discuss this issue and I do appreciate Phil's remarks above.
Lance. When it comes to research on a subject, you do a yeoman's job. No doubt.I thank you for your efforts on the crystal skulls and take on board your findings re: the age of some and authenticity of others.
When it comes to the snideness aspect, you are not the only one guilty, that's for sure. It seems to be common to some sceptics, especially the ones leaning towards debunking. Seemingly they have a hard time accepting that there are other trains of thought on matters paranormal. Sometimes far removed from their own.
So then you get the snideness, the derision, the scoffing and, sometimes, the uncalled for belittling of the opinions of believers or experiencers. To me this attiude devalues the good work and research that they do. I just don't see the need for presenting well researched and well thought out material in a condescending and belittling way. Especially when there is no precedent for it within a thread.
If on the other hand someone has attacked you unfairly then by all means, have at it. The gloves are off in that case and you would be justified in responding in kind.
You're right Lance. I have had to have a good look at my own behavior on these forums as well. At times i have been unnecessarily harsh on yourself, Angelo and Rick (trained) and others. All of your opinions, even if they are contrary to mine, are valuable contributions and, if i am really honest, opinions that i always learn from. Although there is at least one foumarian (name witheld) who does not have any of my respect whatsoever.
I can't speak for Kieran but maybe he is also frustrated with the same things. I'm sure he will answer in good time.
All in all "The Paracast" forums, to me works like a kind of family. At times highly dysfunctional and at times supportive and sharing. A great mix of characters and individuals.