We're digressing in that the context of the discussion has been switched, but I'll try to address the points in a way that brings us back into the context that we started off in. BTW: The Bostrom paper is worth reading too if you haven't done that yet.
Multiverses and extra dimensions are both speculative, so saying either is speculative neither validates nor invalidates them. What can invalidate a speculative theory is if it's logically incoherent within the context it is being considered. In the case of the extra dimensions mentioned in the article you linked to, they aren't what we're talking about. We're talking about the possibility of aliens coming "down" from a "higher" dimension into our "lower" dimension, as if they can exist "up there" independently of what's going on "down here", and the dimensions talked about in the QM article are completely different, and have their own different incoherencies to deal with. Consider this statement:
"... but there are additional dimensions which are curled-up very tightly so that they have an extremely small radius: less that one 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 th ( nonillionth ) of a centimeter"
First of all, anything that has a radius is either a 2D circle or a 3D sphere, and therefore what is being described isn't an "extra dimension", but a tiny area or volume of space within a larger 3D construct. So again, it seems there is some conflating of concepts going on there between "higher dimensions" and really small areas or volumes. But aside from that, even if we decide that there is some as of yet unexplained rationale for why we should consider these areas or spaces to be dimensions in their own right, they are so tiny that in the context of what we're talking about ( as places where aliens who come here in UFOs might originate from ), they are completely inapplicable.
That depends on how you define "existence", objects", and "2D". This can get rather philosophical, but basically A set of 2D coordinates is an area, which is a purely abstract concept that describes the size of an object's surface, not any object in and of itself. So we don't generally think of areas as objects, other than perhaps as designators for certain kinds of places e.g. "The living room is our entertainment area."
That takes us back out of context again and into abstract mathematical models that bolt on more abstract mathematical components that have been labeled "dimensions" but do not fit the interpretation of "dimensions" that we are discussing, which is the possibility of "higher" spatial dimensions within our observable universe that aliens can move in and out of as if they exist independent from our "lower" dimensions. So although interesting, and FWIW I like to follow the latest developments in the accelerator labs too, none of that is applicable to this particular discussion.
The only thing you need to understand, to understand my claim, is the principle of sequential dependence in spatial geometry where dimensions are clearly differentiated from universes, and how that might apply to transporting physical objects between them. This can be done without reference to any other papers. Consider the question: How is it possible for something in a hypothetical universe with 6 spatial dimensions to exist in dimensions 4-6 without also being composed of dimensions 1-3? Once you have the answer to that firmly in place, then you can easier see how the rest of what I was saying falls into place.
Counting 1111111111111 not 00000000
The ancient concept for the act of conversion related to One God as a status, and to never alter the One status.
1 = 1
11 = 2 of 1
111 = 3 of 1 etc.
The male believed himself to be God, yet how can you be a human being, living after another organic organism....animals and then imply you are a circle?
The concept of God = O a circle, the values of the PHI losophy of Stone, why they called the stone, the God creator of the Heavens, by the release of hot gases out of the stone body.
When you review the philosophy the review stated that the first advice was that the atmospheric body had been voided by 1, for the named groups by value equate to minus 1.
Minus of the 1 review stated that the Earth stone was abominated, so was Nature.
The concept of the O circle or PHI related to the review of LIGHT in a circular motion rotating, for G is a point that swirls into the value of O, that is then separated by I (phi) into the D and D condition. Why D = 500 the value of Christ 1000 and M the middle also 1000.
The condition realization stated when the human male was given irradiation....intense brain prickling (thorns,) and then unnatural bleeding from his body, that the atmospheric body that once protected his own life had been removed, as the minus 1 condition or sacrifice of his own Christ realization, as a Heavenly body review.
The review the male has never realized is that the Shaman was in a drugged mind state when he gained concepts for the levitation of stone, and hence then caused irradiation of the atmosphere and fall out, for his own life, an organic life, as animals did not belong to the amount of radiation that plants formed in.
The male conceptualized that the atmospheric mass was an angel, and that he personally had an angel, yet he personally had his own natural self. The mass that surrounds and supports Earth, is the same mass that surrounds and supports our own life.
His concept of the angel was the fall out condition that our life does not belong to.
I know, for I was witness to the act of the atmospheric vi SION.
As I was irradiated, I saw the angel imagery forming as the atmospheric fall out began to cool, the evil images of spiritual presences that manifested were taken in a line and moved away by the presence of the angel. As I am not a male, I therefore did not believe my own person was an angel, and saw what the angel reaction meant as a formed image in the reactive state.
As modern day occultist, who also by self choice, self feed back of brain/mind interaction have the same occult belief of those who attacked our lives previously they too believe that they personally own an angel...yet they do not....they own the atmospheric mass interacting with their natural life....the angelic condition belongs to fall out and is the condition that keeps our own life safe from irradiation.