Conscious awareness by review gives itself its condition when it evaluates information.
Information has a status on Earth....a planet, an atmosphere, a Nature and then a human life.
The human life supported by all bodies that precede it, by reference of the information that precedes it. So the human mind as personal review gave its valued review of information that preceded it as being an actual support system.
So a human would then ask, why change the support system?
The support system when changed demonstrates that it attacks the living conditions.....a review studied as an attack on the animal nature as an UFO condition, the human life as an experience. The mind and the physical and then the observations in the atmosphere demonstrate the attack and the loss of the condition of stone's natural fusion or sink holes.
When a human who purposely builds machines and buildings to cause changes to the natural states by forced applications then considers the phenomena that is then caused, what is to consider?
The reasoning would imply that consideration of the information has no value (not applied as an actual considerate human being) by the reasoning imposed upon us in the public condition by those who cause the conditions.
The reasoning of the occultist scientist regards gaining new powers by identification of the powers, for their personal motivation by choice of the mind consideration and it is about their own reason....want. Personal want as a review does not imply that it is a want by a considerate human being.
These conditions as a human review, a natural owner in life and also an observer of phenomena have always occurred as a real consideration due to the information by the information reviewed. The information currently being reviewed belongs to the human male's own choice to pretend that he is a Creator.
Whereas when the information is reviewed as a real consideration, by human beings who are actually considerate, love life, their family, the nature and the spiritual conditions on Planet Earth as a state of mutual support and equal ownership the advice stated differently.............that occult practices, the changes caused to the astronomy and the Earth were done so by occult practices. Occultism the old name for sciences that use nuclear conversion methods.
When you study the cause and effects of the human mind ownership, the mind demonstrates that irradiation changes the mind and also the status of evolution, natural health, chemical balances and the mind relationship of a natural spiritual support living condition then alters.
The mind changed by occult irradiation, an unnatural condition in review of a natural life causes the opinions of feed back and data review to be considered incorrectly as a result of being changed.
This is why a human male suddenly believed in altered dimensions, when the ancient advice of SION stated that if you altered the atmospheric body, then the spirit interaction of SION also changes.
The reasoning to this ancient review belonged to personal male advice of being irradiated, called wearing the crown of thorns (for irradiation as a human affect causes painful prickling), and stigmata, as a changed chemical brain affect along with unnatural cellular changes and bleeding.
The stigmata itself also belonged to prophetic reasoning by implication that the feed back advice related to PHI prophecy or calculations as a human mind advice.
Human kind in modern life demonstrate by the conditions of a altered atmosphere to now own all conditions previously considered as cause and effects of ancient occult practices as an attack.
Having had the condition of irradiation caused to my person, I experienced a brain state where imagery and information was communicating to my mind in lines, fragmenting my imagery in my mind state. This is why I came to understand that the human male who has since gained a new mind chemical interaction from past atmospheric irradiation was receiving incorrect feedback when he considered scientific data.
The ancient occult information regarded conditions of mind consideration that called the feed back a state of awareness called Satan.
When you review occult data, Satan by review is a condition from out of space as a line 2012 End of time as an irradiation stream affect that once attacked Planet Earth. This occult consideration belonged to calculations by TAN, SIN etc. The ancient application of nuclear conversion in the natural atmosphere belonged to the conditions for levitation of stone as a building practice.
If we all ask ourselves an honest question, why was invention invented as a consideration beyond natural living conditions....... and why did a human male consider what he proposed as his own review....creation and Creator? The only Creator we review as an occult practice is his own presence changing natural fusion on Earth into a condition which he personally imposes is a creation of energy.
Whereas if you actually review what a male considers, he actually considers information that already exists, and then he decides to alter the information by a fake and falsely applied application so that he can access a form of the energy in a state lower than it once was.
As the modern day occult review states, our scientific possessed brother's mind wants. He wants new invention, he wants new resources and he wants this consideration only due to the fact of his own choice, his creation.
His creation when reviewed states, that he overtook natural life on Earth and enforced his own evaluation of all natural states to impose personal ownership, and a claim to personal power status and gave all natural conditions a value so that he could use value for all of his own purposes.
Yet if he never applied this choice, our modern life would not be facing what it now faces. His choice to attack and change our natural life, which the Nature demonstrates it is suffering, only due to his own consideration of his lifestyle, his inventions and his gain of money, a value that itself is false, for he created the conditions to use money.
So when we all review what he is causing, his new consideration is about his want to own the UFO condition as a newly informed mind status, as if this status actually exists in reality....when it does not. For all information that is given to a conscious aware state, is only fed back information from atmospheric recordings.
Recording is not a physical state, and all energy evolution belongs to a physical owned state. It is either a Sun, a planet, or a stone/gas evolution.
As we live in a condition of atmospheric feed back...we live naturally our bodies as mind choices, feelings, reactions, presence, voice gets recorded by the photon interaction, as does all of Nature, the information is then fed back to our minds. This is how information was first resourced by the human male in an unnatural mind state...the taking of somatic or plant chemical drugs.
When you change the atmosphere, then the feed back to the human mind begins to give false information, for information itself belongs to the condition of recordings.
The atmosphere already held a recording of the natural atmospheric interaction with the nuclear of stone. The human male built power plants, changed the nuclear fusion and new recordings were then placed in the atmosphere. The mind then gained new fake fed back information, and in the cause and effect of the information changing the amount of atmospheric radiation also attacked the natural cellular life.
This is why the ancient occult attack consideration already advised the ancient occult practices that it had caused the physical changes to the natural cellular life and that it also had attacked the natural fusion of stone and its evolution into a fused state. The teachings stated that the human mind becomes possessed by feed back when it continues to consider fake information, which leads the human male into considering information as if it is real, when in fact it does not exist.
When we consider how fall out of a metallic object is caused, it is simply a cause of changing the natural cold mass of Earth's atmosphere and has nothing to do with new is in fact by identification an attack to Earth's natural metallic fusion. The attack is the reason why sink holes appeared as a world wide condition. Nuclear particles in out of space are much larger than the dust on Planet Earth, and our atmosphere considered by ancient occultists to be the protection of Planet Earth, once kept life safe from this particle fall out. The creation of nuclear fuel using the atmospheric cooling condition allowed these particles to begin to manifest above us, so below us the metal disappeared as holes.
If we consider what would actually occur if huge masses of the manifested metallic UFO occurred in our atmosphere by loss of its natural mass, more than likely it would blow Earth apart. The ancient occult wisdom and visions relating to SION explained how the Universe had previously been attacked and changed, and why Planets previously blew apart due to this condition....the forming of the UFO invaSION.
As the ancient information was secreted in a format of fed back realization of the ancient human male's mind, the information of SION via invasion relates to conditions.
VAIN, the condition stating empty, worthless, hollow, having no genuine substance, value or importance.
As a state of deceit, or being deceitful it is why religious science taught a spiritual condition relating to the condition of being "vain", as a conceited, proud and false condition of the human male's self considerations.
When we consider the occult theory, it tries to impose that this metal formation as a manifested state is a replacement of Earth's natural metal, as if it moved through dimensions....only due to the fact that want imposes false data as a consideration, for want supersedes rational explanation. If you query what the modern occult theory imposes, it states that it can create energy in a beginning status inside of a machine. Yet when energy first existed, no metal and no stone existed, therefore how can this form of theory actually exist in reality?
Therefore the only reason we continue to be attacked is due to the modern occult experiments imposing an unnatural condition upon the evolution of matter, as if it happened in an instantaneous reaction, when it did not......stone cooled through evolution.