Paranormal Adept
The informal interview of an alleged abductee is always interesting. Nonetheless, I take abductee narratives with a grain of salt because there's no real way to prove or disprove the story.
However, this episode with David Andrew evoked one thought for me (as a recommendation to such a guest in the future). This recommendation is "Prepare a chronological record of your experiences beforehand, and have it in front of you during the interview".
What I found a little annoying about this specific interview is that the narrative jumped all over time & place, with Gene and David needing to prompt D. Andrew to share experiences that he seemingly forgot until questioned (guess that is a sign of good interviewers!).
Nonetheless, the interview seemed to take a strange turn for me when it became a denunciation of 2 other famous professional alien contactees by D. Andrews. Did I really need to learn that Stan Romanek woke up in a dress that he thinks belonged to Betty Hill? OK, I admit that is an amusing bit of ufo gossip, but it seemed like D. Andrew's story had been pumped dry, and there was still a lot of air time left before concluding the interview. Therefore, the hosts had to let the discussion sort of ramble off into a putdown of Jim Sparks and Stan Romanek.
My humble opinion is that it would have been a more cohesive "tight" interview if the guest had his story down pat in a logical order, rather than speaking in an ad hoc manner. I say this as someone who has had some bizarre paranormal (?) experiences. Perhaps I am just talking to myself, because I have ironically never done so myself! But this episode has convinced me to create a file on the PC. Whenever another memory arises, I will add the story to the file. I am a bit scared and superstitious that doing so will cause a return of the events (I like to think they are over).
Anyway, enough rambling.
However, this episode with David Andrew evoked one thought for me (as a recommendation to such a guest in the future). This recommendation is "Prepare a chronological record of your experiences beforehand, and have it in front of you during the interview".
What I found a little annoying about this specific interview is that the narrative jumped all over time & place, with Gene and David needing to prompt D. Andrew to share experiences that he seemingly forgot until questioned (guess that is a sign of good interviewers!).
Nonetheless, the interview seemed to take a strange turn for me when it became a denunciation of 2 other famous professional alien contactees by D. Andrews. Did I really need to learn that Stan Romanek woke up in a dress that he thinks belonged to Betty Hill? OK, I admit that is an amusing bit of ufo gossip, but it seemed like D. Andrew's story had been pumped dry, and there was still a lot of air time left before concluding the interview. Therefore, the hosts had to let the discussion sort of ramble off into a putdown of Jim Sparks and Stan Romanek.
My humble opinion is that it would have been a more cohesive "tight" interview if the guest had his story down pat in a logical order, rather than speaking in an ad hoc manner. I say this as someone who has had some bizarre paranormal (?) experiences. Perhaps I am just talking to myself, because I have ironically never done so myself! But this episode has convinced me to create a file on the PC. Whenever another memory arises, I will add the story to the file. I am a bit scared and superstitious that doing so will cause a return of the events (I like to think they are over).
Anyway, enough rambling.