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David Adair - Rocket Scientist Claims He Touched Living UFO at Area 51

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I had a quick look around the net, there seems to be nothing, or nobody, that could corroborate his story. No professional affiliations... Has anybody at least checked out the newspaper clippings he uses..?

However, his is an interesting story. Some of the peripheral information is pretty correct, and makes sense. But the idea that a 17 year old can build a rocket that nobody else has ever been able to reproduce... That's rich.

musictomyears said:
I had a quick look around the net, there seems to be nothing, or nobody, that could corroborate his story. No professional affiliations... Has anybody at least checked out the newspaper clippings he uses..?

However, his is an interesting story. Some of the peripheral information is pretty correct, and makes sense. But the idea that a 17 year old can build a rocket that nobody else has ever been able to reproduce... That's rich.


i think its all that funky. so how can i contact david adair?
At about 25:00 in the video he makes the claim that, as a teenager, in July 1969, he met Stephen Hawking at Ohio State University and corrected his math. He then claims Hawking acknowledged him as a "brother" because they both received their math skillz through dreams. Surely Hawking will vouch for his bro....or is Hawking part of the coverup as well?
dorkbot said:
At about 25:00 in the video he makes the claim that, as a teenager, in July 1969, he met Stephen Hawking at Ohio State University and corrected his math. He then claims Hawking acknowledged him as a "brother" because they both received their math skillz through dreams. Surely Hawking will vouch for his bro....or is Hawking part of the coverup as well?

can you find this out for us?
Miah said:
Anyone have info on whether this guy is bunk or not? Entertaining story if nothing else.

Thank you! I posted a question awhile back about him. I had forgotten his name, and hoped someone could remind me of it.

Basically, his case is like Burisch's, minus the damning evidence. It's mostly, if not completely anecdotal.

I had a few problems with his story, but will need to review his case again in order to be precise on the details.

I don't hear much about him these days. Hopefully new developments have occurred, and now that I was reminded of his name, I can look into it:)
dorkbot said:
At about 25:00 in the video he makes the claim that, as a teenager, in July 1969, he met Stephen Hawking at Ohio State University and corrected his math. He then claims Hawking acknowledged him as a "brother" because they both received their math skillz through dreams. Surely Hawking will vouch for his bro....or is Hawking part of the coverup as well?

Stephen got corrected on a mathematical problem by one or more of his students before. He was sure he was right, but wasn't. I wonder if this had any influence on Adair's story.
Thanks for posting that...I watched the whole video -VERY informative- and I didn't write down the time slot, but he made one statement I have a problem with, and I would need further explanation. It may be nothing, but it is the part where he states Steven Hawkings came into the room and they talked equations on the chalkboard -and Adair mentioned the chalk was dropped, and Hawkings reached down and picked up the chalk. I would need more insight on that statement. Something doesn't add up on that...I posted a comment on the video under my other screen name SJCAlien and stated what I feel....which paraphrasing my own comments...."is either these people are all making this stuff up, or they are not...".........I've been involved in many things in my life, I have certain knowledge on a particular item, but I would never go on record on an interview like that if I wasn't telling the truth, and knew 'exactly' what I was talking about. It's so easy nowadays to uncover a fraud..............so one has to ask themselves,,,,what was his motive, and what are his benefits from telling that story. Lastly, and I've posted elsewhere here on this.......why is such a fantastic interview virtually ignored by the main stream media?

just my .02

.If interested.....re-load the video and at the 25:40 mark thru 26:45.......listen again and tell me what you think about the statements about Steven Hawkings.

Hawking's condition worsened over time so depending on when he claims he met Hawking, it's perfectly possible he was mobile and still able to speak on his own, albeit with some effort.
If you search around you'll see this guy has been telling this story for over ten years now. Since then nobody has been able to verify any of his many claims, even the ones that have nothing to do with ufos. People who have looked at his claims say he doesn't even know much more than buzz words about conventional rocket science.

I would say he has an above average memory for things he's read or watched on tv and is a fairly good storyteller but an absolutely terrible hoaxer. If he actually had eidetic memory it would be trivial for him to verify any questions about his claims or at least create a story that would be internally consistent and plausibly difficult to verify. Instead, he can't stop himself from telling whopper after whopper about stuff that's easily checked up on. At least Lazar came up with a W-2 form and is a pretty smart science geek. This guy is a bad Lazar wannabe with zero documentation who had a go at working the ufo circuit for fun, attention and profit. You see the same type of storyteller working the evangelical church circuit.

According to Art Bell, this was the guy's website: http://www.flyingsaucers.com/ Pretty impressive.

my .02
dorkbot said:
If you search around you'll see this guy has been telling this story for over ten years now. Since then nobody has been able to verify any of his many claims, even the ones that have nothing to do with ufos. People who have looked at his claims say he doesn't even know much more than buzz words about conventional rocket science.

I would say he has an above average memory for things he's read or watched on tv and is a fairly good storyteller but an absolutely terrible hoaxer. If he actually had eidetic memory it would be trivial for him to verify any questions about his claims or at least create a story that would be internally consistent and plausibly difficult to verify. Instead, he can't stop himself from telling whopper after whopper about stuff that's easily checked up on. At least Lazar came up with a W-2 form and is a pretty smart science geek. This guy is a bad Lazar wannabe with zero documentation who had a go at working the ufo circuit for fun, attention and profit. You see the same type of storyteller working the evangelical church circuit.

According to Art Bell, this was the guy's website: http://www.flyingsaucers.com/ Pretty impressive.

my .02

So is this alien coffee, and is it better than Starbucks? Anyway, I'm not a fan of Starbucks, actually.
Gene Steinberg said:
So is this alien coffee, and is it better than Starbucks? Anyway, I'm not a fan of Starbucks, actually.

If this is "The best coffee in the known universe®", then Starbucks' has to be about the worst. How about doing a show on the multitude of conspiracies and paranormal coincidences that surely were required for turning Starbucks into a successful coffee house company?
so, he's been telling this story for about 10 years now...ok, but what interests me, is he hasn't had the media coverage to really shoot him down and make it go away......all it would take would be one good TV series by an Investigative reporter to blow the lid off his cover.......but there hasn't been.

Even Peter Jennings farce show didn't even include him.......looking back now and having watched this show on re-runs,,,,it sure is obvious to me what Jennings show was designed to do. 1st hour, all glossy coverage - then the 2nd hour is all rip it to shreds and make everybody look like a fool, and throw doubt on everybody. The best story of Jennings show was the B-52 Crew - who encountered something near Minot ND......highly qualified to fly a B-52 and most likely with the ultimate weapon aboard, but totally discounted by the way the show was produced and protrayed, like they were too stupid to know what they were encountering outside the jet...........unbelievable that people still swallow that garbage that Jennings and his show produced. That Jennings would do such a show in the first place really intirgued me....after watching the 2nd hour of that show, I now know why!!


.02 worth
MarsAve said:
Even Peter Jennings farce show didn't even include him.......looking back now and having watched this show on re-runs,,,,it sure is obvious to me what Jennings show was designed to do. 1st hour, all glossy coverage - then the 2nd hour is all rip it to shreds and make everybody look like a fool, and throw doubt on everybody. The best story of Jennings show was the B-52 Crew - who encountered something near Minot ND......highly qualified to fly a B-52 and most likely with the ultimate weapon aboard, but totally discounted by the way the show was produced and protrayed, like they were too stupid to know what they were encountering outside the jet...........unbelievable that people still swallow that garbage that Jennings and his show produced. That Jennings would do such a show in the first place really intirgued me....after watching the 2nd hour of that show, I now know why!!


.02 worth

We recently had some 'conspiracy' shows on the BBC that followed a similar pattern - they spent the first half of each show 'building up' an argument supporting a conspiracy then spent the second half 'knocking it down'. It really was shocking to see how much stuff they left out...but it's the BBC, the pinacle of credibility, so 'the masses' will swallow it and sleep easy.
A.LeClair said:
Stephen got corrected on a mathematical problem by one or more of his students before. He was sure he was right, but wasn't. I wonder if this had any influence on Adair's story.
I think it is up to David Adair to prove his extraordinary claims like correcting Hawkins. It is not unusual for such claiments to make these claims to impress the gullible,. I, personally need more evidence than a rehash of previously doubtful claims out of Las Vegas years ago.
Apollonius said:
I think it is up to David Adair to prove his extraordinary claims like correcting Hawkins. It is not unusual for such claiments to make these claims to impress the gullible,. I, personally need more evidence than a rehash of previously doubtful claims out of Las Vegas years ago.

Correcting Hawkings isn't really an extraordinary claim. He's made some rather stupid mistakes, or expressed foolish ideas and changed his position multiple times.

1. Predicting the grand unified theory multiple times and not being right.

2. Saying time travel isn't possible because if it was, we would be visited by time travelers. I sent in a e-mail telling him that ufos might be time travelers. Or, that the time travelers might not want to be known. Later I saw him mention this (the ufo possibility) at the white house.

3. Saying all psychic phenomenon is rubbish because the controls used in a course he took was flawed. He should have concluded that the tests were flawed and made them better.

4. The math problem his student/s corrected him on numerous time before he finally admitted and/or figured out he was wrong.

That was just off the top of my head and I just woke up.

I agree David A. should back up his claims. Or, investigators need to fish it out.