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Dan Burisch Saga Continues

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Paranormal Adept
I am a sucker for good Dr. Dan revelations. It seems now he has posted his cell phone number on his website Eagles Disobey Website

This would make a great live podcast... A call to the infamous,

Dr. Dan Crain-Burisch-Catselas Ph.D Sc.D (depending on which variation of those he is using on any particular day).


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Oh ffs. Why..just why.. I wonder what the man gets out of this other than the little attention people give him (I recognize I'm guilty of this in my disliking). The guy should be a comedian.
Come on guys, where is the love, he is in charge of MJ12 and spends his days ensuring the survival of our species.

His website, Eagles Disobey, has been updated and contains a "transcript" of Dr. Dan (I guess he is back to his old name of Crain) addressing members of Congress on the Bengazi attacks!

"Welcome to the middle of a discussion and statements between Dr. Dan Crain (1) and "certain Congressional Members" on Capitol Hill within that last 18 hours. "

Back when my wife Vicki and I were publishing UFO Magazine we dealt with the "Burisch saga" several times. If interested in this fraudulent clown .. here is what they were sending out after we ran some info on him.

Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 17:33:03 -0700 (PDT) From:"OPSCI" <[email protected]>
Add to Address Book Subject: Reply to UFO Magazine smear-tactics against Dr. Dan Burisch To:[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

To everyone,

I have been given the authorization to respond to the allegations, blatant untruths and fabrications about Dr. Dan Burisch contained within several articles recently published in the UFO Magazine.
I was allowed to speak directly to certain members of the public and put forth much of my personal memory and collected documentation as I could concerning the events of Dan's life. So, I have placed photo evidence and textual information from my memory on file with a number of people, in a number of places for research purposes. There will be many who persist in trying to damage Dan's reputation for their own personal agenda; some are driven by bitterness and a sense of failure in their own careers (perhaps having missed the boat when they had the chance to investigate) while others are simply motivated by greed and avarice (viewing Dan's case as a way to boost subscription revenues or attract a larger listener base). Each person is different. What I do know for sure, is that there are very few people who will look long enough at the difficult and complex nature of the facts, micrographs, testimony, documents and other evidence that has been gathered over the years, to understand even a fraction of the depth and true value of the material available to you all.
Too many people who claim to be investigators are simply waiting to have the package all neatly sewn up for them, and presented to them on a silver platter. Like anything worth having, the truth about most things is not served up in easy to understand clips and soundbytes. It takes hard work, time, patience, and perseverance to reach a level of understanding. Many are not able to do so at all. Some get bits and pieces of it, and think they have the whole picture. While others are willing to make the effort, grow personally and learn to a much greater depth and degree.
I personally think that the case of Dr. Dan Burisch will continue to be misunderstood, until much later in time, as the truth of his silence finally hits home with people. Eventually, as people see the evidence of the truth of his testimony on tape and in his writings, they may wish to revisit the totality of the research data available on Dan's case (some of the archives are listed at the end of this letter) and begin to ask intelligent questions - not allowing themselves to be driven by the current brand of yellow journalism into judging Dan's life and professional career against a yardstick in the shape of a $ dollar sign.

"Letter from J regarding Dan Burisch"
It's actually odd that the beginning of the magazine should contain an excerpt from a profound letter first published on the GLP Forum. If Mr. Ecker had actually been researching this correctly, he probably would not have made the first glaring error in this issue. The world has NOT just received a new letter from J-Rod. As many people already know, J stands for a member of Majestic who is very highly placed. The assumption that J and J-Rod are the same thing is ludicrous.
Mr. Ecker ends the snip at the point where J stated that Hundreds of pages of information exist........ this is very true. Dan's case is probably the most well documented case in history. Lazar had little or nothing to prove his history in the field or his accomplishments. Certainly nobody went on record to say that they knew him while he was working on secret projects.......... but people ARE willing to do that when it comes to Dan Burisch - and they have done so in sworn and notarized affidavits.
People have also gone on the record with taped statements in their own words, explaining some of the incongruities associated with Dan's case. To say Dan's life is complex is the understatement of the century. It's a mess, but it is also real.
His association with Majestic is real. His work is real. His estrangement from his parents is real, even though it has nothing to do with his work in BlackOps. His bankruptcy is real. His work at S-4 is real. His writing about extraterrestrial biology is real. His amazing skill as a microbiologist, starting when he was 8 years old, under the mentorship of the chief pathologist at Long Beach Memorial, is real. His B.A in Psychology is real. His school ring, proclaiming his degree in biology (that kind of ring is not authorized until after the degree is completed) is real. His marriage to a highly placed member of Majestic with family ties running all the way back to Forrestal, is real. His injuries after being beating by somebody trying to stop him working on the Lotus project was all to painfully real. His inability to handle money is real. His Ph.D degree from SUNY is real, and it was REALLY erased, because I have it on affidavit from a man who personally got confirmation of his degree back in 1996! The degree was received by Dan's parents and framed - REAL! They swore to that on affidavit. The Ph.D degree was REALLY taken away by his wife (supposedly for safe keeping due to stresses in the parental home). She tells how she did it in her own words in an audio letter. REAL! All Dan ever had after that, was a photocopy of his Ph.D on the wall, but even that disappeared before he was shipped to Mississippi.
Oh, yea. His bosses were REALLY so pissed off at him, that they obliterated some of his memory concerning his work on Eagles Disobey, and moved him and the family lock stock and barrel to Mississippi. The conditioning didn't hold, and his memories came flooding back - again painfully real.
So, certainly there is a lot of dirt people could dig up on Dan if they were so inclined. Being a member of Majestic does not mean that your life suddenly becomes picture perfect. We don't have any perfect plastic people here - none need apply. You don't get brilliance from cookie-cutter cardboard cutouts or neat cryptic TV characters - you only get brilliance when you take the rest of the baggage that goes along with it.
Maybe that's why nobody has ever been able to figure out how we keep flying under the radar, and nobody has ever really noticed Majestic operations. It in plain sight, but nobody will believe it. But enough of this, it's time we took a look at some of the more glaring fabrications about Dr. Dan Burisch that graced the pages of UFO Magazine:
A Balding Little Guy?
So George writes in "And Now, the News" how he remembers clearly back in 1990 when Dan ("a balding little guy") sauntered up to him in a restroom at an "Earth Day forum" and introduced himself. That incident was pure fabrication. George Knapp created a random compilation of events with a splash of Joe Girouard-isms blended in for a splash of dazzle. (Joe was desperate to 'market' Dan on a lecture circuit, and he coined the catch-phrase quoted by George, as a joke. That's when Dan told him where to shove his speaking tour idea....... but that's a completely different incident) Back to George, and his description of Dan when he allegedly approached George in 1990.......... "a balding little guy".
I hate to break this to him, but I found a photo of Dan taken in 1990 in a big box of my stuff at the bottom of my files. The photo shows Dan wearing the blue jacket that he'd been sent by NASA after they agreed to accept his biological experiment proposal for a Mars mission. In that picture is the Dan that George should have described (if he weren't fabricating the encounter) showing that Dan was anything by bald; he had a full head of brown hair. That's right, a full head of hair! So, George gets caught right away in a fabrication.
I guess that in his enthusiasm to smear Dan he forgot about the fact that people don't have to take his word for everything. He forgot that there is a massive volume of data about Dan, much more than ever was present for Lazar (the one he thought was going to be his ticket into the 'big time').
This throws everything else George says about Dan into question, doesn't it.
ALF in a Bag...
What most people don't know is that I was present at the Hacienda, through most of the time of the Horizon's 1990 event. I was on loan there, from the main flagship property and I have some very vivid recollections about that convention. I first noticed it when the participants taking a break ( the convention room was almost directly across from my office area) and spill out into the shops, internal garden court, and fill the hallway down by the convention facilities, such as they were. (It was a small hotel.) As a result I took notice saw the list of speakers, and took an even greater interest. And I have some very clear memories of that event.
I am surprised that George does not recollect verbally ambushing Dan (who was introduced on the panel as Dr. Dan Crain) with evidence that he (Dr.Crain) had been working at Area 51 with alien tissues. (I suppose it wouldn't do George's smear campaign any good if it got out that he was really the one that aggressively pursued Dan for information - and not the other way around. It does George's ego good I guess to get people to believe that he was way up on a pedestal, and poor schmucks like Lazar and others were supplicating themselves for a little of George's attention. He'd like you to believe that Dan approached him the same way, when that's not the case. Even Deborah Burisch, in her own words described George hiding in the shadows at their apartment complex trying to get photos of Dan, and calling their home to try to elicit information.)
That day, at the Horizon's 1990 conference, George demanded that Dan come clean about what he was doing up at Area-51, and tell the world about the extraterrestrials there. (Remember, this was at about the same time as George was using his position at Channel 8 to heavily promote his investigations into Area 51, hiking to Freedom Ridge, interviewing people at Rachel, and poking relentlessly into what was really happening up at the Area.) He had a sheaf of papers, including some of Dan's handwritten notes made while working on tissue samples up at Area-51.
Deborah Burisch, Harry (her father), Doreen Crain (Dan´s mother) and John Crain (Dan´s father) were in the audience that day. Everybody stiffened up visibly. The big guys who had their hands crossed over their suit jackets and kept staring at Dan (security personnel) were poised on a knife-edge in case Dan said the wrong thing.
Dan diffused the situation (after pointedly telling George to look at the American Flag behind the panel - no-so-subtly reminding him that American interests were at stake, and Dan wasn't going to let George trample them in his haste for fame) by reaching down and pulling a stuffed toy ALF out of a paper bag, and telling George that 'here was the extraterrestrial proof' he wanted so badly.
Well, George never forgave Dan for turning the tables on him that day. I think it's clear from his venomous article in UFO Magazine that he has carried his grudge against Dan for 14 long years. My God, it's sad to see what George has been reduced to..... a name-calling, shell of the investigative reporter that once was respected in this community. What happened to the unbiased, respected, investigative journalist? It's a shame what can happen when bitterness, and self recrimination for lost-opportunities eats away at a person.
It's called hypocholorite - and you don't use it for cleaning clothes!
Ok, so inbetween explaining why he never really bothered to investigate Dan's case in the 14 years that he had the chance to - George makes a rather telling comment: He says, " ....Crain's missives contained some scientific mumbo-jumbo that I didn't understand...".
Great - a shred of honesty. So, knowing his own limits, George asked Linda Moulton Howe to take Dan's writings to a biologist friend of hers for evaluation. That evaluator said that the author (Dan) knew what he was talking about.
Now, fast forward to today. George has admitted that he has done no research on Dan's case, yet he claims to have the answer to Dan's research - he says it has to be Clorox bleach!
Really? Let's go back to Dan's experience in England with Dr. Bunyan. For those who don't know, Dr. John Bunyan was the inventor of the burn bag used from WWII through conflicts in the Falklands (1982) and into today - a treatment that helped save so many injured soldiers. He also pioneered modern work with hypochlorite.

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Hypochlorite has been used to treat blistered skin from burns for years: The basic solution is called Dakin's solution and is composed of a dilute hypochlorite solution (1:10 strength Clorox) mixed with a little boric acid and is a viable way of dealing with damaged tissues while preserving and reducing pain from the live tissues, since hypochlorous acid is produced in wounds by white blood cells.

Dan's one-time mentor, Bunyan [in The Use of Hypochlorite For The Control of Bleeding, Oral Surgery, v. 13, 1960, pp. 1026-1032] reported that rinsing with 0.2% hypochlorite solution stops postoperative bleeding within 1 minute, but oops, according to the infinite wisdom of George Knapp, hypochlorite can't be used to help anybody - it's a just cleaning product.
(Y'know, if it was a hundred years ago, George would probably be shouting from a soap-box that you can't use the Nightshade plant to calm heart arrhythmia's - but wait, isn't that exactly what they now use the active ingredient in nightshade for (digoxin) saving the lives of heart patients! )

cont. from above ..

Dr. Bunyan explained to a young Danny Crain that he felt the production of chloramine during the healing process of a burn, promoted by hypochlorite, would also have promise on malignant tumors.
That's why the L.A. Microscopical Society put the two of them together, so Dan and Dr. Bunyan could talk. During that conversation, the subject of Dan's original work involving the use of varying sodium chloride (saline solutions) solutions to stimulate the production of two very specific chemicals by cells involved in the immune response - and how those chemicals (superoxide and singlet oxygen) were related to the respiratory burst process and coincidentally to minute amounts of hypochlorite that are naturally produced in immune cell vacuoles. Hypochlorite again.
That was where Dan and Bunyan found the common ground in their research: Dan was almost immediately sent to England to work personally with Bunyan, and it was Dan who brought the chemical percentages and ratios of the hypochlorite down into line so that the substance could be used directly on living tissue without doing damage.
But of course, George Knapp, who never bothered to research anything about Dan in those 14 years that he had the chance, wouldn't know that.
Then, he tries to suggest that Dan's professors were appalled by his research into hypochlorite, thereby causing the schism between Dan and the biology professors at UNLV.
How appalled could they have been, when they knowingly supervised his work and allowed him virtually unlimited research subject materials, which were rather carefully dispensed by the university. It's not as though anybody in the biology department were unaware that Dan was working on a hypochlorite; superoxide; singlet oxygen paradigm - they were following his research closely.
It was no secret what Dan was working on - the UNLV school paper picked up on his research and local TV news were planning to do a story about it (a story which came as a surprise to Dan) - so right George, that's gotta be it........the professors suddenly found out he was working with hypochlorite and reared back in sudden shock and disbelief - and sent him packing to the Psychology department, which (by the way) offered him carte blanche in their research department!
What shocked and appalled his professors was the fact that Dan showed more professional ethics than they had. That is what offended their sensibilities; that is what they could not fathom, and that is what they could not allow to get out to the public - the fact that Dan's ethics was about to shine a great big spotlight on their own lack thereof. The minute Dan refused to knuckle-under to their demands he threatened to expose their own lack of professionalism and ethics, and that was something that they could not tolerate from a 'mere' student.
The professor involved was the very one who had previously been involved in the rushed and botched clinical trials of another cancer drug (laetrile) and was desperately seeking a chance to redeem himself by standing on the shoulders of a young genius. Dan refused to permit his research results to be changed for financial gain, slammed his keys down on the professor's desk, and said "I won't the be the father of another Laetrile".
What did Dan mean by that?
Well, if you take a moment to look up the UCCSN board of Regent's Meeting Minutes for September 16-17, 1977 (Home - NSHE) you will find a clue in the censure of one Professor L. S. According to that report, which concerned university research on this particular professor's previous pet project 'laetrile' it seems that material and money were being funneled into that university research program inappropriately. As long as that stopped the professor would be allowed to continue his research. But this is not good, by any standard of ethical behavior. And this is what Dan refused to buy-into.
Laetrile was eventually banned by the FDA because of the great risks posed from it's component chemistry, and the potential for it to poison the patients. Dan knew the history associated with that particular professor, and he refused to have himself or his research involved in any kind of improper activity. Dan's professor - 'the laetrile guy' flew into a fury and vowed to derail Dan's chances of ever becoming a doctor.
But George, who admits that all the scientific mumbo-jumbo was beyond him, would probably not have researched this either, preferring call Dan a 'goofball, secret-spilling, tall-tale-telling, manipulative, egocentric, phony baloney".
It's so much easier to do that, than to do any real research.
If nobody bothered to research why did Channel 8 repeatedly refer to Dan as Dr. Crain. Why did they put up the words beneath Dan's picture and video report immediately before the Horizon's 1990 event? Why did they refer to Dan as a Space Scientist, if they had not checked with NASA to determine the validity of his work and the fact that NASA accepted his experiment for an upcoming Mars mission. Why did they choose to honor him with the Straight from the Hart Award on television (produced and aired on Channel 8) So why didn't George (who at the time was still a respected news anchor) make it his business to find out anything about Dr. Dan Crain?
Is it George's policy to leave the station he works for handing out to dry, when as an investigative reporter, he should be using his skills to protect his employer from any difficulties that might come about if they refer publicly to a man as Dr. without first verifying his credentials? If he didn't do it, somebody in their research department had to, just for liability issues.
Of course they had verified him. No self respecting news station would fail to verify him. And Channel 8 repeatedly announced Dan as Dr. Crain with complete confidence.
It wasn't hard for a co-worker and friend of Dan's to check on his background when they were considering going into the CPR business together. He had no trouble getting SUNY to confirm Dan's Ph.D in 1996. So how hard would it have been for George or the Channel 8 team to make the effort, when their professional reputations were at stake, not to mention the liability to the station itself for publicly saying that Dan is a Dr., if they were not sure it was true.

Using Dr. Burisch's Parents as a Trump Card

And George tries to pull out the sympathy card, in the person of Dan's parents John and Doreen Crain, figuring that anybody hearing the distress in their voices when talking about their estrangement from their son would cause a knee-jerk reaction in the reading audience.
Well, what George doesn't say is that there has been a long history of trouble in that family. relationship, and Dan finally had enough. How do I know? How do I dare say that? Well, I love Dan's parents dearly, but I also remember the night that Dan's mother came across the casino floor at the Aladdin Hotel, furious at her son, balled up her fist and hit him across the face as hard as she possibly could. She hit him so hard, that she fell off balance, knocked me off my chair, injuring my shoulder. Dan's face swelled up like a football from the impact, but he never moved an inch. He never raised a hand to defend himself. The next day, and for several days after that, Dan's mother (a coworker at the time) bragged about what she had done, claiming that it was her right to do that and she'd do it again in a heartbeat.
That's when I began to realize that Dan's reasons were not for me to judge. And I don't think that anybody has the right to drag another person's private life into question to try to pressure him into submitting to their inquisition.

This Just In: UFO Community adopts "Financial Standard" for Judging Integrity
Since when has the UFO community held up a dollar sign as a yard-stick to measure the value of a person's experience in the field, or eye-witness testimony. According to Jerred Schenk, the real-estate reporter who tried to slander me to Linda Moulton Howe using fictitious criminal information he gleaned through negligent investigations, if Dan can't qualify to buy a house, he has no worth to anybody, and his experiences and first hand knowledge should be disregarded. And this is the guy who thinks he can erupt on the UFO community scene as the next greatest thing in cutting edge journalism? He can't even research his facts correctly? And he suggests that Dan, while discussing his personal experiences at S-4 should say, 'oh by the way, I went through a bankruptcy........so you probably should judge everything I say in light of that!' Nobody wants to talk about personal matters, especially financial ones, that are frankly none of anybody's business, because they had nothing to do with the matters that were being discussed at the time.
Donald Trump filed bankruptcy. Does that make him any less of a professional in his field?
Rembrandt Haremenszoon Van Rijn, the famous Dutch master painter filed for bankruptcy in 1656 - does that mean that we don't respect his talent, and expertise in his field....just because he couldn't handle money well?
Who else has filed bankruptcy?
Milton Hershey, of candy bar fame.........
Wayne Newton,
John Connally,
Kim Bassinger,
Mark Twain,
and even Thomas Jefferson (he filed several).
.......but none of them are Majestic people? Right?
Well, what about Bob Lazar?
Try going to Microsoft SkyDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Web Apps. where you can read about Lazar, now years after he went public.
The article cites the Lazar timeline.... " 1982: Opened "Jet Photo Processing", Met Dr. Edward Teller at a lecture in Los Alamos, 1986: Filed for bankruptcy? (A scientist - what?)"
Isn't it interesting to see tactics being repeated.
For those wondering why majestic didn't step in and prevent Dan filing bankruptcy - look at the Lazar case. There is a perfect example of Majestic refusing to get involved with the private lives of their scientists as far back as 1986. The did not micromanage Lazar while he was actively working for them, or prevent him filing bankruptcy. His life was his to handle, good and bad aspects.
So leave it to the UFO community to think it's suddenly appropriate to drag a man's personal life out into a public forum as a means to discredit his professional work. How many of you reading this would be willing to come forward like Dan did, only to have your own private life exposed to the public like this? Does having difficulty with family, or finances mean that you couldn't do good work in your professional life?
If the UFO community has truly bought into this 'dollar-sign' measurement tool, then you need to apply it evenly, across the board. The poor farmers in Brazil who see a UFO should be made to submit to a financial analysis, and background investigation before anybody even bothers to listen to their experiences. Never mind that they saw something with their own eyes, like Dan did at S-4. Never mind that they remember their experiences with aliens, like Dan did when he was in the Clean Sphere. Dan was even confirmed being at S-4 by Tom Mack before his unfortunate death in 1999 which proves his position - and yet you go, wanting more, more and more. If you take the word of an illiterate goatherd in Mexico, you should take the word of anybody who is willing to share their experiences. If you demand a background investigation, polygraph, or financial spread sheet on Dan, then you damned well better get on on every person who has ever told the story of their abduction, or just throw out all the testimony from every witness that has ever come forward as 'not measuring up to standards'. Kiss C2C goodbye, because there won't be a single soul who could measure up to the standards you set for Dan, so there won't be anybody to interview. Forget all the books about cattle mutilations and crop circles, because the ranchers and farmers will tell you to get lost if you question their integrity the way you are questioning Dan's integrity.
We have much more proof of Dan's work than any other person who has ever tried to come forward, in history. That's much more than we can say for the poor witnesses in third world countries, or even the backwaters of rural America. But that's not enough for the people lining up to throw stones at Dan for having the courage to come forward with what he knows.
But, wait. I forgot. That's not what the publishers of UFO Magazine want. The last thing they want is for their readership to think for themselves; to actually go to the source material and read Dan's work directly so they can make up their own minds. That's why they got people like Knapp and others to sling mud, hurl epithets and verbal abuse upon the personal and professional life of Dr. Dan Burisch. Why were they so desperate for people to hand their free will and God given right to make up their own minds so they could twist them with yellow journalism? If Dan was not the real thing why bother to mount this smear campaign against the man? If his work wasn't important enough to sway their readership away from the dancing rubber aliens they love to feature, nobody would be afraid to let his work stand or fall on its own merit.

When You Can't Attack the Science, Attack the People!
But it's not enough to try to discredit Dr. Burisch, there seems to be a well orchestrated campaign to go after anybody who has ever supported Dan Burisch.
Look at the case of Dr. Michael Salla. Dr. Salla was interviewed on Coast to Coast August 3rd 2004, and when questioned about his opinion of Dr. Dan Burisch's case, he said point blank to Noory that his opinion had not changed one bit, and that he still

cont. from above ..

considered Dan to be the real thing. His opinion is based upon his extended reading of Dan's work. Dr. Salla wrote to Dr. Burisch before his retirement date, and said this:
"You are not doubt aware of the way in which information about your experiences has been allowed to leak out to the general public, and in the way in which you have been allowed to be interviewed by phone and in person by individuals outside of the compartmentalized network of black projects. This is quite unique and I have never heard of any other case where this has occurred, and suggests that you are indeed the subject of an `insider´ supported initiative to disclose the extraterrestrial presence on terms that might be considered to be favorable to the Committee of the Majority. One can read many motivations into this but what I see is that this as an
effort by the Committee to legitimate the historic decisions they have taken to work with the J-Rods, and establish agreements based on mutually beneficial projects. "
August 4, 2004, it was announced that DR. MICHAEL SALLA is BEING FIRED FROM THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY. The article goes on to say that "Salla himself has faced censure, with the planned termination of his position as an academic at the American University in Washington D.C., due to his extracurricular interests in ET phenomena. Those who question the loss of his position due to his scholarly investigations into matters the public is highly interested in, may write to American Univ. President, Benjamin Ladner ([email protected])"
Strange that Dr. Salla is facing professional censure after going on record twice as a Dr. Dan Burisch supporter? Does anybody honestly think that Benjamin Ladner, the President of the American University is going to be interested in anything that the UFO community has to say about his decision to fire Dr. Salla?
Who Are They Going To Attack Next?
Dave Wilcocks? He wrote to Dr. Burisch before the date of his manditory retirement, and said in part ".....I am certain that YOU are telling the truth as you have heard it. I am perfectly willing to go up to bat for you regarding that point......... [and] From a relatively small number of private sources, I have heard a great deal of information that comes from deep levels and conforms BEAUTIFULLY with what you have said about the DCTP..........I have read every word you’ve written and those who follow your work will benefit greatly from the synergy that it provides with what was already done. ..You have my congratulations for your bravery and dedication to what you believe in..... "
What about Dr. Kit Green?
In a message dated February 2, 2004, Dr. Kit Green said: "It would be foolish for me to ask about a specific area of molecular biology in which I am not as advanced as is he (Dan): his writings on profound biochemical and genetic postulates are beyond my single medical school course in pathophysiology......"

Tom Mack?
Tom Mack, who wrote a letter to Rick (Richard Doty) on February 20, 1999, identified Dan from S-4, where he said: "I knew Captain Danny Crain. However, I think he was in DIA. Project Aquarius, R-4800, was the specific program we operated under. Papoose Site 4 was the location."
He also confirmed the oversight of Majestic 12 by saying: "Cosmic-Magic was a caveat for our program. Majestic 12 was the category of classification."
Tom Mack died later in 1999, but his was the first confirmation in writing that Dr. Danny Crain (Dan Burisch, Ph.D) was employed at S-4. His letter has stood the test of time, although today, as the UFO community has become their own source of unrealistic demands for proof, proof and even more proof, people have had to start filing affidavits.
What Are They Going To Do About the Affidavits?
There are now, currently on file affidavits from the following sources:
Doreen Crain (Dan's mother) who affirms that Dan did receive his Ph.D degree certificate, in a mailing tube which arrived at the family residence in 1990. She further affirms that she handled it personally, and had it framed and mounted in Dan's room (he was still residing at the family residence). She continues to state that Deborah Burisch removed it from the wall of his room and took it away. [She was very upset by this, although Dan was not, since he and Deborah were already married.]
Robert Byrd (Dan's friend and former co-worker) who affirms that when he and Dan were contemplating setting up a CPR training business together, he would not move forward until he had personally confirmed Dan's Ph.D from SUNY. He affirms that he called SUNY Stony Brook personally, and spoke to a woman at the Registrar's Department who confirmed that Dan Crain had earned his Ph.D in 1989.
Drew Spangler Mr. Spangler has affirmed that he personally saw Dr. Crain when he was working up at Groom Lake as a supervisor of custodial workers. His work caused him to be frequently in the underground labs, common areas, food areas and residential areas where he clearly remembers seeing Dr. Crain (Burisch).
Plus, there are taped statements from Deborah Burisch. The most revealing of which expressly tells how she removed his original Ph.D degree certificate from his wall. Anyone can listen to her tell what happened in her own words by going to the archives at the end of this letter. It's all on file. She also talks about the bankruptcy, with great arrogance, I might add.

When You KNOW he Can't Respond, Issue a Challenge
The Trembling Orgasmatron (polygraph) - it's called Grandstanding.....
1) Why does Noory issue a challenge to Dr. Burisch, when Linda Moulton Howe already told him point blank that nobody can reach Dan now that he has gone into manditory retirement. He issues it by painting Linda into a corner on live radio, and the reiterates the stupidity in his article in UFO Magazine. I say stupidity, because on the Coast to Coast website - his own website for God sakes - he posted an article detailing why polygraphs were totally useless and completely unreliable.
2) It doesn't matter who administers the test, they just don't work. If there relay were a box that could tell us when somebody was lying, it would be used in courts just like DNA evidence. But there is nothing of the kind, and COURTS WILL NOT ALLOW POLYGRAPH DATA because they know it can not be trusted.
3) Did I mention that Noory is blissfully unaware of the article damning the polygraph that was posted on his own website? So why (other than for the sake of publicity) would he suggest such a stupid thing.
4) And think about the timing. He starts calling for this challenge, three days after he knows that Dan can't possibly respond. What courage.
But alright, suspending the knowledge that Noory is showboating here - and assuming that the UFO community has bought in to the validity of polygraph testing (I guess too many people believe what they see on the Maury show), then you'd better get busy. You've got a lot of work to do......There are a lot of people you haven't got polygraph test readings on...... if this is the new standard. Start by testing everybody who has ever come forward as an abductee. See how many can pass a polygraph. Throw out the rest, even though they are telling the truth. (Polygraph testing equipment itself is enough to elicit horrible systemic reactions in some people, and it won't matter a bit if they tell the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth - their reading will be sprawled all over the page. I know, because it happened to me like that once on a polygraph test I took for work. I told them my name, eye color, height, all the basic 'true' questions to set a baseline (all verifiable by the way), and every single one went off the page because I was so freaked out just being hooked up to that thing...... but sure, go ahead, believe they are accurate.)
Next, go back through every book that's been written over the last say 5 years, and get every single name of every single witness that saw lights in the sky, and strange sights or smells. And don't forget the farmers who had crop glyphs appear in their fields but don't know how or why (they might have hoaxed them, after all), every illiterate rancher in South America who came forward to be interviewed.
Polygraph all of them, or pull their testimony. It's one or the other - you can't have it both ways. You can't be party to demanding a polygraph test from Dr. Burisch, and not demand the same thing from everybody else who has ever come forward.
That would really put a crimp into the guest list for Coast to Coast. Imagine, if they tried to apply the same standards they are demanding of Dr. Burisch to all their guests. There's be nobody left to interview! Coast to Coast would be off the air in a month.
If won't even consider the merit of Dr. Burisch's case unless he submits to a polygraph, then you had better not listen to the farmers in third world countries who saw lights in the sky, and strange creatures in the forest or jungles. And while you're at it, you'd better get busy on those financial and background record checks on all the people that Linda interviews for her Earthfiles site, and all her books. And all the other authors who publish the information they have gathered from eye witnesses. Every word is suspect, unless they have submitted to a polygraph test, right? Well, if not, then why single out Dr. Burisch. He is an eye witness to what went on at S-4 (where he was confirmed by Tom Mack, and most recently confirmed at Groom Lake by another independent source) and an eye witness to his interaction with the J-Rod in the Clean Sphere.
An eye witness is an eye witness............. what is applied to one should be applied to all, or you are supporting discrimination against selected people for the sake of ratings, publicity, listener-base, subscriber-base, showboating, grandstanding..........you take your pick.

Follow the Money
It might look coincidental but I have come to understand that things like this are usually being orchestrated from behind the scenes. So what is driving the UFO Magazine to devote about two thirds of their latest issue to the Dr. Dan Burisch case, when they clearly are attempting to hold Dan up to ridicule. Why is Dan's case important enough to warrant this much effort? What's in it for them?
You don't have to look too far to find your answer. Just follow the money. In this case, look at the money trail of the UFO Magazine's recent deal with Platinum Studios and Fog productions. We're talking about serious money, with Platinum sealing the deal to market and and all the major stories and cases that UFO Magazine has researched in their long history. Why? Well, because they saw the success of Men In Black, and are itching to make another blockbuster for film, TV and even videogame release? So, now, it makes much more sense why UFO Magazine has devoted so much of their magazine to Dr. Dan Burisch - they actually see him as their big break - their meal ticket following in the footsteps of Men in Black. That's why they went out of their way to make Dan Burisch's case the single largest case in the history of the magazine. Sure, they are drooling at the prospect of marketing Dan's case in movie form, or book form; action set inside S-4 with a cast of scientists and time-traveling aliens? Think it might sell tickets on the wide screen? What about a videogame in time for Christmas? Well, Ecker and company have got all the bases covered so they can get every dime out of Dan's case funneled into their waiting pockets.
Let's face it, if they didn't think Dan's work was important, they would have left it alone to die an obscure death by apathy; they would not have bothered to devote the majority of their magazine issue to him, with articles from every negative name-caller and wanna-be investigative reporter or politician with an ax to grind against Dan for refusing to march to the beat of their individual agenda.
If it sells more magazine copies, and gets more attention it ultimately translates into more money in their pockets and to hell with any real investigation of the case. To hell with everything except getting the most out of their new deal!
Maybe that's why they are so quick to call for every nook and cranny of Dan's financial and personal life to be put on public display. Not only will it call attention away from the serious consideration of his professional work, but it will keep people occupied, so that nobody will demand a similar display of financial or background information on them - and their sweet little deal can remain in the shadows, just making them richer and richer.

It doesn't matter that their attacks on Dr. Burisch have most probably ruined any chance of anybody else ever coming forward to tell what they have seen up there. They have what they wanted; the most compelling, and best documented case ever made public about Area-51, S-4, aliens, and all the other cover-up issues that drive subscriptions. And with this new deal, they probably feel confident that they are sitting on another blockbuster, waiting to make them all - Ecker, Birnes, Noory, Knapp, and the slew of others slobbering at the trough, rich.
It's all about the money. Their money - the gobs of it that they stand to make off Dan's case.
Dan will never see a penny from any of his work, nor would he ever accept any. Dan has never wanted anything for his work. He was content knowing that the public would have a chance to consider the information and decide for themselves. That's all that ever mattered. Then the spin doctors like Ecker, Birnes, Noory, Bell or Knapp smelled money, knew he had gone into mandatory retirement figured it was safe for them to start their campaign.

If this is how the UFO community treats somebody like Dan, who has shown the courage necessary to step forward and tell you all what he saw and experienced, then you have effectively killed off any chance that another person will risk coming forward.

cont. from above ..

BlackOps doesn't need to lift a finger to prevent disclosure - you are doing it for them. But the real irony of this situation is that the UFO community had Disclosure in their hands, in the case of Dan Burisch, Ph.D, and botched it.
Majestic was watching every move you made to decide if it was time; if disclosure could be moved forward. Many in Majestic honestly love Dan Burisch, and have put their thoughts into words on several occasions.
Dan Burisch is above all a human being. He's just like you or me. He was born in a California hospital, on Groundhog Day in 1964, a little boy was born having no idea of where destiny would place him. The baby had no idea, could not even conceive of the possibility that he would later do world changing work in an A/TS facility under a dry lake bed named papoose. (Yes, I am quoting here. I can't say who, but he is highly placed in the Majestic hierarchy and loves Dan very much)His early years were sublime, then came the events that would set him forever on the path of history. He was so hungry just to play with his Planet of the Apes’ action figures and his baseball; then was flung into the whirlwinds of global pressures and future human history. The actions figures were soon replaced by figures of another kind: mentors and individuals of military, scientific and political prominence. His baseball was given over for microscopes, chemicals, and texts. Doors were opened at just the right time for him to be given the ultimate in free will decisions. He made them, as any human being would have to make a decision. He was given no other choice but to decide one way or the other. As his education increased, so did his abilities, exponentially. His strong mettle challenged those around him and even made many very defensive as they struggled to accept a person not willing to compromise. The society that finally accepted him as a member worked diligently to orient his placement in such a way to make him happy while receiving back the fruits of his brilliance. That orientation is ongoing even today. So is his brilliance. Forces that he could not have predicted placed him into a possible disclosure scenario. He strained under the pressures, but didn’t wilt, nor did he break. Now his place is set and he accepted the burden of silence with his same true spirit: for the right reason.
And Now, the part of J's Letter that UFO Magazine didn't want you to read....
Ironic that Ecker should publish the first few lines of another letter, one written by "J" - No, not J-Rod - "J" is the designation for one of the highest ranking members of Majestic.
The essence of that message was directed to all the members of the UFO community, and any reading his words......... his message was this: You all had an Opportunity for Disclosure, but you Lost it. You lost it through your own actions as exemplified through the actions of UFO Magazine and their contributors who foisted fabrications, skewed information and blatant "misreads of his complicated life and honest loving decisions, and holding up his checkbook." to the public instead of an honest, unbiased piece of decent reporting. But don't take my word for it, read the full letter yourself:

"To the children here reading,
You have been witness to a truth, a truth that shall be called otherwise by those whose destiny is more simple than others. True enough this man is a hoax to them, as their world view will not grasp otherwise. In finality they used all that they had left and soon the man who started the pressing at my boy will hold up his and those of his ilk´s best banner against him: their love of money and their dependence on your also believing in such societal rules. Hundreds of pages of information exist, including verified documents, eyewitness reports of confirmation, his work that could be studied, and direct encounters that have resulted in many feelings about him as a man. That will be given over to derision soon, to the fools of the time. He was informed that this would happen, in 2000.
He smiled at me and said, "Okay." He knows the purpose for which he was called. Those close to him and those in power have accurately said "bread and circuses now". Discussion around my boy lately has been subdued for his health. He will not know all he is to be called. He will not read the articles destined for a magazine that headlines, "Alien Ghost at Roswell" or some other nonsense tabloid spew, nor ever have to deal with the equally nonsensical tabloid headers Arthur Bell, George Noory, George Knapp, and some guys called William Birnes and Donald Ecker. The tabloid rag offered by Mr. Noory and the last two names have promised the complete story of my boy.
They offer this by showing a rubber monster for a science fiction movie on the cover, speaking to some of our information releases, misreads of his complicated life and honest loving decisions, and holding up his checkbook. They should know that it was that response that damned the entire community from our moving forward. They have written their check and we have determined that they are representing insufficient funds to move forward. I doubt they have the capacity to wrap their minds around that.
My boy does not need to know anymore about this.
Years before many of you were born a decision was made to set a test before the public, in defiance of the prognostications of the famous Brookings Institution report of 1960. That test, using a man with simple brilliance, was carried out.
In 1971, a decision was carried to use my boy in this effort. I had no idea at the time that he was to be much more than I knew at the time. He was to encounter another child under extreme circumstances and my boy would only live on through him. I have known the person as my child ever since.
The ball was put in motion in 1975 when he first began to show brilliance with a microscope. Powers decided at that time to offer two roads, in a test of his mettle. He chose the difficult road. He chose the only right road. Some of the greater truth was showed to him and his simplicity of heart and love of people drove him forward toward them.
We of the smaller group have felt too that this community was not necessarily the best to offer this test of human immunity against disillusionment. It was determined the only contiguous community now available, set apart from the bars of the Brookings Institution´s findings. Given the great proximity to the time of changes, it was the only course we could attempt out of respect for people that have so long yelled for truth.
The power plays that happened prior to his success with the model and ultimate retirement ultimately wore him down too. But he survived. Some of his work has insured that you will too. Laugh at his name at your own moral expense. He prays for every one of you daily, anyway.
It remains my hope that one day another offer will be made to the public. Maybe they will then show that they can grasp what is before them. Or, maybe they will fail again. Only time will tell us.
I hope that this letter has reached each of you in good health and that you remain so for many years of happiness. The time has come for me to go, and so you will also be returned to the reaction that has driven our decision to step back instead of forward: outright dismissal, entertainment value headlines, the hoaxed-truth boxes of the recent Century, mocking, moving cartoons as responses instead of human value, and self aggrandizement. In my deepest heart, I pray for each person here.

Concluding Thoughts
I can say no more here. If any of you wish to read the original materials written by Dr. Burisch, see his photographs, learn more about his life from people with first hand knowledge, see his art, and begin to understand the complexities of the Lotus project, you are welcome to visit any of the following archives.
I wish you God's Blessings on what ever you choose to do with your lives. Life is a great gift and an even greater responsibility. Use yours well.

Marcia McDowell, M.A.
Operations Director, Project Lotus

Archive Information:
Orgonite Cloudbuster Construction Video
Mystery S-4 Scientist Dr. Dan Burisch Is Alive!
Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch - Beginning To End
::: The Mystery of Dr. Burisch ::: The Saga continues... : Home
Dr. Dan Burisch Area 51
Unexplained Structures on Mars - Home
Unexplained Structures on Mars - Home

Okay, I hope you all are now ... informed ... we have a real Prince in our midst!

As you can see from the links above, some of those links are now dead and a number are still active. The above was from 2004 .. about 8 or 9 years ago.

Back when my wife Vicki and I were publishing UFO Magazine we dealt with the "Burisch saga" several times. If interested in this fraudulent clown .. here is what they were sending out after we ran some info on him.


Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 17:33:03 -0700 (PDT) From:"OPSCI" <[email protected]>
Add to Address Book Subject: Reply to UFO Magazine smear-tactics against Dr. Dan Burisch To:[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

To everyone,

I have been given the authorization to respond to the allegations, blatant untruths and fabrications about Dr. Dan Burisch contained within several articles recently published in the UFO Magazine.

I was allowed to speak directly to certain members of the public and put forth much of my personal memory and collected documentation as I could concerning the events of Dan's life. So, I have placed photo evidence and textual information from my memory on file with a number of people, in a number of places for research purposes. There will be many who persist in trying to damage Dan's reputation for their own personal agenda; some are driven by bitterness and a sense of failure in their own careers (perhaps having missed the boat when they had the chance to investigate) while others are simply motivated by greed and avarice (viewing Dan's case as a way to boost subscription revenues or attract a larger listener base). Each person is different. What I do know for sure, is that there are very few people who will look long enough at the difficult and complex nature of the facts, micrographs, testimony, documents and other evidence that has been gathered over the years, to understand even a fraction of the depth and true value of the material available to you all.

Too many people who claim to be investigators are simply waiting to have the package all neatly sewn up for them, and presented to them on a silver platter. Like anything worth having, the truth about most things is not served up in easy to understand clips and soundbytes. It takes hard work, time, patience, and perseverance to reach a level of understanding. Many are not able to do so at all. Some get bits and pieces of it, and think they have the whole picture. While others are willing to make the effort, grow personally and learn to a much greater depth and degree.

I personally think that the case of Dr. Dan Burisch will continue to be misunderstood, until much later in time, as the truth of his silence finally hits home with people. Eventually, as people see the evidence of the truth of his testimony on tape and in his writings, they may wish to revisit the totality of the research data available on Dan's case (some of the archives are listed at the end of this letter) and begin to ask intelligent questions - not allowing themselves to be driven by the current brand of yellow journalism into judging Dan's life and professional career against a yardstick in the shape of a $ dollar sign.

I find the above quoted really interesting, it sounds so similar to things said by the American representative of another blatant hoax, the Billy Meier case. "It takes hard work, time, patience, and perseverance to reach a level of understanding." In other words, if you don't buy the reality of this case, you either haven't done your due diligence or you're ignorant. You can see the same dismissal tactics employed in hoax after hoax, it's really quite comical.
Come on guys, where is the love, he is in charge of MJ12 and spends his days ensuring the survival of our species.

His website, Eagles Disobey, has been updated and contains a "transcript" of Dr. Dan (I guess he is back to his old name of Crain) addressing members of Congress on the Bengazi attacks!

"Welcome to the middle of a discussion and statements between Dr. Dan Crain (1) and "certain Congressional Members" on Capitol Hill within that last 18 hours. "


I'm in the middle of various depressing family matters and you made me laugh out loud with this post, THANK YOU. Where is the love, indeed, for a real-life superhero like this?
He even looks the part!

Mr. Decker: My sympathies for the crap you have to put up with. No sh*t. I can imagine that what you uploaded here was only the half. Cheers, Rizla.
Rizla, unfortunately I could make your day a whole lot brighter if I could post some of the OLD Dan Burisch videos, however he has since removed them from Youtube. In fact, one had him firing a rickety old hand-gun in the dark and the captions on the screen said,

"Dr. Dan, on the ground in Libya fighting opposition forces"

For about a week a couple years ago, Dan Burish published his "kill list"on his website. This list listed all of the people Dan killed in battle undergoing special operation missions. At one point, he was supposedly dropped and lost behind enemy lines in Iraq. The caption said he had to use his vast hand-t0-hand combat skills to fight his way back to the green zone. If you can you even imagine the short, stubby, unathletic, balding doctor, who walks with a cane, fighting off jihadist behind enemy lines in Iraq?

Look at this "official" picture complete with "official" agent number, high end blue and white striped logo in the top right hand corner and awesome photoshopped black border. If this does not SCREAM legit government operative, then I am not sure what does


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Reminds me of a picture someone posted here a long time ago with some crusty old lady who was a supporter of "Dr." Dan holding a regular old handgun in a plastic bag and the caption said something about Dan fighting for the rights of women and children in a foreign country. I'll have to go to Google images and see if I can dig it up...

Here we go:


OooOoo, how intimidating. A balding overweight probation officer with a crappy gun, I'm sure those automatic weapon toting Jihadis were quaking in their boots. I think they'd be a lot more frightened if they sent the old bag from this picture, she sure gives me the creeps.
WL09, wow, he even has a cell phone! He's the real deal, people are calling him!

As Gore Vidal said, out of context: They say there are no second acts in American political careers. Nonsense. What's lacking are decent codas!

Oh, and Dr. Dan knows how to handle firearms... Please. For all his lofty talk of kindness and so on (yes, I'm crazy enough to watch his vids for entertainment, sad, truly sad), he's a hardened killer Rambo USA hero. The thing that entertains me: I couldn't make this crap up. Someone must have saved those priceless "removed" videos... or maybe not. This is the fringe de la fringe. That photo of the good doctor gave me a happy glow that's only now vanishing.

Edit: Your comment about Dan's "hand to hand combat skills" was much appreciated.
Reminds me of a picture someone posted here a long time ago with some crusty old lady who was a supporter of "Dr." Dan holding a regular old handgun in a plastic bag and the caption said something about Dan fighting for the rights of women and children in a foreign country. I'll have to go to Google images and see if I can dig it up...

Here we go:


OooOoo, how intimidating. A balding overweight probation officer with a crappy gun, I'm sure those automatic weapon toting Jihadis were quaking in their boots. I think they'd be a lot more frightened if they sent the old bag from this picture, she sure gives me the creeps.

Fantastic Find!

Man, I wish I had saved some of the earlier videos. If I remember correctly he had one where he was walking with is wife down a sidewalk and he was secretly taping their conversation. He was explaining to her how he just got off the phone with Obama, and he explained that the President was now fully briefed about some world event that Dr. Dan was spearheading. Another video had Dr. Dan and Marci going to pick up their teenage daughter who apparently wanted to move in with him. The whole video was setup like a military extraction, complete with kevlar jackets and maps of the area. You simply can't make this stuff up.